Chapter 445: Two monsters are fighting, are the fishermen going up?

Since the core mechanism of has been completely reformed, from the beginning of the world, Cheng Bin, which has slowly flowed down the river of time and covered with Asmotils ’simulated consciousness, has not been completely annihilated in the highest place. God's consciousness is covered.
I am so long that it is unimaginable for most people to suppress their own thinking activities most of the time. For Cheng Bin, playing with his soul as simple as building blocks is not a torture.
After confirming that Asmotils is at the anchor point at the most downstream of the time interval, it is confirmed that Cheng Bin as the consciousness and Cheng Bin as the Red Dragon Casa are two cores after being separated from the monitoring and influence of the time leaps to high power. The existence of the algorithm is consistent. After slightly adjusting their respective thinking, the consciousness of both parties is reintegrated into one.
But on the level that the gods can detect, Cheng Bin still deliberately kept the separation of the Red Dragon and Hell, to avoid causing some doubts inside and outside the Crystal Wall system.
After taking over, or letting go of the large amount of achievements accumulated from the source of the river of time, Cheng Bin's power at hand has experienced a terrible expansion-before the timeline changed, he had to borrow the power and faith of the source of the Holy Light. To fight against a large number of hostile gods, and still cannot guarantee the control of the situation and the aftermath ...
However, after the timeline changed, he became the true Lord of Hell. With the accumulation of divine power and explosive technological upgrades brought by a long time, the power at hand is enough to suppress the entire void in the front, and the gods and even the demon lords are all united. It is estimated that he can do two tricks with him directly-if the large but scattered sand demons can really unite.
The core strength of the relatively closed is so scary all the way to suppress the quiet growth all the way, and the secret hand buried by other Cheng Bin in time is even more terrifying.
Over a long period of time, Cheng Bin, who has already understood the workings of the Supreme God Power, has perfected the relevant formulas and modeling, thus quietly recognizing in the deduction calculations that all the Supremes with stable anchor points in this crystal wall system Divine Power has screened out all relevant information about its anchor points involved in the interval.
Taking Ogmar, the of knowledge with a clear anchor, as an example, Cheng Bin relied on almost endless computing power to establish a model of simulating and realizing the entire crystal wall system at the data level. All the experiences from mortals to deities, all the perceptual information are calculated.
At the bottom level of information integration of the void and the material, Cheng Bin isolates all the information perceived by the Supreme Divine Incarnation as a minefield, and then finds a safe area outside the minefield that changes a lot on the time axis, thus exerting influence to distort the timeline.
After all, these supreme incarnations are not the bodies of Cheng Bin that originally penetrated every trace of the grand unified field. Their most extensive perception channel is the priesthood system that Cheng Bin interferes with and is familiar with. The extremely limited perception ability allows them to only Perceive the time shocks related to you, but you can't detect the inexplicable changes in the world outside the field of vision.
Ogmar as a mortal, it is impossible to know how much elemental material is contained in the land he walks through, and Ogmar as a cannot know what the non-believer's life thinks outside the priesthood. Those things outside the perceptual range are distorted in the timeline changes, and they will not cause Sigma's alertness.
After ruling out the minefields in the interval involved in the anchor of the Supreme God, Cheng Bin began to fiddle in the river of time-half of which was his potential guidance and half was the algorithm choice of Asmotils to simulate consciousness- The Devil Lord, who controls unprecedentedly powerful senses and powers, logically begins to secretly expand the power at hand.
From the tentative expansion of powers in the corners of godless attention to the bold and covert attacks on gods and demon lords, the forces secretly controlled by generally snowball more and more.
The anchor avatars who were obscured in the drum did not even know the things and life that they were in contact with. Many of them were like the shadow gods in a certain timeline, and they became pawns guided and controlled by others.
Under the control of the supreme power, Asmodeus, who leapt from the upper reaches of the river of time to cover the souls of the current timeline, actually didn't know it at all, in the pile of incarnations collapsed by his test power, A lot of them are potential younger brothers who have accumulated hard work.
However, this action of burying chess pieces does not have much operational space. There is a complete information record in the memory of the Supreme Deity avatar who is always concerned about the astral and void situations. As long as the timeline changes affect their own memory, they will be affected by it. Perceived, so the gap left by the multiple changing minefields on the time axis has a certain use value only near the anchor point downstream, and it is quickly filled with hell.
As for the birth of the Red Dragon, which has almost no difference from the previous timeline ... The process of the involvement of the outsider by the Red Dragon has attracted a lot of attention from the gods, and the related things are not so easy to intervene.
The complex toss between the past and the future, it is naturally difficult to know those ordinary gods who can't be the protagonists on the time axis.
In the eyes of the gods who participated in the expedition and witnessed the sweeping process of hell, the red dragon Casa entered the hell-eroded void area and contacted Asmotils in private, and then the arrogant devil master quietly packed up The battlefield returned to where originally existed.
Such a powerful hell, such an act of bewilderment, left the onlookers of the bewildered for a while, and had to raise the evaluation of the red dragon Kasa, the of knowledge, in his heart again.
In Tier's helpless communication, the solemn light expedition died halfway, and the misty gods, while aweing the power of the Red Dragon and Hell, carefully analyzed the various information lost by the incarnation and a large amount of power. Thinking about this sudden exposure.
But then most of their attention was attracted by the movement on the other side of the void-
The kingdom of the sun and the of the moon slammed into the void barrier outside the Red Dragon Casa's home plane. Divine power and the gods led the army to pour out. From the void to the material plane, it invaded this place that made many gods curious. .
Honestly, the gods noticed this fire-robbed deity before he was destroyed by hell. They were unhappy at first, but then ... they just went away with a mentality of seeing jokes. Onlookers-
Although the of the sun and the moon is an old strong, but after seeing the whose form and strength can not be described, the red dragon that can make such escape has become an object that cannot be provoked in their eyes. The guy is worried ...
The of the sun and the moon also has her own words of suffering. She originally planned to take the opportunity of the Holy Light Expeditionary Force to be intercepted by hell. The fisherman who planned to profit when the clams and clams competed, and when the Holy Light God had no time to pay attention to the emptiness of power. Open the barrier that disturbed her and dig out the hidden secret of the Holy Light.
But the reality was that when she rushed up, she suddenly found the tangled mussels that had been entangled, but a wings and a Yang became a battleship of Thunder, a carapace transformed into a Titan giant, and the moment she was a fisherman's head, she hit It was so dark that the sun and the moon were dark, and after a blink of an eye, the battlefield was cleared ...
Faced with the compassion of many gods, the original God of the Sun and the Moon, who was not bad enough, would not be easily defeated like those evil gods.
But this is the end, and she can only continue to force her actions rashly-both sides have been provoked, and now she can only hope that what happened in this closed plane can be as expected from the source of the Holy Light. Before the front line came back, the gods paid much attention to the pressure.
However, I am afraid that this will not even have a little psychological comfort-based on the performance before hell, the gods may not be able to compete with them, so they can directly persuade the red dragon from ...
In the sparsely populated plane, a pair of sun and moon condensed to form, embedded deeply into the plane as a whole, trying to control the flow of elements in and out of all planes, dominating all changes that occur in the plane.
But with the sun and moon as the pupils, the goddess who displayed the magnificent gods and ghosts, but found that their usual methods have completely failed here-the sun and the moon as one of the important components of the magic net in other planes, there is no way here Take control of local magic nets.
"Sure enough, there is something wrong with the magic net here ..." With a complicated mind, the goddess of the sun and the moon glanced at the kingdom of God that was dominated by the void net that was dominated by the nether plane. , And I do n’t care about those now. "
Before the Red Dragon, the source of the Holy Light, comes back from the front line, if she can completely control this Red Dragon's hometown, then maybe she can try to talk about it-well, to put it bluntly is to take the hostage physically and mentally Security threats then.
Although this kind of routine is hard to have any effect on the gods who see more-what do you think the gods of the major churches use to burn the faith and sacrifice themselves to explode the power of the gods? How can a devout believer tolerate himself as a weakness of the gods? Besides, after the sacrifice for the gods, the true gods go to the kingdom of God is the standard dream of believers.
But looking at the performance of the Red Dragon before and after its becoming a god, and its strange relationship with the rare believers, this method may really have a little use-a opens the gate of the kingdom of God, even if it is a pure real name It is difficult to slip away from the void.
However, the action of the goddess of the sun and the moon was met with unexpected resistance, and she found that in this plane without the presence of the gods, the ants who parasitized in the half plane could actually resist the attack of their own divine power.
The common sense that supernatural powers can easily crush atheistic life was challenged, but before the goddess of the sun and the moon understood the situation, more than a dozen plausible plane-like structures rose up and directly intervened in the void and belonged to the gods. field of.
Looking at the army of the gods abroad, they were suddenly obliterated from the void by a team of information aggregates that are similar in nature and indescribable hell. The goddess of the sun and moon suddenly remembered the original birth of the great arcanist civilization. A scene where the demon net captures the sun and moon on the mother plane and remakes it for use.
"These mortals ... and these mortals ..." The sun-and-moon goddess whose scar was revealed recalled her hard work since she was born, but she was almost completely annexed by the demon net, and she was even distorted by the priesthood. An anger gradually rose in my heart.
The endless rays of light erupted from the kingdom of God, running through the void like a sea of ​​blades, but those unique warships that lingered in the void changed their forms in a more subtle and subtle way, completely evading the divine strike .
After the scattered gods were regrouped, the goddess of the sun and the moon glanced at the results of various investigations, and the inner anger was completely exploded—those mortals who dared to confront the sun and the moon in all life and soul on the entire plane. Cognition is completely obliterated! ?
This is an intolerable blasphemy for any deities. The sun and moon kingdoms poured out a huge amount of divine power on the spot. Otherwise, you can directly use this power derived from real names to distort reality, and change this from the void to the material. Everything is completely dominated.
The divine power that operates in a purely idealistic way has the precision that reaches the bottom of the world. This time, the void starship of the combined civilization failed to completely avoid this round of divine power crushing. Interfering with power points to counter this pure supernatural power.
However, although the United Civilization has been in a rapid and rapid development since its birth, the accumulation of real name power cannot be compared with those gods whose forces are spread across a large number of planes and whose life is measured in epochs.
Even though they use the new version of the magic net's various technologies ~ ~ to exert a thousand interference effect, but the divine power reserve of the goddess of sun and moon far exceeds them by an order of magnitude. In the straightforward divine hedging, they gradually fell into a disadvantage and saw that they would be completely crushed by the goddess of the sun and the moon.
The gods watching in the void can't help but feel ashamed. Generally speaking, in the war of the gods, they can easily destroy the plane with a little aftermath. If we can't win this plane, we can see how dangerous the mortal civilization is.
If it hadn't been for the Red Dragon and Hell who had just played a deterrent double reed, some gods who felt threatened, had a short distance and had enough power might just reach out and intervene—help the sun and moon goddess destroy this At the same time that civilization wiped out traces of history, it had to fight for something good to go.
Just like when the Great Arcanist civilization was destroyed at the beginning ... Compared with the original scale that has grown to a large scale across the astral civilization and involved many Great Arcanist civilizations, this relatively isolated and independent plane is much easier to solve.
But now? Anyway, I haven't seen any gods dare to rise up—the threat of the development of civilization is still far away. The shadow of the red dragon is now covered there.
The goddess of the sun and the moon, who also knows her own situation, sees that this mortal civilization has been abandoning the territorial territory and gathering citizens to shrink and protect it all the way. The anger and anxiety in her heart have risen with time Up.
As the goddess of the sun and the moon frequently returned to pay attention to the movement of the source of the holy light in the abyss, the of the fire element and the red dragon incarnation buried deep in the plane were talking about nothing ...
.. m.
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