Chapter 250: Negative 3-dimensional space and apostolic civilization

Under the guard of several gun guards, Wu Yuantang, who was riding in the oblique downward track, took a deep, weary breath, behind his reflective spectacle lenses, there were thick black circles and bags under the eyes.
He worked almost sleeplessly during this time, but he stabilized the mess.
As a powerful SEELE player, Wu Yuantang was almost going to become its core member. About ten years ago, Wei Wei integrated into the first machine and when he proposed a human completion plan for SEELE, he began to plan to betray SEELE.
In order to achieve the purpose of quite different expectations from SEELE, this rather clever man has infiltrated the various organizational units of SEELE little by little in ten years.
After SEELE's group of undead violently crushed by the first machine, this organization that secretly controls the world lost its mind and fell into chaos, causing great turmoil.
Seizing this opportunity, the well-prepared Wu Yuan Tang started his own hidden line and took over more than half of SEELE's legacy. NERV not only was not liquidated due to the problem of the first machine, but also expanded aggressively.
Even with the disappearance of the apostle threat, NERV retained its extra-legal status in wartime and established a special economic and military system with SEELE.
But all this is not easy.
The rail car drove out of the dark tunnel and entered the bright hollow where NERV headquarters was located. Wu Yuantang immediately looked out of the window in the direction of the pyramid-shaped headquarters.
Next to the artificial lake next to the headquarters of the pyramid, there is a huge vertical shaft hidden underneath. The purple unicorn giant sits cross-legged with one hand and presses the huge red spiral double-pointed spear lying horizontally on the ground. A faint halo above his head flickered.
He looked at the researchers and a large number of instruments around the first machine, and Wu Yuantang sighed slightly.
SEELE originally had the idea of ​​finding trouble for him, but was put on hold because the first machine was copied at the speed of light. After the core of SEELE collapsed, the following organizations should not be too greedy for NERV or apostles and EVA-related technologies.
At that time, the island forces had easily invaded NERV headquarters with a command before SEELE collapsed.
防御 The NERV headquarters defense mechanism designed against the apostles is completely fragile in front of human beings.
He lifted the ban on unlimited firing power, and paralyzed the NERV's central control system into an underground hole in preparation for a massacre.
非常 They very "cleverly" encountered the first machine that blasted through the EVA ejection channel and fell into the artificial lake.
Then ... there is no then.
真嗣 In the minds of more and more reincarnation memories and inexplicable skills, there is no lack of planet-level detection and precise strike capabilities.
So Wu Yuantang reached the pinnacle of his life in his career, thanks to his blessed son, although he didn't want these things ...
After solving the invasion of the army, the No. 1 aircraft broke through the defense mechanism of the final dogma without stopping.
After suppressing the operation of a large number of N2 explosives in the inside, the first machine went down to the bottom, pulled out the gun of Langinus, which was used to restrain Lilith's body, and devoured the remaining half of Lilith's body.
The first machine with the gun of Langinus became even more scary, and his ability to control his AT force field and various changes also took a leap. He even suppressed his awakening even after slamming Adam embryos. impulse.
After the first flight, the first machine has been quietly beside the NERV headquarters. It has been confirmed that Xiu Xun, who owns Adam's soul, and Li Boli, who lives with Lilith's soul, are controlled by its strict supervision.
"True, Wei ..."
Wu Yuantang took a deep look at the first machine before the railcar entered the next tunnel. The first machine clearly maintained a certain level of human spirit. It has been confirmed in trials that it is still controlled by 碇真嗣, in preliminary communication. The traces of Yuwei in the first machine have also been confirmed.
"What are you waiting for?"
Uh ...
The first machine slightly leaned his head and looked at the gray-haired boy sitting on a rock by the lake with a fishing rod and fishing.
Xun Xun does not seem to be worried about his future, even if the first machine holding the gun of Longinus may be easily torn and devoured at any time, he is very familiar with the people of NERV to get a lot of things Kill time.
葛 Ge Chengmiri, who was busy being a dog outside because he was caught by a commander, has just returned to the headquarters. At this moment, he and researcher Ryoko are inquiring about the first machine.
Ignoring Miri's tentative enthusiastic greetings, the first machine shifted his sights. His eyes looked at the lower floor of NERV headquarters through various obstacles. He wore a blue-haired girl Li Boli, who was lying in a medical room and flipping books, and went deeper. I looked around at a group of three blue-haired girls who were undergoing physical rehabilitation—the other clones of the same period as Li Boli.
Finally, he glanced over the tarmac of Unit 2 and glanced at the blonde girl who was trying to improve the synchronization rate.
Compared with the various tragic endings in Samsara, the situation is very good now, and Shinji dares not to expect more.
But how long can this happiness last?
The first machine looked up at the semi-transparent halo on his head, and at all times did not leave the finger of Langinus's right hand.
It's been a long time since the other apostles and SEELE were cleaned up ... time ...
"It's almost time ..." 渚 Xun muttered, put down the fishing rod without any harvest in his hand, and looked back at the first machine.
Perceives the keen trueness 嗣 Hear 渚 Kaoru's words, the first machine turned his eyes to the gray-haired boy, the giant and the boy looked at each other, and at the same time they noticed the strangeness of the other.
However, the time limit for reincarnation has come.
In an instant, the souls of Adam and Lilith released endless energy, their boarding bodies were evaporated instantly, and the two souls teleported along the four-dimensional slit to their fused body—the first machine.
The gun of Longinus is like a gene disintegrating in a spiral, as if the roots of a plant had eroded into the body of the first machine.
Shinji, who became the core of deified awakening, desperately restrained her energy response, but her body was transformed into pure white light uncontrollably, and her body shape began to gradually expand.
人类 All human beings lost their solution in the form of orange-red at the same time, and billions of Lilith's souls carrying human memory fragmented into the sky and the red light rose.
The ground where NERV headquarters is located splits deep canyons in four directions, and the black moon rises from the ground under the rotation of infinite red light, sweeping the chests of all giant human souls immersed in light.
The original halo above the No. 1 head went up to the sky, and under the action of the energy that exceeded the limit, it spread endless red and black ring ripples. A deep black appeared at the center of this broad ripple, and quickly expanded into an unobservable Black round surface.
Originally, the giant of light with the true features and the characteristics of the first machine disappeared. The head broke through the atmosphere, and the soles of the feet penetrated the ground. Twelve shining wings opened behind it, and they silently roared.
"It's finally started ... Lilith and the human beings have been integrated, but Samuel hasn't come out yet? Let alone ..."
On the network of thousands of light-years of experimental planet warships that are widely distributed around the earth, countless data records are accumulated at an explosive rate.
By deeply infiltrating the thoughts on the first machine of Awakening, Cheng Chengbin recorded the changes of all material energy and soul information during his deification process, and performed speed and volume data analysis and simulation experiments with the help of Bai.
不是 He didn't think about letting Shinji devour 渚 Kun and 绫 Boli in advance to trigger the completion of deified awakening. After all, not every restarting method will touch Gav's door.
However, once the true soul algorithm of Shinji remains unwilling to do so, it is also worth observing that the passive restart until the fifteen-year time limit is a priority. Fortunately, the change of Gaff's Gate is as good as killing two birds with one stone.
The range of the black lintel in the middle of the heavy ripples is getting wider and wider. The light wing behind the first machine that has completely turned into a human shape suddenly extends into that darkness, as if it has become a transmission between the first machine and the black curtain. Something pipeline.
The space-time around Gaff's Gate was sharply twisted. The material on the ground surface was generally anti-gravity and shattered. Then the whole earth was disintegrated in a distorted space-time. The debris of material was like a black hole. Nearby infinite refinement until disappeared
The first machine was submerged into the six pairs of light wings of Gaff's Gate, and the endless vacuum zero generated by the air suddenly appeared extremely complicated and regular changes. Some information emerged from the vacuum into the first machine with vacuum energy as the carrier, and some information from the beginning The energy transformed into change on the plane was immersed in a quantum vacuum.
"This is ..." Seeing the instantaneous information exchange between Gaff's Gate and the First Deification Machine, Cheng Bin couldn't help but stun, "So it is ..."
The Gaffa Gate closed instantly, the Giant of Light began to expand endlessly, and the infinite light once again filled the starry sky with a range of tens of light years.
Looking at the earth that was reshaped again after the light faded, Cheng Bin thought with contemplation, and gathered a large number of records and experimental data to him for the final integrated analysis.
A black and white moon like a hotbed of chaos, humans without parallel interference, apostles with different parallel interference shapes, humanoid Xun Xun and Lilith, repeated reincarnation, lurking Samael ...
Combining a large amount of observation and experimental data, Cheng Bin has guessed the truth behind this world's reincarnation.
"No wonder the system will ask me to choose a position, does this mean it ..."
Cheng Chengbin opened his eyes and sighed: "I thought that the humans in this world are the target civilization tossed by external interference ...
"... It turns out that human beings are just tools for interference. The apostles are really targeted ..."
Uh ...
There is a certain difference between the Gate of Gaffa and Cheng Bin, but it is indeed connected to the anti-universe.
However, the method is not to construct a four-dimensional channel that can pass through matter by twisting space-time, but to use a similar channel that is natural in the core of a black hole to repeatedly extract energy in a special way and bombard it into a quantum vacuum to form corresponding energy at the end of the negative energy level in space. Shock.
The Gaff's Gate is not a passage or a gate, but a convention, a special communication protocol set up after a four-dimensional vacuum zero-point energy extraction device is docked on both sides of the positive and negative spaces, and the vacuum zero-point energy is used as a carrier.
Nian Qi's ability is subject to Cheng Bin's cognition, but this also means that Nian Qi can rely on Cheng Bin's cognition to transcend various restrictions.
So even if Gaff's Gate does not really open a channel for transmitting material energy between the positive and negative universes, the information passed on can still be used by qi.
Cheng Bin, who analyzed the information, let his thoughts follow the transmitted information to the negative space filled with antimatter, and attached to the material carrier on which the information was.
Although the physical environment on the negative side is very different from the original space, after all, it is like two sides of a coin, which is still essentially one and belongs to the same world.
斌 Cheng Bin, who has a wealth of knowledge and lack of computing power, found similar material identification methods and corresponding physical formulas that meet the environment of negative space without much time according to similar laws and some same or opposite parameters.
This study of seeking common ground in differences has greatly enriched Cheng Bin's knowledge system and allowed him to have a deeper understanding of the whole world.
However, in a hurry, Cheng Bin, a complex tool such as a complex subspace four-dimensional combat platform and a neutron star body, could not get it here.
After simply constructing a body with antimatter and loading a lot of special sensing modules on it, Cheng Bin began to observe the specific situation of this negative space.
Gravity, or time and space, should be the thing with the most similar spatial characteristics on both sides, or even exactly the same.
The gravitational analysis with the addition of a shallow four-dimensional offset quickly feedbacks the overview of this negative space.
"so small..."
Compared to the vast and boundless normal space, the cosmological material distribution range here is so small and pitiful. The energy density of matter has reached a terrible level. Even the place with the lowest energy response is comparable to the interior of the star. No wonder Cheng Bin feels that I had a hard time building my body before.
With the comparison of data in negative space, Cheng Bin soon understood the nature of dark matter and dark energy in positive space, which is actually a macro manifestation of the space-time correlation between positive and negative space.
正 In positive space, dark energy consumes dark matter to accelerate the expansion of the universe ~ ~ towards the end of all materialization into nothingness.
In this negative space, the "dark matter" is constantly growing, attracting the entire universe of matter, and finally forming a dense mass of matter with almost no "vacuum", which is constantly collapsing towards infinitely small singularities.
One swells and one shrinks, one ushers in a large tear and one collapses into a singularity.
According to Cheng Bin's calculations, continue to follow this trend, the positive and negative space is likely to complete the cycle in a drastic change, the negative space that collapses into a singularity will expand infinitely in the big bang, and the positive space will stop expanding. Shrink to collapse.
"It feels like positive and negative space is like a strange space-time spring, or a seesaw ..."
After Cheng Bin completed his preliminary observations, he archived the newly learned things and then began to focus on another important thing—
Even in this extreme environment of high density and high energy, totally unsuitable for the birth of life, there are still a large number of living creatures cruising in the high volume of the ocean.
These lives have various types of appearances, and even some are directly constructed by regular energy flows.
They have a large number of divisions of labor and cooperation, striving to survive in an extremely sinister environment that is always more sinister.
They are undoubtedly a kind of intelligent life, and the complex technology and peculiar aesthetic culture reflected in their bodies living in high-energy oceans are obviously intelligent life with bright civilization.
Looking at the huge monsters surrounding him, Cheng Bin sighed: "Is this the goal of Samal? The apostle civilization in negative space ..."
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