Chapter 25: Anchored high and low temperature

大 Oceania, September 20, 2017.
Cheng Bin, who was invisible, was flying in the low air carrying a travelling bag.
The panorama was continuously rotated and zoomed in front of Cheng Bin's eyes. Cheng Bin's eyes hovered on the ground, and soon a little red light caught his attention.
"found it."
Wu Chengbin extended and enlarged the panorama toward that point. Under the faint white smoke, a vaguely red pass appeared in front of him.
Decreased the flying speed and altitude, Cheng Bin leaned closer to the ground and leaned towards that mouth.
Surrounded by rugged rocky peaks, an irregular circular notch with a diameter of hundreds of meters goes straight to the ground. Dark red magma roars and roars at the bottom of the pass, and waves of heat are spreading along with smoke and dust.
Cheng Chengbin slowly landed on the edge of the mouth, and looked down on the crisp rock probe.
Wu Nianqi took off the functional drink from the backpack behind him. After Cheng Bin took the sip twice, he suddenly heard a human conversation sound after filtering the panorama.
It's sloppy ... seems to be a language that the translation software doesn't recognize.
Wu Chengbin glanced sideways, and four young foreigners in climbing gear climbed over the top of the mountain.
Three men and one woman.
Cheng Chengbin didn't want to bother them. Who knew that the woman pointed at him and said something to them, and then the other three also looked at Cheng Bin at the same time.
"咦?" Cheng Bin froze, how did they see themselves?
Take out the panorama and look at it from a third perspective. Cheng Bin found that the temperature of the crater may be too high and the humidity too low. The invisible effect of the curved light on his body was greatly reduced. From the perspective of those people, he could just see his slightly distorted fuzzy figure. .
Anyway, to see Cheng Bin simply don't cover it anymore. After gently dissolving the Qiqi Qu light, Cheng Bin nodded to them, and then, with a "more sensitive" ordinary person's hand, stood toward the crater from the standing hilltop. Climbed down.
Four foreign youths were stunned for a while, watching the dark-haired, yellow-skinned Asian youth descending on the heatwave smoke to the safety platform closest to the magma without any safety measures.
The chaos of chaos was up from the beginning, and Cheng Bin faintly heard a tone like "empty no" ...
With a black face, his eyes narrowed, Cheng Bin shook his head and turned his attention back to the lava pool in front of him.
The panoramic view penetrated into the tumbling magma, but only advanced a short distance and was completely isolated.
"How the panorama is integrated is also based on my five senses. If it is blocked by a large area, the effect is limited."
After trying many times, Cheng Bin gave up and continued to deepen, and he resignedly said to himself: "The integration of soul and mind is still too low. If it can work by mathematical positioning, I will anchor the high temperature point directly Land accounts. "
Nianqi spread along the known part of the panorama, arrived at the magma to detect the boundary, stopped there, and began to identify the surrounding hot materials.
After solidifying the desired effect in the magma pool, Cheng Bin pulled out a piece of bright silver metal from his backpack.
After the thought was attached to it, Cheng Bin threw the metal block to the ground, and then his thoughts moved. The thought in the magma immediately penetrated the thought in the metal block. The hot temperature of the lava passed through the thought stably. .
The metal block glowed white and quickly turned into a pool of molten metal.
"The melting point of metallic lead is also a few hundred degrees Celsius, and this melting speed ..." Cheng Bin estimated this by looking at the scene. "The magma temperature here is close to two thousand degrees Celsius. The heat transfer efficiency of gas is much lower than the conversion of kinetic energy. Ah, but it is enough. "
When Cheng Bin was about to finish his work, there were several people screaming from the top of his head. When he looked sideways, he saw a dancing figure falling through the smoke and falling down to the lava pool!
It turned out that in the time after Cheng Bin went down, one of the above foreigners played a spirit of stubbornness and stubbornness. He planned to climb inside the crater and let his companions take pictures of him, as Cheng Bin did before. It goes without saying.
The response time left by Cheng Bin was not too much. He subconsciously launched his mind to slow down the falling man's speed, and then Cheng Bin flew towards the rock wall with the support of his mind.
斌 When Cheng Bin grabbed one of the falling men's side, holding one hand, and slamming his hands on the rock wall, he threw a hand, and threw it to the platform where Cheng Bin had stood before--
Looking at the position, the point of this goods is the beach of metal lead that has not yet solidified ...
Chengbin Bin said that he was definitely not intentional. Besides, it is better to burn himself with toxic toxic substances than burn them in magma.
Cheng Bin, who was a dead man, flew through a circular arc on the rock wall of 70 or 80 degrees by reaction and energy. After the speed slowed down, he put his hand on the protruding rock, and a few climbed. Out of the mountain pass.
Another burst of excitement came from Dory.
What Cheng Bin heard was another one--alas, Chinese culture spreads widely. "Love is empty" or something, it's better than exposure to fly ...
Cheng Chengbin glanced at the three incoherent foreigners outside the mountain pass and walked around the mountain rock.
After the urn was far away from the crater, Cheng Bin confirmed that the stealth effect was good and he did not look at him. Then the whole man rose into the sky and flew towards the south.
Cheng Bin didn't notice much, the fruit phone that the foreign girl just held in her hand was still in the camera state.
Uh ...
The next day, a video was reprinted wildly on major video and social platforms-
At first it seemed to be a normal tourist climbing video. In the middle, a period of live volcanic magma scenes was shot, followed by the classic crooked nuts as the dead link ... and the figure with a huge backpack that had been swayed in the video before. That's not human-like extreme rescue, and the video ends with the photographer's gratitude and tracing.
Although the video was blurred due to hand shake and volcanic smoke, the backpacker who fell from the man to the yellow-haired brunette eventually climbed out of the mountain pass, and the entire process was completely photographed.
In the face of this movie-like fast and smooth Superman action, a wave of comments quickly appeared on the Internet, praising 666, and questioning the true and false ~ ~ but this trend Half a day later, suddenly all kinds of other news and naval forces died down.
By the second day, this video even disappeared directly on the public Internet.
Many people started investigating in secret. Who is the Asian man who has not been photographed in front?
As for the protagonist Cheng Bin ... he has not been online for the past two days and has not noticed that it happened.
He is currently in Antarctica.
It's freezing cold and covered with white awns.
Cheng Chengbin narrowed his eyes with the light reflected from the ice layer. He lowered the intensity of the light received by his eyes and glanced around in the air.
合适 The appropriate heat is constantly transmitted from the anchored high temperature point of the crater, so that the temperature control layer around Cheng Bin's body can always maintain a suitable temperature near the pole of minus tens of degrees Celsius.
Xu Rao observed the nearby monitoring stations and creatures with interest. Cheng Bin chose a suitable place to land on the ice.
After a trip to the crater, Cheng Bin's purpose of coming to the South Pole is not difficult to guess-he came to anchor the low temperature point. You must know that in space, it is not only cold when it is severe, but it faces the sun without any buffer. It will be very cruel when it heats up.
Compared with magma, the blocking effect of the ice layer on the panorama is much lower, but even so, Cheng Bin melted a channel through high temperature, and then solidified the deep temperature of the glacier with the air of low temperature to satisfy him.
毁 After destroying the small passage that went in, Cheng Binzhong suffered a second heart attack, and in the Antarctic ice layer, the flames and frosts of the hands were agitated, and he flew back to high altitude.
The air crossed the body's body along the streamline of water droplets. In the continuous acceleration, he quickly broke through the sound barrier, and rushed away with shock and white waves towards the direction of China, which was marked out by the panoramic icon.

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