Chapter 393: The temptation of the young paladin and the source of holy light

On this continent, or in many respects, there is a kind of person who is most popular and disgusted by the people.
That is the samurai who walks around and constantly punishes and removes evil and evil spirits, especially the samurai who believe in the God of justice and courage.
In the face of evil threats, the existence of paladins can always stabilize people's hearts. They are the strong shields standing in front of the front, the sharp swords hanging on the heads of demons, and are worthy of being relied upon.
But in daily life, except for the desperate and truly innocent people, people always avoid the samurai like a viper, especially those younger-looking samurai.
Because the inexperienced and young reckless paladin can't tolerate even the existence of a little evil, they identify the magic spells of the camp with one hand, and wield the big sword with one hand to break the evil, so that everyone can escape.
In this world, from the civilians at the bottom to the king at the top of the right, who has never thought of evil? How many people have not implemented it at one time?
Who didn't do anything wrong with the merchant who controlled the loan? Who didn't force the tragedy to collect the tax?
Who in this world dares to touch his heart and say that he has never done bad things in the usual sense? Even peasants will have evil thoughts and injuries because of a little bit of water and land, let alone those who have extraordinary strength or status.
Under the mystery that detects good and evil, and the chaos in order, there are very few lives that can emit pure aura. If a saint warrior dares to release the evil technique to detect evil in ordinary towns, he will be defeated. Dense red dots gave blind eyes.
Arthur is such a paladin who believes in the gods of justice and courage.
He firmly believes that justice will defeat evil, and believes that he can smooth out injustice with the big sword in his hand.
But reality is not clear.
The sacred flame can easily incinerate demons with powerful chaos magic, just as Mars puts fuel, but it cannot kill the demons parasitized in human desires.
Excluded, disgusted, stabbed by the person he just rescued ... Even so, Arthur has never shaken his faith.
It ’s just ... Not long ago, Arthur participated in an operation to hunt down the evil god's son-in-law. The sly target captured the skin of a gang leader, and began to use all kinds of evil means to develop the gang in his hands for blood and soul. power.
The gang leader directly controlled by the evil son, the indirect controlled gang members, the family members and relatives involved in the members, the other people who depend on the gang life, and the official forces that deal with the gang ...
Even all those within the gang's sphere of influence have benefited from various actions of the evil son-in-law, forming an impenetrable network, making Arthur's investigation of the paladins difficult.
Officials always say that they are just because they cannot maintain the functioning of the society without collecting taxes, and that they cannot stabilize the management of the city without trading.
Regardless of what is justice and evil, the poor only care about whether they can work and get the next meal.
The members of the gang are full of blood, and the rules in the dark have always been this way. The heads that can lead them to higher places and bring more benefits are naturally good.
The cunning target, aware of the arrival of the paladin, did not dare to escape from the exposure. He struggled to bind up more forces and embarked on the chariot with the people.
Fighting, sneak attacks, medication, kidnapping threats, pretending to be a scam, begging for help ... All conceivable means have been used, and a group of paladins who have been harassed all the time, even begged by the bitter hotel owner Lost shelter.
Everyone has their own reasons to maintain the status quo and hinder the paladin, but the paladin cannot point everyone with a sword.
However, these dirty means can only delay the time for the paladins to find their targets.
Relying on silence and thick plate armor, the paladins squeezed away all the way to block the supplicants, relying on divine art and sharp eyes, they traced the evil breath in the labyrinth-like city little by little.
The heroic and fearless paladins finally defeated the extraordinary ones who blocked them due to money and power, forcibly broke through the siege squeeze of countless civilians, and found him before the evil son Yu completed the blood sacrifice ceremony.
The power of the evil son Xiu is very powerful, even in the place where the elemental plane is extremely inert, it can change the local phenomenon, and it can completely destroy half of the city.
But the light of justice, which is the most fundamental of each being, based on survival and hope, is invincible.
In the ceremonial field where the blood of the bones and the soul converged, Arthur pierced the body of the son of the evil with a large sword carrying the Holy Flame.
Arthur's power is not much stronger than other saint warriors, but the holy flame ignited by the idea of ​​pious faith is all the evil nemesis. No matter how powerful the evil son's power is, his magic with chaos will be ignited by the holy flame, just like Mars Falling into fuel like.
But after killing the evil son, the process of leaving that area made Arthur feel extremely tormented.
The gang that lost the leader completely lost order, and its sphere of influence was chaotic.
Surviving gang members fight for power and kill everywhere, unorganized rogue criminals also looting, and even civilians who have lost their jobs and income are gradually involved.
The collapsing order has lost the manpower of the city's ports and caused a series of chain reactions. Businessmen in anxiety have blocked their doors and sought compensation, and a church that has interests with many forces has expressed dissatisfaction-although they Earlier, I got a lot of money and believers by purifying and polluted by the evil son's magic.
Only the ruler of the city a little affirmed the achievements of the paladin, but also urged them to leave quickly-the ruler has a lot of power at hand, and the presence of the paladin made him shrink back, unable to better control the city.
Arthur can bear these reactions and rejections, but what made him feel bad was that even the newly sensible children in that area knew who had disrupted their barely better life, attacking the Holy with stones and dung balls. Samurai.
While Arthur worked hard to stop the evil, but could not find a way to improve the situation, he found that his existence and efforts would only make the city more chaotic.
Arthur, who stopped in the city, used the detection of evil against the ordinary people who stared at him with hate eyes. He looked at the slices of red evil spirits with different shades of silence—
With a great sword wielding a pair of divine magic, he can incinerate all targets deemed to be evil, but are these people with evil luster really evil?
Most people are the same as he was before the paladin, but limited by knowledge, environment, identity, wealth, strength, and no more choices ...
There must be something wrong, and we should look for a better way.
After escaping the city like a bereavement dog, after long thinking Arthur failed to think of any results, he found more experience than his rich paladin to consult, but in addition to insisting on faith, the old paladins also It can only teach some workarounds that do not violate the code, there is no way to solve the problem fundamentally.
Arthur prayed to the gods and described the doubts in his heart, but in addition to sharpening his self-reliance and spreading his beliefs, he could not find a solution to the plight of the paladin.
So under the guidance of a kind of art, Arthur set his sights on Tallinn, a holy place that gathered all the knowledge of the entire plane, and went to this holy city of knowledge to find the answer to the question in his heart.
A religious samurai with pious faith can rely on his powerful body that has gone through all kinds of tempers to resist various negative states, including hunger and thirst.
Arthur, a young paladin who is not to be seen in most areas, rushes away while punishing evil. For a long time, he can only occasionally obtain some fruits and prey in the wild to maintain physical function.
Thanks to the solidified body of various divine effects and the pure white magic armor with purification ability, he experienced a long journey accompanied by hunger and thirst. Arthur, who was close to the Holy Land of Knowledge, did not appear sloppy and dirty. He was still energetic. With firm eyes, wearing the streamer Cheng Liangbaijia, he did not drag the image of the paladin.
The saintly samurai who did not know what knowledge he was chasing, walked on the road leading to Tallinn in one step, and looked like a heavy, but flexible metal boot stepping on a solid, concrete-like road. ring.
Pedestrians who heard strange strides around looked around, and then they recognized Arthur's occupation and the armor logo. They all changed their faces and increased the speed unconsciously. A young paladin appeared unconsciously around him. Unnatural wide voids.
As a result, Arthur did not show any negative emotions. He was accustomed to this kind of scene, and the corner of his mouth moved forward with a helpless smile.
But not far from Tallinn City, Arthur's gaze staring straight ahead suddenly moved to the side, staying on a figure wearing a black weird long coat with a hood.
The super intuition praised by various saintly samurai predecessors made Arthur aware of some anomalies in the figure. He quietly looked at the black pointed man and the beautiful sharp-eared women walking side by side, and then silently He completed a round of prayer in his heart, and started the solidified magic "eye of true vision" in his eyes.
Being close to the vision of the gods allows Arthur to see the glory of elements and magic, and to break through various obstructive eye spells, and even to see through the mists of time and space, to discover the truth hidden behind various things.
As soon as Arthur's eyes flashed with holy light, he saw a huge red wall-a part of a huge creature facing him that was beyond his imagination.
It was a ghost image representing the essence of life of a silver-haired man in black, a huge, horrifying ghost image of a scary red dragon with abyss-like magic.
He was almost stunned by the huge magic of blocking the senses, and Arthur with a trace of cold sweat on his forehead felt his throat dry. After swallowing, he slowly raised his hand, and firmly held the hilt of the sword behind him to stop it. The instinct of the body trembles.
Arthur, standing still, didn't know if he should pull out his weapon-it was a horror that had never been seen before and was far more powerful than the son of the evil god, most likely only one step away from the Powerful demigod.
As the source of many disasters, the Red Dragon's desire for destruction and destruction has made it a classic villain in the bard population. Its story of evil characters waiting for crusade has been sung for a long time in many races.
If you pull out a weapon here to prove the identity of the Red Dragon, Arthur does not know what will happen. He is not afraid to challenge the evil enemy, no matter how powerful it is, but if the battle really happens, the surrounding area will be large. People are bound to be affected.
But if the Red Dragon is allowed to continue, it will enter the densely populated city of knowledge.
Although there are a lot of great people, the Church of the God of Knowledge is powerful enough, but if the red dragon is so strong in the city, the loss and casualties caused by the first time will be inestimable.
"Even if it is a demigod red dragon, it will not anger the of knowledge for no reason ..." Arthur hesitated in his heart tried to convince himself, "My strength is not enough to control the consequences caused by the opening of the war, and cannot be here To provoke it, I should speed up and inform the Church of the God of Knowledge ... "
But just as Arthur slowly let go of the hand holding the sword handle, he found that the handsome silver-haired man in front stopped and slowly turned to stare at him with red pupils ...
"Samurai?" Cheng Bin, who read some information from other pedestrian soul activities, stopped and turned to look at the person who had been staring at him since just now.
He knew that the young paladin noticed that he was not accidental, but was intentionally arranged by some existence.
Why do you say that?
Cheng Bin's gaze rose slightly, looking at the upper back of the young man.
A peculiar life surrounded by holy white light, with a pair of white wide wings, is like a phantom behind a young man now.
In the eyes of Cheng Bin, a translucent illusive humanoid angel was presented, which was not found by anyone else. The female in a plain white robe looked at the young man with compassion, then raised his head and exposed a ray to Cheng Bin. smile.
"Say hello to you on behalf of Source of Holy Light ~ ~ Please guide this young man ..."
Hearing melodious light groaning in his ears, seeing the angel's eyes with a kind request, Cheng Bin frowned, turning his gaze back to the young paladin who re-held the hilt of the sword.
"Lacey," Cheng Bin said, leaning his head to the elf who was curious to see him. "Go to that city first. Anyway, you are both very interested in things in the city."
Lacey looked at the armored young man holding the hilt and staring at this side, and looked at Cheng Bin again, with a look of restless expression on her face, but the next moment she was caught by the slimmer Ivy in her body. Forcibly twisted his body, stepped forward and accelerated away.
Arthur's face changed slightly when he saw the black man's companion leave. He could see that the Miri woman seemed to be dominated by hands and feet by some monsters and evil spirits, and her limb movements that accelerated to walk forward seemed stiff and unnatural .
Unexpectedly, Cheng Bin, who had been stunned, watched Aiwei leave with Lacey, and he turned to walk towards the alert Arthur.
"The real name of the soul of this samurai ... what source of the holy light can I really take the money to test it, this sincerity is not small."
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