Chapter 18: More possibilities

After a long time, the storm consisting of sharp fragments gradually stopped, and some of the chandelier left on the ceiling were violently torn down, and together with the wreckage of the coffee table, they were swept up to a corner.
Bian Chengbin blinked hard, lay back on the sofa back, and asked bitterly, "Why?"
"Host, you can quickly calm down, this system is very pleased." The system stretched out, strolling in circles in front of Cheng Bin: "Host you should remember, this system's analysis of the low-dimensional material world and Observation comes entirely from your own host.
When some operations in the inner domain are performed in a high dimension, the system cannot clearly know what is happening in the low-dimensional world, and can only observe the deviation of the world line at a macro level. "
所以 "So, this system just chooses the world line that is best for achieving the original goal. It is not intentional, and it is not known that your parents who will host this world line will die."
The original goal? Upgrade the dimension and then build a trans-universe information transmission device?
After Cheng Bin recalled silently, he already understood the meaning of the system somewhat--
At the key nodes, the system chose the world line that is most likely to achieve the goal. In this world line, he lost his family and almost all the social fetters, whether for himself or for the resurrection of his loved ones. Focusing on upgrading and focusing on knowledge and thoughts can achieve the system's purpose to the greatest extent possible.
As for what will happen to yourself on this world line, the system does not know and does not care.
"It's really cold ..." Cheng Bin sighed helplessly, so far, no matter how resentful the system is, it doesn't make much sense, except that he has no other path to choose from.
"Cold?" The system looked at Cheng Bin with that cute cat face, crooked his head and said, "Although a lot of knowledge was read from the host information body during the boarding process, this system is still for those of you humans. Persistent low-level physiological responses are difficult to understand. "
"Well, even if you can't understand it, but careful research is still available-if the system says so, will the host be happy?" The system suddenly jumped over Cheng Bin's shoulder and said softly in his ear: " Although, according to the short-sightedness of your human beings, your parents are indeed dead, but in the concept of this system, your parents have been alive. "
Cheng Bin stunned suddenly.
"Whether a soul of intelligent life still exists can represent the existence of this intelligent life, and the information of the soul of the host and your parents still exists in the river of time and space. Naturally, it is far from death, but the soul information is not Extending to this point in time, it is just a past for the host, so it is invisible. "
System pulled Cheng Bin's hair and tempted him: "Although you are far from being able to rise above time in the host, in terms of space, it is not without the other tributaries in which your parents are alive."
Inland parallel world!
Wu Chengbin jumped up from the sofa.
When Zheng Bin wanted to ask the system something, the doorbell of the villa suddenly rang.
After I glanced at the clock, Cheng Bin was surprised-it was time for lunch.
He pressed his excitement, Cheng Bin ran to the gate outside the yard, and after taking his lunch from the delivery brother, he quickly hurried back to the villa.
Put lunch on the long table in the restaurant, Cheng Bin opened the stool and sat down. After taking two deep breaths, he asked the following system: "Can you filter out other parallel worlds that my parents did not die?"
"It is still possible to perform some rough information screening in the inner domain." The system first answered, and then reminded Xia Bin: "But the host you just came back from the other inner domain world, I am afraid you need to stay in this world for a while, Wait until the inner core is stable before crossing again. "
"How long?" Cheng Bin frowned, and the system only reminded him that he could cross again after a half-month interval.
"Look at the situation," the system said, "This system will prompt the host when it is possible."
"Okay," Cheng Bin sorted out his emotional thoughts, and suddenly asked the system: "Does the other parallel world in the inner region shift to overlap with this world after I cross? If so, I cross to Is n’t the time and space in which the parents are still hurting the time and space themselves? "
"Not necessarily, it depends on your own willingness to host." It's just your willingness to be high-dimensional ... The system responds with a smile: "It's like the last Inner World No.2, because you host some of your ideas That world line has shifted in a farther direction. Now it seems that it has departed from the inner domain system and entered the scope of the outer domain. "
Last world? Cheng Bin froze, the world where he joined the state system and benefited endlessly?
"Wait," Cheng Bin suddenly thought of a question, "The system, after you said, it is possible to cross into the outer domain? And it is not that the idea is a physical cross, in that case ... Isn't it possible that I may encounter myself in the future? I will also have the original memories, systems, thoughts, etc.? "
"This system is the foundation that guarantees the stability of your high-dimensional information body, but it will not split apart. As for you in that world, you will be affected by the words and deeds of the host when you pass through it. It should still retain some abilities, but But it will not inherit the other worlds and those memories. "
"As far as leaving the inner domain system, the individual who is similar to you in the world is still not your own. This system does not count." The system looked at Cheng Bin with a profound meaning: "In infinite time and space, in an infinite parallel world, How to know yourself and grasp your heart, but every intelligent life must pass through difficulties. But the host you think of these too early, it is meaningless. "
I was me yesterday? Am I today?
These philosophical issues Cheng Bin felt a faint pain in his head when he thought about it-this is definitely not because of a cold! Absolutely not!
He touched the fast food box on the table and found that the temperature was not high. Cheng Bin simply let go of those messy thoughts and filled his stomach first-there is a key problem to be solved later. UU reading books www.
Uh ...
After finishing the repair, Cheng Bin threw away the coffee table and chandelier debris that had been smashed before venting his anger, locked the door of the villa and walked to the corner of the yard.
He didn't care to look directly at the brilliant sun, and the idea of ​​automatic operation weakened the intense sunlight to the extent that the eyeballs were not stimulated. Cheng Bin looked back at his own laboratory—mixed a few times in the national-level laboratory Secondly, the laboratory that he set up casually was simply horrible.
After Xu shook his head, Cheng Bin kicked his toes under the broad daylight, and the whole man rose into the sky!
At the moment of leaving the ground, the light around Cheng Bin suddenly distorted, his figure gradually blurred so that it completely disappeared into the air-with the help of many scientific researchers and large supercomputers in the top research institutions in the last country in the world, Cheng Bin was a lot The chanting ability has been perfected and developed, just like this kind of complete optical invisibility based on chanting light.
It can completely deflect visible light in all directions and different frequencies to make it unify around the body of the process without generating abnormal shapes, and leave enough light paths to expand the field of vision. The establishment of this complex model is based on Cheng Bin's knowledge level. Don't think about it, but it's only a few days with the help of the state.
Fortunately, Nianqi's computing power and intelligence are very powerful, Cheng Bin accepted the results and can use them directly.
Feeling the flying experience of the new version of the shield, no wind pressure, low inertia, constant temperature and constant oxygen flight experience, Cheng Bin could not help but feel a wave of waves-although the system chose him in the end, but compared to another one who joined the relevant departments of the country Can he really go further?
With this sigh of excitement, Cheng Bin ascended to the high altitude to identify his position, and fell towards the west of City C, towards the high-speed highway around the city, where the tragedy happened two years ago.
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