Chapter 904: return

Opening his eyes, Xiao Ran returned to Prometheus again. After a year, the mission of the Legion was finally over. The final result was the loss of more than 50% of the defense forces from the human side, and the successful contact with Els in an instant ended. The result was It’s not too good for humans, but it’s not too bad. They sacrificed so many people but they also avoided the demise of humans. ()
And Xiao Ran and all members of his Burning Legion only stayed for forty-eight hours after the battle, leaving behind a bunch of mess and leaving the world. As for the disappearance of the Frontier and the Burning Legion, what will happen? As a result, Xiao Ran didn't have time to bother, but before leaving, Xiao Ran also selected the military and government heirs, and Luo left all the information on the Burning Legion to the world.
The rewards for this mission were not huge. The merit points were less than 800,000, and the Legion’s materials were less than 160,000. These rewards were nothing to Xiao Ran, and even the personal random items for the mission rewards Xiao Ran also saw. After a glance, they were all thrown into the Legion Warehouse. Under his influence, Cruze, Luo, Basac and others in the team also put all the rewards they received into it. After all, those rewards have the highest item level. C-level, and there is nothing special, so it is of no use to them.
And in this mission, the real gain is probably the rewards of two random legions, the real dual furnace technology with the same frequency, the improved technology of gn solar furnace and particle compression storage, and finally the members of those legions The growth gained during this mission.
With this year’s mission, at least two-thirds of the new pilots can be successfully promoted to C-level. The rest will be promoted after the completion of the next mission. One more mission will be greatly improved. The strength of the members of the legion, and in Xiao Ran’s team, Luo and Naluo, who also joined the team a long time ago, successfully obtained the qualification to be promoted to the b-level pilot. As long as the team and the legion are strengthened, There will be two more b-class pilots among them.
It can also be said that Xiao Ran is satisfied in terms of harvest, but the investment in this mission is also not small. It is necessary to know that every missile used by the Border and the Burning Legion is actually exchanged for combat merit. Just in the final battle, the live missiles released by the two warships were worth hundreds of thousands of merit points, and basically consumed all the ammunition they carried.
In addition, in the execution of this legion mission, the bodies of the members of the legion were also destroyed without the body. As an internal mission of the legion, the damage of the members’ bodies is also responsible for them in the legion, and for those members who have no body. Providing new airframes and repairing and maintaining the damaged airframes also requires investment. In general, under Al Elf’s calculations, the total investment in a mission has exceeded one million combat points. Many, this is only the cost price, clearly showing the fact that war is to fight money.
But no amount of investment can compare to the satisfaction of the harvest. In Xiao Ran's view, even doubling the investment is not comparable to the gain.
The random rewards of the two legions are actually pretty good. One of them is the technical drawing used on the battleship. The battleship uses gn solar furnace energy technology. It is an upgraded version of the solar furnace energy technology used by the 00 world battleship. It is an independent large gn solar furnace. And the corresponding equipment and technology, it completely contains the technical information of the whole piece of energy for warships, and it can also supplement the gn particles for the close body loaded with the solar furnace in reverse, and of course it has the ability to release gn particles.
If the reward is useful, it is also somewhat useful. If it is useless, it is not so useful. It all depends on how to use the thing, and with whom to use it.
And the second reward is a bit special. There are three blood serums of the changer, each of which allows people to have the blood of the changer but only one person. It is the real changer rather than the blood of the changer that Xiao Ran once had. After seeing this reward, Xiao Ran also wondered whether other members of the Legion also received a similar changer blood serum in this mission. After all, everyone can get a reward, and the rewards they receive are also random. Yes, although most people are similar things like c-level parts and props, it is not impossible that lucky members get the blood of the changer, but the rewards of the legion are only the blood of a standard changer, personally I am afraid that the most rewards are the blood of changers.
When receiving this reward, Xiao Ran also asked anyone in his team who had the idea to become a changer, but no one was willing to use this item.
Kluzer is currently a new human, Basac originally has the Berserker bloodline and also has the undefeated heritage of the East, Ryuki No Saki is the blood of the magic envoy, Nalo has his own racial blood, and Graham has no idea to become a changer Interesting, Jigusi didn't feel anything about changing his noble lineage. Shiryllu's blood was somewhat better than the changer, and naturally it was impossible to change it, not to mention the bridge personnel such as Maru. Baidu search 3K Chinese network update faster!
The blood serum that can turn three people into changers is also highly valued by other teams, but it has become disgusted when placed in Xiao Ran, but Al Elf is also an ordinary person. Relying on his own brain to act as a staff member, but at some point, he will also take over the role of the reserve force. Although Al Elf doesn’t say that he doesn’t really need this thing, Xiao Ran is still from the three bloodlines. Left a copy for him.
If a simple changer does not have a solar furnace, it does not make sense to give this blood to Al Elf if he does not need to fight, but Xiao Ran still hardens his blood when he thinks of the first legion reward. Gave it to Al Elf.
In normal combat, Al Elf does not need to participate in frontal combat at all, and often chooses to stay on the battleship. And now with a large-scale gn solar furnace technology and corresponding equipment used by a battleship, if Al Elf can become a game changer, with the help of Al Elf’s powerful computing power execution capabilities, it can It's really not as simple as one plus one.
After being aware of this, Al Elf is not resisting strengthening the bloodline of the changer, but rather naturally chooses to accept it. He has already thought that if he becomes a changer, it will bring it if he becomes a changer and uses gn solar furnace technology on the battleship. What, he will become a real radar for an auxiliary battleship, and all the enemies covered by gn particles will be invisible.
It can help disperse gn particles to enhance Xiao Ran’s strength, and it will also become the main force of battleship defense and attack, which can greatly improve the combat capability of the Galaxy Diva, and if the Galaxy Diva is equipped with more gns after some transformations For the Dragoons, relying on the Galaxy Diva’s computer with Harrow’s assistance, the Galaxy Diva’s combat ability has increased by more than a half.
Al Elf even popped up in his mind countless tactics that can be developed by relying on the sun furnace, gn particles, gn dragoons, and the bloodline of the changer in a short period of time, and can even make warships achieve peace Justice Gundam is quantized to avoid the effects of enemy attacks.
And in the entire bridge, he is the only person with this time and ability. Bobby is responsible for steering, Moses and Billy are responsible for weapons and information, and Maru is responsible for the command of the entire battleship. There is really no other person besides him. The second suitable candidate.
Al Elf, the blood serum of the three-point change maker, took one, and the remaining two Xiao Ran also threw those unsatisfied items into the Legion Warehouse, but they were an existence that could not be exchanged for points. It also indicated that the two blood serums will be issued in the form of rewards.
After those legion members saw these two bloodlines, the jealous accounted for the majority. After all, the fact that Xiao Ran is the changer is not a secret to the entire legion. The changer is powerful, and the changer cooperates with the breeding cattle of the solar furnace. Forcing them to be very clear, quantization, the free operation of the gn dragoons is enough to make their combat effectiveness up to a large extent, and the Burning Legion has all the technology of the solar furnace, once the changer serum is exchanged, there is no need to worry about the solar furnace. The body will not get this kind of thing.
The fact that it can't be exchanged but exists as a reward also shows that it is necessary to contribute to the legion to get the serum of this changemaker.
There are many ways to obtain credit. For example, there are technologies that the Legion does not have, such as important props and materials that the Legion does not have. Maybe they can be exchanged from Xiao Ran. This also made everyone breathe. Fight for the blood of changers.
After returning to Prometheus, Xiao Ran gave all members of the legion a holiday. They were free to choose whether to enter the legion territory and continue the time for the next mission, and everyone in the legion would not be due to those combat points. And given up this opportunity, all chose to enter the legion territory to purchase the stay time.
During these detention times, they can use their time arbitrarily in the three worlds, Macross f, up to seed, up to 0079, and can also train in it, and even trigger new side missions in it. And to complete, especially Macross f, it will be easier to trigger the side missions with a great world view. Maybe all of them can grow into c-rank pilots before the next mission starts.
And Xiao Ran had to ask Luo to help those who don’t have the body to prepare a new body. He also asked Luo to maintain and replenish the body of all the crew. If you don’t buy the residence time in the territory, the time will be all you need. Not enough.
However, before heading to the camp domain, Xiao Ran also took Naluo, Luo, and Al Elf to the strengthening room. After paying a small amount of combat points, Naluo and Luo successfully advanced to the b-level pilot and improved the corresponding The skill level also strengthened the co-pilot specialization for the two of them. Naluo's sniper specialization rarely joins the frontal battle, so the deputy specialization chose a firepower specialization to increase his own. The ability to cover firepower.
Luo focuses on fighting specializations, choosing a support specialization, and with the red dragon maintenance parts he specially made for his own body, he can also play a great role in battle.
Al Elf has also successfully strengthened the bloodline of the changer, and greatly strengthened the spiritual attributes, and has the bloodline ability of the changer, but it is still a lot worse than Xiao Ran, at least quantized. Fortunately, Xiao Ran has already been ahead of him, and there is no shortage of solar furnaces. I believe it will not take long to truly master the abilities that belong to the changer.
After sending the body of the Legion members to be maintained, the Frontier and the Burning Legion to Lao Luo for maintenance, Xiao Ran and the others also entered the camp territory. Although the three territories have good technical capabilities, such as Luo, Basac, Ryukino Saki and the three of them are not completely within the technical system of the It is not as convenient to bring them back to the territory for maintenance as directly to Lao Luo.
Moreover, once the two battleships of the Frontier and the Burning Legion have to undergo a complete maintenance workload, it is also a great deal. It is more convenient to consume some combat merit points to Lao Luo, and it can ensure that there will be no problems at all, not to mention Luo Ye There are more important things to do.
Time soon passed after everyone entered the camp territory. In the research institute of the Moon Anaheim Company in the world of 0079, Luo wearing a mechanic uniform looked at the information compiled by Xiaoba and shook his head slightly. , And then looked at the Justice Gundam that was turned off and turned gray, and rolled his eyes.
"There are a total of four gaps in the shoulders on both sides, metal fatigue has reached its limit, more than 15 places of skeleton armor and key deformations, a total of seven points of energy output pipes leaking out of the whole body, and three places where the wires are broken. The thrusters must be replaced. , The output power of the thermonuclear energy engine is only 65 percent, and the skeleton has also suffered great damage. There are other messy problems, let’s not talk about it. What kind of operation will turn the body into this Look like."
Luo rolled his eyes and looked speechless, while Xiao Ba answered Luo's question: "The continuous explosive operation for more than an hour, the lack of time for the mechanical components to rest and heat dissipation is the key to the problem. The skeleton of the body Being behind cannot keep up with Xiao Ran's growth rate, and replacing the body is the only option."
"Yes, yes." Luo Pai said on his head: "The body must be replaced this time. Otherwise, it is better to rebuild a new one. The problem now is to find out how to maintain the body as much as possible under his explosive operation. A stable approach." (To be continued.)
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