Chapter 413: Discussion on New-type Deities Win-win with Civilization

It's a chicken and duck ...
In the divine aggregate, the source of the Holy Light, the existence of an essential image called the God of Knowledge, which cannot be described, is transforming and upgrading its own information structure.
After becoming a god, He always explored and expanded in the special information world of the void, and used this to strengthen his form and power. Cheng Bin couldn't help sighing after hearing the words of Mystra in the magical kingdom of God.
He is the tentacle of the quantum avatar cluster into this world. Although limited by the carrier, it can not show the full picture of the ontological consciousness, but the highly compressed and locked soul core algorithm also matches the subjective agreement of maintaining the quantum avatar cluster.
This is why he has a large difference in form and quantum avatar and relatively independent thinking. He is still eligible to mobilize the high-dimensional interference force of the quantum avatar cluster-although under normal circumstances, he does not need to use this task to complete the task here. ability.
And the question raised by Mistral ... even if it is the main consciousness in the quantum avatar cluster, it is also a variety of emotional emotions that have been along the way, let alone the red dragon that is still in the world itself.
However, Cheng Bin, who has the shape of a red dragon at the level of the usual perspective of the gods, does not have any emotional reactions in ordinary life cognition.
This is not contradictory.
Because it is not heartless and insensitive Cheng Bin. Although he retains various perceptual mechanisms, the soul he created from the cluster of quantum incarnations has an extremely complex algorithm structure. On this basis, he gave himself an objective definition of the concept of happiness, which is in line with the usual The kind of happiness that life feels must be far from morphologically.
He is like the "little" in the eyes of giants and the "little" in the eyes of dwarves. It is definitely different in concept definition and actual direction.
Mistella, with a set of mortal senses, and Red Dragon Cheng Bin, who directly look at the existence of data and information changes in the bottom of the void, must have a huge difference in conception.
斌 Cheng Bin, who can dominate his soul at will, can easily create the unparalleled joy in Mystra's cognition in the senses, but what is the meaning of the clear and clear change of surface information from beginning to end?
His true happiness has long been written into the core of the soul algorithm's decision-making--on the path of his choice, he is immersed in the happiness that is extremely fulfilling to himself at all times.
Although he disagrees with the idea of ​​enjoyment of the magic goddess, Cheng Bin is quite understanding and considerate of this difference in concept due to the different forms and perspectives of the ontology.
After all ... the red dragon Cheng Bin who perceives staying at a single point of time, and the quantum avatar cluster that can overlook the change of the world line, even if there is a matching soul core algorithm, in some choices it will definitely be because of acquiring and processing information. Volume gaps, while various differences arise.
However, these details related to the dimensional improvement experiment are another matter.
In the core center of the magic net and the kingdom of magic goddess, Cheng Bin controlled the red dragon incarnation seen from the perspective of ordinary gods and said, "As a former spirit of the magic net, you should be able to understand what you originally had. The special perspective of the right? The perspective of depicting the entire world with information data ...
"I can have the precision of magic net interference beyond you, largely because my soul form is closer to you in the early days of birth, and now you are closer to humans in all aspects, but they are incompatible with the magic net itself."
Mystra heard a moment of silence, and then she began to whisper: "I don't know if I originally wanted to get rid of that form of desire is not other magical hands and feet, but I like the senses and emotions I have now . "
"The real name will be given life with some potential information," Cheng Bin recalled the newborn elf with dragon wings in the elf plane. "The reason why the Arcane Masters will easily fail is because of you. When the Internet is identified as life by the origin of the world, there is something wrong with the source of its real name. "
"Well," recalling the details before and after his birth, Mistra waved his hand a little irritably. "In short, you want to say that you don't have the emotional concept of a normal person? Similar to the form of magic net intelligence ... you Is your desire to seize the magic net and bring all the changes in the world under control? "
Mystra's attitude is a bit strange ... She is eager to repair the magic net, but resists the existence and perspective of digital life similar to that of digital intelligence ... It seems that there may not be some in her consciousness. It seems contradictory to the human senses that the puppets left by other gods ...
The gods in this world can get rid of the godhead assistance and control the feedback process of all beliefs with their own consciousness. It is not incomprehensible that the amount of information in the magic net does not want to be controlled by subjective consciousness, but as the spirit of the magic net, Mister It should be special ...
I noticed that Cheng Bin had some problems to adjust his plan slightly, then he said to the magic goddess: "Take the magic net to control the world, you can't say that you guessed it wrong ..."
Mystra's face changed slightly-do you really want to kill me and the magic net? Really when I dare not pull the entire crystal wall system to die with you?
Shaking his head at a somewhat vigilant Mystra, Cheng Bin continued: "But you have some misunderstandings about the main body to achieve this goal. I am just following the needs of my priesthood and wanting the magic net repair to return to the development of civilized assistance, As for the ownership of the final power of the magic net, the new gods and civilization must coordinate themselves. "
"New-style deities?" Mystra looked at the red dragon in confusion.
"You also know that the magic net represents the process of civilization's continuous exploration and deep control of the world," Cheng Bin explained to Mystra. "This has an irreconcilable contradiction with the gods that rely on faith, so the gods will be destroyed. Great Arcanist civilization. "
Mystra nodded thoughtfully: "You want to continue along the footsteps of the Arcanist civilization, so you want to change the structure of the divine realm and make all the gods concede? The so-called new ..."
"It is a that is more powerful than the current god, not dependent on faith, and able to become more and more powerful with the progress and development of civilization ..."
Cheng Bin paused and continued: "The transition plan for all the old gods was approved by the gods of the source of the light. Even if you don't believe me, you should have a little trust in those guys in Tyre? My kingdom is closely connected to their kingdom, and many things are impossible to hide from them. "
"I can still trust the God of Justice," Mystra took a deep breath, and then questioned, "But is it possible to achieve such a plan? Without mentioning God's resistance to the change of nature ...
"As long as the gods representing higher powers still exist on civilization, civilization will not give up the attempt to dig out the gods secretly-all the Arcanists will study the gods with the idea of ​​becoming a god. , Can the new gods resolve this contradiction? "
"Frankly, no," Cheng Bin smiled. "However, this plan puts the contradiction between mortals and gods on the deepest secret in the world-real names, unless the gods or mortals can really crack the secrets of real names. Or there will be no contradiction between them. "
Then Cheng Bin explained to Mystra in detail the existence form of the new deities.
In simple terms, the new is a priest-like life that abandons its foundation and transfers consciousness to the real name of the infinite soul.
Just as the priesthood can sense all material changes based on the concept of life that match its agreement, the new deities exist on the ocean of potential common information for all real names of life.
The understanding and concept of things in each life consciousness will be part of the new-type deities. As long as the intelligent life in this world is not extinct, the new-type deities will not die, and they mobilize the real-name power of ordinary life to form divine power to interfere with the world. Way easier.
Therefore, the higher the degree of civilization development, the greater the number of intelligent life and the deeper the understanding of the world, the stronger the power of the new-style deities will be, and there will no longer be a direct contradiction between the two, but more mutual promote.
In a metaphor, the gods who originally lived in a certain server on the Internet disintegrated into a rule agreement that spread across all the ends of the entire network, and became a part of the operating system of every mortal client, able to mobilize mortal customers without belief. Part of the computing resources or real-name power.
As for how to use the existing interface of real name to realize this extremely large and complicated construction operation, it is Cheng Bin's job-although the amount of calculation and control required for this project is terrifying, but it is not to him What a difficult thing.
Using the super-thinking ability brought by the godhead, Mistra had some trouble to read the new type of architecture model sent by Cheng Bin, which is huge and complicated enough to cause any mortal to collapse. As for her perspective and the three views are completely different from the red dragon, she sees How much she knew, only she knew it.
Then Mistral rubbed her head and whispered, "What about mortals? Under this mechanism, can mortals be promoted to God? Since you focus on the development of civilization, then mortals will not be completely in the same position as they are now. Under the gods? "
"Isn't it reflected in the information just now?" Cheng Bin glanced strangely at Mystra, then nodded in his slightly awkward look, "Oh, this is it ..."
Cheng Bin groaned, then explained to the magical goddess who was already a little shaken: "The specific relationship will not be determined until the success of the plan depends on the development tendency of the beings in the plane, but as long as most of the lives with real names are not like the devil's mind Abnormal, then their level of cognition and recognition of the concept represented by a deity will have a great impact on that deity ...
"In fact, this process is similar to the reaction of the priesthood, except that the gap between the level of the godhead and the believer's church has been removed-if most people are thinking of fairness and justice in the mind, then the gods such as the source of the Holy Light will be extremely Powerful, and if everyone rejects a certain idea, if the gods related to it don't change, he will be very weak and even fall directly. "
"Isn't this still the more the gods that have more faith? The gods and powers aside, what is the essential difference between the new deities and the current deities?" Mystra asked after some thought.
"The most critical difference is that the individual supporting the gods will no longer be blind followers," Cheng Bin smiled. "The foundation of the new must be a smart life with a sound thinking ability. This judges whether the thinking ability is independent and sound. The criteria for whether or not they belong to the normal individuals within the scope of identification are relatively strict. Individuals whose souls are distorted by external forces cannot be counted in it ...
"Moreover, this standard depends on the miraculous pattern after the implementation of the plan. It is also possible to reduce the impact of individual consciousness and increase the proportion of thinking commonality of civilization development needs-for example to solve the concept of 'justice' in everyone's mind Different definitions and differences in strength. "
Mystra nodded, thinking that this relationship between man and is reasonable, but she doesn't think that such mortals can get rid of the influence of the gods-even if they do not use hard power, idealistic gods affect the thinking mode and value of mortals Is there less experience with ideas?
He is like the fallen and the devil behind her. They don't use too much to corrupt the heart and seduce the people.
After all, mortals' wills are mostly weak and changeable. As long as the gods think about it, they can always find a way to strengthen their influence by rubbing the ball in the new rules.
不管 But anyway, in such a future, the situation of intelligent life will be much better than that of mortals in many planes of the astral plane. The development of a stagnant civilization and a world like standing water can continue to move forward.
As the ultimate creation of civilization, the demon net dominated Mistral, sighed for his original mission, and then wondered: "In that case, can mortals become the new gods?"
"What is this ..." Cheng Bin said slowly after pondering, "In theory, as long as all the intelligent lives that are included in the control of the magic net are known and recognized, such as theoretical research, experimental creation, and benefiting the people Yes, then if this life works hard, it will hopefully become a new ... "
After a pause, Cheng Bin coughed and said strangely: "Oh, if the recognition standard is lowered, the promotion process of the new is actually very simple-such as becoming a national idol that everyone knows and recognizes. ... well, this is just a metaphor. "
Because the high-level universal language of the soul is used for communication, Mystra has no obstacle to understand the various words of the Red Dragon. After listening to the words of the Red Dragon, she nodded thoughtfully.
In order to promote the gods, stand up and become an idol or something ...
Mystra does not have any strange feelings about this. After all, in the current deities, there is no shortage of entertaining gods such as music and dance, such as cats and dancing goddess Charis, who are looking for joy all over the world all the time.-Preference The enjoyable Mystra and those deities have some common language.
The magical goddess who is somewhat moved about the future picture painted by Red Dragon, began to think and ask various questions from the perspective of this plan. Red Dragon was also very patient to discuss with them one by one.
Including the definition and change of the priesthood of the new god, the specific process of the transformation of the old god, the role played by the magic net, and the existence of the old mechanism in the new era ... all kinds of questions ~ ~ Later, Mistella finally mentioned another rather critical issue: "After all, your plan is only on paper, there are no examples to verify at all, I am only interested in special cases, and it is difficult for you in this case Convince other gods, and ...
"The first step of the plan is to touch the interests of almost all the gods, and rely on the source of your holy light, can they block their counterattack?"
"Although I think it's convenient to kill the gods, they don't like this solution," Cheng Bin smiled jokingly, and then said to Mystra who frowned slightly. "This is something I didn't talk about before." It's one thing for the gods to deal with problems ...
"We plan to recover the deities of all the gods when the epochs change and the gods fall, and then they will naturally choose."
Collapse all the godheads, he wants to merge into the highest godhead? The powerful Divine Mystra naturally knows many secrets of the top level of the deities, so she thinks of a lot of things in an instant.
When the epoch alternates, even the void layer of the magic net must change its form to remain silent. All the gods will be squeezed out by the gods and lose their ability to affect the void gods. Why did the Red Dragon Casa deal with that situation? The kingdoms of gods in the void start to seize all the gods hidden in the core of the kingdom?
Looking at the red dragon who, for granted, thought he would not be affected by the alternation of epochs, Mystra's eyes changed slightly--
Only the legendary of the gods can be completely detached from the world environment and the gods ...
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