Chapter 395: I know you don't know you know what you shouldn't know

The magic of the detection camp is powerless to the red dragon who arbitrarily dominates his soul, nor can he pierce the fog of fate surrounding the red dragon. Faced with this situation, the young paladin Arthur felt a little at a loss.
Unable to confirm the nature of the target, not to understand the other party's thoughts and experiences ...
After removing the inexplicable impulse in the soul, Arthur was unable to persuade himself with his identity alone, and to judge a strange life as evil at will.
Although ... the older saints have always told them to teach that justice is divided. As a human being, you cannot stand on the perspective of an ogre to maintain its "justice".
Race and identity can be used as the basis for judgment in many cases. The most typical example is the demon. The samurai maintains that human beings are always the main example, those who desire a better life, and those who do not take pleasure in harm. Wisdom of justice.
You ca n’t discuss the economic crisis and disasters caused by the loss of precious metals in a gold-based society with a red dragon who likes destruction and plunder, and you ca n’t face the pain and life of ordinary humans in their eyes like bugs.
Arthur, who was entwined with various contradictory thoughts, had unconsciously relaxed from the fighting posture.
The pure aura of light permeated by the red dragon's body, the natural trust and closeness derived from it, are disintegrating his vigilance little by little, even if he had previously seen the red dragon tampering with his own spiritual aura, he could not stop this process. .
For the Red Dragon who specializes in soul spells, such things as fighting can be completely terminated by him at the germination stage of the mind. The power of soul interference is far more dangerous than fire and sword. As long as he is willing, he can be analyzed clearly. The paladin with the law of protection and real name could not even mention the sword.
After all, something like divine magic is actually a magic-driven spell. Although the level of divine power on the root is high, it is still leveraging more power through the law of magic.
Unless it is the brainless "supernatural divine power" that directly distort reality with pure divine power, all divine magic can be analyzed and interfered in front of Cheng Bin.
Of course, if the interference in the soul is too much, and the hidden spirit consciousness in Arthur's real name is stimulated, then there is no such convenient thing to do.
Using various perceptual expansion modules of the Red Dragon's body, he observed the subtle and subtle thinking friction between the subject of the soul of the potential deity of Arthur and the real name feedback. Cheng Bin thoughtfully: "This guy wants to change the clergy from scratch?"
A living, naked was observing in front of his eyes. Cheng Bin learned a lot of knowledge and skills at the level of the gods, which is difficult to describe in ordinary words.
So he can see that as long as the saint warrior stepped into the real name of the legendary awakening, he can directly awaken the spirit consciousness, and through a process similar to that when he became a god, he can promote the subject consciousness into the kingdom of the spirit and restore it as a spirit. Ownership.
In the process, Arthur can readjust his priesthood relatively easily—provided that his followers in all parts of the world are in sync with the divinity.
"The general belief of the source of the Holy Light allows the order-oriented gods to a certain extent to have a common belief pool, sharing the computing resources of the believer broiler through the clergy agreement ... Arthur really has such a thing A certain degree of confidence, it is good to have organization and background. "
Finding out what Arthur is behind, Cheng Bin used his real name feedback rule, combined with the spiritual information obtained from Morrigan, and probably guessed which the paladin is--
The God of Justice and Judgment, the source of the Holy Light, lost a long time ago after the law of order and neutrality was divided. There is no moving except the divine server feedbacks believers to pray.
Judging from the real name of Arthur's soul, the life of a samurai as a believer in the of justice is definitely not the whole experience. The has no idea how many times he has been reborn in the world.
The unreal angel behind Arthur who can only be observed through the real name interface seems to be the divine spirit-level apostle who controls the operation of the gods in the kingdom of God.
The existence of such an existence finds itself intriguing. Even if it has various means to protect the core consciousness in injury and reincarnation, it also has the care of the apostles and even other deities, so that the carrier's body is directly exposed. In front of a demigod-level soul master, that would also take extremely high risks ...
After there were no more observable gains, Cheng Bin ended his preliminary research work, moving the red dragon's huge unicorn head closer to him, and said to Arthur, "Paladin ... what are you hesitating? "
Hearing the grand sound of a reverberation of strong winds and thunder, Arthur turned back from the entangled heart. He looked directly at the behemoth that blocked most of his vision with just a face, adhering to the paladin ’s creed, no Tell a lie about the strong presence in front of you: "I don't know if I should be hostile to you because you are a red dragon."
"Oh," the red-faced red dragon didn't seem to care about his attitude, but just smiled gently. "You are not the first person to hostile to me because I am a red dragon. Of course, I hope to be the last."
At the time, the two elves of Lacey and Ivey were almost the same. The red dragon species did die to a certain level. The five-colored dragons were basically inclined to evil, but the reputation of the red dragon species spread most widely in all planes. .
"In the face of a natural evil race, ordinary people do not think about whether their hostility is appropriate, and you will think so, not because you are afraid of my power ..."
The thunderous voice of Red Dragon seemed to contain deep magic, Arthur's thoughts were fiddled with invisible hands, and he could not help digging out the deepest thought in the contradiction.
"Your heart is longing for a new order, an order that crosses race and class and allows all intelligent lives to live in the glory of justice and equality."
Arthur hesitated for a moment, remembering the reason why he came to the Holy City of Knowledge-he came to find a way to reach justice in a dilemma that cannot be solved with the sword and the Holy Light.
Although his goal is not as lofty as the Red Dragon said, it sounds like there is a feeling of joy and recognition in the bottom of his heart ... Arthur, who has noticed his inner change, is lost in thought.
Without waiting for Arthur to come up with something, Red Dragon spoke again inexplicably: "You know what you want and what exactly is holding you back, so you will become what it is now, so You will come to me ... "
"No," Arthur, who had an inexplicable feeling in his heart, suddenly interrupted Red Dragon's words, "I don't understand what you're talking about."
Red Dragon chuckled and looked at the young paladin with his wonderful eyes: "You do not hesitate to practice your ideals, and even want to be the enemy of the world, I still admire it, even in the short term After cooperation, we may become enemies ... "
Arthur stopped talking, and his expression was inexplicable.
The head of the red dragon stretched back slowly, and engraved the information directly into the soul of the samurai with the words of the soul over a long distance: "If you want to ask me what you want to do ... this There are some materials that I summarized by the way when I was visiting the theme. You can refer to them ... "
After speaking a lot of words by himself, Red Dragon finally glanced at the samurai: "Arthur, if you don't want to be swallowed up with the only personality, look at it and think about it, escape can't solve the problem ..."
In the language of the ethereal soul, the figure of the red dragon faded away, and the pure white clouds slowly spread out, covering Arthur's vision.
The next moment, noisy human voices passed into his ears, and Arthur, astounded, found that he had unknowingly returned to the avenue outside Tallinn, surrounded by pedestrians hurrying around.
Is it just a hallucination?
Arthur, who had been there for a while, felt a slight pain in his brain, and a lot of article information suddenly poured into his consciousness in the pain—
"Introduction to the Extraordinary Society", "Representative of the Most Advanced Productivity", "The Foundation of Faith Connection and the Organizational Structure of the Church", "The Code of Contact and Guidance Completion Plan for the Magic Net", "Spirit Ecological Survey" ...
After that series of shocking titles, it was a large article full of data and graphs. The angle and format never seen before made Arthur feel obscure, but couldn't help but want a little bit of detail. Try to figure it out.
But soon Arthur yanked his mind from these messages.
"This is blasphemy ..." Arthur, who didn't know what he saw, clenched his teeth, so he knelt down on the avenue, bowed his head, and prayed, trying to get rid of the information that had brought him great fear before. " God, please forgive me ... "
After a long while, Arthur, who had recovered his calmness, stood up in various strange eyes around him. He reexamined a part of the information he kept in his mind, and then continued to walk towards Tallinn.
The holy city that has gathered a lot of knowledge should be able to verify the knowledge in your own brain, and also solve some doubts in your heart ...
Behind Arthur, the shadow of the angel who never said a word, his reverence glanced at Arthur's back changed back to pity ...
Easily pass through the magic fan lock on the periphery of Tallinn City, and follow the faith connection to the silver-haired elf next to Lacey. Turn back and look at the direction of the previous road outside the city with red pupils—
Want to achieve a better society like Utopia? Rather than destroying all the extraordinary ways of destroying the system, it is easier to become the supreme who rules everything. The neutral and supreme who is absolutely fair and sane can at least achieve the kind of vision that Arthur is pursuing ...
Unfortunately, the civilization composed of intelligent life will never meet the status quo and stop progressing. In this way, the supreme like AI will only be dragged off the altar in self-control ...
Caressing the curious baby-like Laixian, Cheng Bin glanced around the holy tower of the holy city of knowledge, and continued to think of--
No wonder Morrigan repeatedly emphasized that don't choose the clergy that involves thinking and emotion. Look at the soul changes of the saint samurai. The clergy such as justice, courage, and justice really have a terrible negative thinking erosion.
Morrigan always keeps the productive priesthood of behavioral class and doesn't care about other priestly areas of the dwarves. It seems that he is also an experienced deity who has experienced many things ...
However, there are such a group of gods of the source of the Holy Light attracting firepower in the front, and the plan to upgrade the gods level is a lot better. I do n’t know how they think about my magic net plan. There are still many benefits if they can reach cooperation. ...
After pondering for a while, Cheng Bin has thoroughly looked at all places except the high-intensity magic tower. He sorted out a large amount of knowledge information at all levels and then planned to go directly to the core of the temple of knowledge in Tallinn.
Lacey and Ivey are very interested in the knowledge gathered in the entire theme and the strange and strange inventions. The various knowledge and technology exchanges, trading systems, and a large number of activities and competitions make them eager to try.
Cheng Bin, who has a strong purpose, has no way to gain any fun from this kind of shopping-like behavior, and has no intention to adjust his thinking to get entertainment feedback here, so he continues to put his followers to explore and explore, and go to the core temple to try it himself Get in touch with the of knowledge.
Watching the back of Lacey's departure, the silver-haired black elves pondered: "The relatively good social environment of the elves is based on the full productivity of the individual and the solidarity of the unity engraved in the gene, so to speak , Arthur wanted something that could be achieved with a wide range of brainwashing and thought stamps, but the rightly paladin would not do that ... "
The vision that will not be easily obscured, Cheng Bin saw Lacey and Ivy being separated at the dead corner of the building. He looked at the group of slime mothers who were distorting and reshaping and coloring a little, and realized that Some vague feedback-
Ivey also gradually began to establish a connection with my faith. After reaching the legend and having contact with the real name, it still took so long to show some signs of successful connection. My belief is really difficult.
After shaking his head, Cheng Bin turned and walked towards the core of the city surrounded by towering towers of various styles.
Outside the physical world, the special spiritual level to which the real names of thousands of souls belong, there is a huge system called the Source of Holy Light, which is composed of many gods' kingdoms.
Mortals who have not discovered the power of real names cannot maintain their full thinking ability when only their real names are left in the death of their physical bodies, not to mention observing the image of the Source of the Holy Light.
In the eyes of the legendary strongman and those who have been attracted by religious devotion, the source of the Holy Light is a beautiful world without skyscrapers and warm rays, without sorrow ~ ~ Deep in the realm of touching God In the eyes of the existence of mystery, you can see part of the true face of the source of the light-that is based on the true name of thousands of believers, and is woven from complex concepts such as justice, fairness, courage, and so on. A huge information network.
The kingdom of gods does not have exactly the same form in the eyes of the believers in which consciousness is stored. The believers' observations and expectations often make them see the noblest and most beautiful scenes within their own understanding.
Among them are the gods who are watched and worshiped by them.
As the focus of observation of countless believers, in theory, the consciousness is stored in the godhead, and the ontology has already been transformed into another appearance in the god-forming ritual. It will still have the one worshipped by believers in the kingdom of God, which can be seen by ordinary people. Understand what cognition looks like.
The gods in the source of the Holy Light have been doing this since they became gods. They who have used the power of the gods consciously have never realized what is wrong with them.
In the core temple of the Source of Holy Light, the body still bears several gods in the shape of human beings, and they are discussing about the young paladin Arthur and the red dragon ...
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