Chapter 313: The biggest enemy in the region and the first time shuttle

Cheng Bin remembers very clearly that before he entered the SCP Foundation's world, the system also reminded him not to take too much interest in certain things in the world and delay the original purpose.
However, now this little black cat is familiar with Dr. T, and he also promised him an extremely difficult agreement.
Cheng Bin does not think that the system will be a guy who casually talks, so if you think about it carefully, the system reminds him not to care about it before entering the world. In fact, it is a tragedy of civilization at a certain point in the world or for a period of time. This shows that the system is long clear. Knowing the battlefield conditions, he also expected that he would try to make a timeline roaming plan here.
On this basis, Cheng Bin also probably wanted to understand what methods should be used to build his own observation experiment system.
However, Cheng Bin does not know how much Dr. T has done for this agreement, but he knows that it is extremely difficult for him to complete this agreement and help humanity and the Foundation to continue.
The existence of three high-dimensional people and the stalemate of their relatives make the world seem calm at this point in time, but the total amount of high-dimensional interference they have invested has far exceeded the upper limit of Cheng Bin ’s thoughts.
With unparalleled cosmic cognition and depth of interference, Cheng Bin can protect himself in the monstrous tsunami like small superalloy beads, and even break up some existing teeth, but he has no ability to influence the changing trend of the ocean. Not to mention protecting other people in the perilous sky.
Unless Cheng Bin clears the last two levels on the spot and completes the upgrade in an optimal state, he wants to grab three powerful high-dimensional life hands that can move and fight on the multiple world line timeline and grab these more and more. The bet originally guaranteed the continuity of mankind and the foundation, that is absolutely impossible.
However, Cheng Bin will be able to complete the last, most critical and most dangerous step of upgrading under the watchful eyes of many powerful people. If he really dares to upgrade in the world on the side of the SCP Foundation, he will fail 100%. His best result was also shredded by multi-dimensional high-dimensional life into one or many of his many dependents.
After Cheng Bin deduced for a long time, the most secure way to implement the contract that can be thought of is to let the lives of many worlds be destroyed by the carrier, and turned into pure information. He was taken away from the high-dimensional battlefield, and he found a safe place to "resurrect" or create. .
Not to mention that this is not much different from death for low-dimensional creatures. Can people accept it? Even if they accept it, it is not so simple to do these things. The humans in these worlds are not pure natural life. In itself, it is used as a tool for the erosion of the heavenly side to transform the power of the immortal lizard, and the SCP Foundation is the focus of the distortion of the forces on both sides.
Many high-dimensional costs during the war were lost here. How could Cheng Bin want to get things done in this area so easily?
Of course, if you abandon all your concerns, there is no way to draw a salary at the bottom of the pot ... just the consequences of doing so ... no wonder the system will specifically remind him before entering the world, if it is not the doomsday fault pressure, this kind of loss He won't take the initiative to promote things ...
Cheng Bin's gaze at Dr. T in front of him was quite strange. The playfulness and compassion in it made the man in the white coat feel pressured and uncomfortable.
Dr T couldn't help asking: "What are you thinking? What plans do you have next?"
"I wonder what it's like to travel through time," Cheng Bin said, strangely. "If things really go according to my plan, you haven't had a heartbeat for so long running upstream and downstream?"
"I can only perceive interference at a single point of time ... Besides, because it is agreed that I always appear in front of you as the last-order consciousness carrier, and I do not know how this little black cat defines the time of your main consciousness Point. "Speaking of time shuttles, Dr. T was also a little confused.
"Well?" Cheng Bin was a bit surprised. "I'm not surprised you can't see my body, but it wasn't already when you reset the timeline a few times ..."
Cheng Bin paused and then sighed: "Forget it, no matter how perfect the theory is, you can't get the correct result without practicing it yourself. Can your current ability take me back to the past? A second ago."
Dr. T shook his head: "Strictly speaking, I do not have the ability to shuttle time. I am only a projection of the body that continuously drops and dissolves at different points in time. Except for the power of the objects that act on my body, I do not Maybe something else crosses the timeline, because that process is not a cross. "
Cheng Bin nodded his head to express his understanding, and then informed Dr. T of his plan.-In the case of entanglement and stalemate in the high-dimensional life spanning time and space, the rules of this containment are twisted like eating and drinking. There is no action at all. Can be concealed.
Dr. T glanced at Bai, who was standing aside. After saying hello to Cheng Bin, the figure disappeared from the place and went to prepare the things needed for Cheng Bin's plan. After all, improving Cheng Bin's ability is to increase the possibility of fulfilling the agreement. Sex, he was quite positive about it.
The girl in a white skirt standing quietly at the corner of the room turned her eyes, and Cheng Bin, who had a white look, received a list of all the SCP Foundation's current and practically valuable containment items. And its specific analysis report.
While carefully browsing this document where certain content would have special effects just by browsing, Cheng Bin communicated with the system.
After describing the words of Samael and the Immortal Lizard, Cheng Bin directly asked the little black cat on the armrest: "Is Samael the high-dimensional world intelligence they provide credible?"
"Basically it's all truth, except for a little missing about the situation on the side of the immortal lizard," said the system black cat shaking his head. "Due to the difference in body weight, it is impossible for us to have many details in the high-dimensional world. Exploring clearly ... "
The system paused, instead of talking directly to Cheng Bin's human avatar, but through loading his mind, a part of the information was loaded into the dedicated interface reserved by Cheng Bin's ontology.
"... But there is a host you have to figure out-the one who came last is actually not for the immortal lizard to join the battlefield, but for you host."
After receiving this information, Cheng Bin froze a bit: "What do you mean? It was because of me that the Infinite Lord entered the high-dimensional battlefield?"
"Why do you think the system needs to make an agreement with the people of the SCP Foundation? Dr. T thought that we needed him to help maintain the timing, but in fact it was just a detail ..." The black cat shook his head and said, "The most important purpose, In fact, he asked him to solidify that SCP-X file about you in the cognition of the SCP Foundation within a certain time and space, and incorporate it into its core database. "
Cheng Bin recalled the data of the O5 Council of the SCP Foundation's highest leadership structure, which he collected in the past. He thought of the information about O5-1, which is the incarnation of the SCP Foundation, so he controlled the body to sink his eyes to the bottom of the world and looked carefully. A series of rules and nets intertwined with countless objects, and observed the interaction and changes between those objects with different styles on both sides of Heaven and Immortal Lizard, and then he had a vague understanding of the purpose of the system.
"As a high-dimensional battlefield, almost every variable in this world is under the control of the participants. Hosting your main consciousness as the core and probe of your high-dimensional information body, how can you intervene in the world here without being affected? Are there other traces that have been traced to the inner area? "
After a pause, the system revealed the answer: "The SCP Foundation itself is the most powerful containment in the world. It is a tool for heaven to capture the residual power of the monster that transformed into the predecessor of the immortal lizard. Through the O5 Council, you can breathe. Put a layer of the shell of the monster that was the predecessor of the Immortal Lizard, so unless the high-dimensional war is over and the remains are taken over and integrated by the victor, it is impossible for other high-dimensional life to trace the information in the inner region through the channel of thought.
"So the Lord of Infinite who chased me came directly to and intervened with the scramble for monster remains?" Cheng Bin asked after a moment of groaning. "Have the world ever experienced such troublesome things before? Why did that guy chase after him?" Holding me? "
The system solemnly said: "There are no major problems in the other worlds we have experienced in the past, but we have been aware of it in the vitality world. At that time, we used the same operation as here to attract the white body of the incarnation Hongjun. The attention of the Infinite Lord temporarily avoided recourse.
"The isolation and defense system in the inner area is also okay. This system also helps the host to erase traces, so it is difficult for general high-dimensional creatures to trace back, but the Infinite Lord is an exception. For the inner area, it is special and not Will let us go. "
Cheng Bin felt a little dignified: "Special? Why?"
"Host, won't you forget? The information of the most holy saints at the source of the universe is radiating downstream of the time axis, accompanied by the release of a large number of power nodes and family members, in an inestimable time from the perspective of the universe. , Almost all world lines of the entire universe are indirectly controlled by the Supreme Holy One ... "
After the system paused, the most critical question was said: "So, where do you think the uninvolved inner world comes from?"
"Developed before the terminal died ..." After a little thought, Cheng Bin understood the meaning of the system, "... So, the section of the world line cluster in the inner domain was originally in the sphere of influence of the infinite master? Terminal Is it a free space made with the resources it grabs? "
"It's worse than that," the system black cat sighed. "The Lord of Infiniteness is just a child node allocated by a Supreme Holy One from the source of the universe within this timeline. Later, the information of the saints directly parasitized the terminal remains, and the newly born high-dimensional life was finally born ...
"The relationship between the Infinite Lord and the terminal is roughly the same as the relationship between the Immortal Lizard and the monster dismembered by heaven, so the host you should know, the inner domain that is also the terminal heritage and how important we are to it Right? It has never given up its actions to find and embezzle everything in the Inner Domain.
"Time in the world does n’t make much sense, but for the entire universe, the underlying units have been constantly changing, since the terminal opened up the inner domain. As the cosmic time continues to pass, the inner domain situation in the slit will be It is becoming more and more dangerous, and at any time, it may be deeply invaded and controlled by the Most High Holy One, or directly dug out by the closely-related infinite master ...
The system black cat said, "Host, you don't have much time."
No wonder the system always intentionally or unintentionally guides itself to strengthen the cognition of the world, and rarely gives him the opportunity to expand the technical products that can be developed at various levels. In the case of limited time, depth is indeed more important than breadth.
After receiving the information from the system, Cheng Bin could not help but surface the one he saw in the inner core of the dark moon in the past, unable to describe the large and near light ball ...
Originally, the warning information left by the terminal through the black moon was directed to the Lord of Infinite ... I do n’t know if there is any key information at the core of the black moon that can be used to fight against it, such as the essential form that can be used for positioning Description or something ...
Cosmic time and world time ... The relationship between the two is a bit complicated, but in simple terms, the time in the world can be manipulated at will in the hands of high-dimensional life, but at least the cosmic time is in this universe. It is irreversible.
After all, world time is only one of the important dimensions of the underlying unit of the universe, and cosmic time is a description of the interactive evolution process of the underlying unit of the universe when looking at the macro level of the universe as a whole. Unless there is a larger box, Otherwise, it must be false information at the conceptual level.
I just don't know what the source of the universe that the Supreme Saints are fighting for is.
Cheng Bin, deeply embedded in the operation of the Grand Unified Field, is thinking about the mysteries of the universe, the world, and time and space, while using his own power to twist the SCP Foundation special base a little, a name provided specifically for him toss. Contains time machine.
Dr. T and O5-13's time-related life form transformation is completely a death act of giving up treatment. Cheng Bin cannot learn from them, so he can only do it by himself.
Originally Cheng Bin also wanted to try to use the more convenient new style to contain the dragon ball or something, but although these things have different operating principles in the prototypes that match each fantasy work ~ ~, they work in the bottom of this world The style of the painting is completely the same, closely related to the Lord of Infinite, and the inherent risk will be a little higher, so Cheng Bin finally gave up.
"However, there is a slight difference in the characteristics of the rule between the contents contained in the single-point world and those contained in the parallel world and the time axis ... even if I analyze this time machine and remove the restrictions, it is fundamental. It is still necessary to rely on the crystallization of high-dimensional forces to indirectly affect the quantum bubble to achieve time-dimensional movement ... "
Cheng Bin groaned for a while. After completing the analysis of the world machine, he began to use thought to replace the power of the original world devourer in its core operation. The shuttle time must undergo the transformation of high-dimensional information bodies as in the past. In the process, he didn't want to send himself to others in this critical step.
Compared with the indirect makers of these containments, Cheng Bin has more flexibility and freedom in understanding and using the underlying principles. The process of replacing the source of power is quite smooth. By the way, he also removed some negative effects and restrictions of this containment. .
But the most important point is that Cheng Bin can't help it-this containment object can only be operated against ordinary creatures. It is impossible to move his body in the unified field to other points in time.
"Although the timing problem is not particularly important, the impact on consciousness cannot be ignored. It is necessary to use the anchored consciousness to start the" Cheng Bin "shuttle for the first time. Before starting the experiment, write a convenient state for your soul. The established general agreement is coming out. Fortunately, in the past, I have kept various soul algorithm verification programs ... "
After completing a series of preliminary preparations, a special human body appeared in a special containment room. Cheng Bin looked at this old-fashioned instrument that was not sci-fi at all, and then stepped into its central warehouse ...
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