: Fanwai-I-76. Anomalies in different styles, distortion and differentiation of world lines

Transformed into a fast swept field of wide-area detection mode, and fed back the rough conditions of various areas on the mainland. Wen Wen found that almost all human existences had such abnormal monsters emerging.
"This kind of monster gives people a feeling, is this the product of magic? It always feels a little weird ..." Wen Wen, who was falling at a high speed, subconsciously took out her dagger that had solidified many abilities, and she could see the situation clearly. The figure disappeared into the air in a flash, and at almost the same time, the thin, tall monsters that appeared in the entire city were torn into pieces by invisible blades.
However, Wenwen, who slaughtered monsters in the entire city at high speed with the ability of speed sweeping, stopped ugly on the roof of a building. The existence of these monsters is similar to that of a witch, but the strength of the magic can create a distorted reality than The enchanted witch is far behind.
However, these monsters have the special ability to devour human emotions. Wen Wen just swept through many monsters at high speed before feeling that his mind was enveloped by the cold, and he almost fell into a state of silence that he didn't want to move.
Without waiting for Wenwen to relax, a large number of monsters similar to the previous emerged out of thin air in the urban area, and this time, a stranger geometry that looks much stronger and looks like a five-pointed star is slowing down among many monsters. Slowly emerge from the air.
At the moment when the asymmetrical shape appeared to the uncomfortable geometry, the white mist visible to the naked eye was spreading in all directions with the violent cold wave.
Like a black hole engulfing all energy, the temperature of matter around the geometry plummeted towards absolute zero. At the same time, after a short period of freezing, large buildings collapsed to the west like a sand castle in the tsunami.
In the area where even the light began to dim, it seemed that even the kinetic energy of the material following the earth's rotation was swallowed up by weird geometry. Not only did countless buildings neatly move towards the west, even the entire land began to tremble violently. .
Tong Wenwen gritted her teeth and broke away from the targeted psychological attack produced by looking directly at the geometry. She was holding a dagger and wanted to act, but found that a flower was in front of her, and she returned to the mid-air height of hundreds of meters.
Tong's keen perception made Wenwen instantly understand the situation-judging from the changes in the surrounding space, her consciousness should have returned to the point in time just transferred from the magician's headquarters.
It should be that the actions of the Awakeners of the Magician League upstream in the timeline began to reach her. The shock of the timeline touched the passive effect of the inline mode on her.
Tong Wenwen looked around and saw the city that was supposed to be broken in grief below. At present, it is an orderly and complete look, but ordinary people have noticed that something is wrong and are starting an asylum plan for emergency transfer.
In the sky above the city, a figure that is almost indecipherable to the naked eye is dragging a dark red hot trail to cycle back and forth, killing the thin and tall monster who has just emerged in the ring sound explosion cloud that bursts from time to time, its deliberately weakened action The aftermath still trembled the city's buildings, and numerous glass shattered as it passed.
Wen Wen, who fell naturally on the rooftop of the previous building, followed the figure of Superman, dangling around, and then saw that the figure of the monster that had emptied the city rose sharply, crossed an arc, and fell vertically on himself. Around.
"Sayaka ..." Looking at the blue-haired girl shrouded in high temperature, Wenwen frowned. "What happened, where did those monsters come from?"
"Huh ..." In the hot air that cracked the cement, Sayaka, who was covered with burn marks, exhaled. She glanced at the twisted air around her, and then said seriously to Wenwen, "If I remember correctly If so, these should be Warcraft ... the replacements for the witches that appeared in the world line after Madoka's sacrifice, should they be the memories of the flame demon? "
Taking advantage of the gap that has not yet appeared in New Warcraft, Sayaka, who deliberately chose to clean up this area, quickly explained to Wenwen the status quo-
Wen Wen, who was in world time, didn't notice how much had happened in the previous tsunami-like time shock, but for awakened people like Sayaka and theirs, the state of the world has changed many times.
的 The World of Warcraft appearing here are all the types that Xiaomei Yan encountered before demonsizing. It should be that the area controlled by Fire Demon was weakened by the round and approached the world line here, and began to interact with it.
I do n’t know if Sayaka ’s temptation stimulated her before, but the development of the magician alliance helps the flame demon to draw power from the deadlock with the round to seize power, and now this penetration will force the magician alliance to develop faster Speed ​​up, she reached out here, although the timing was a little surprising, but it was not too surprising.
In any case, the power of the ring theory has only shifted and has not disappeared. After the magician alliance has grown, it should gradually take over from the circle and the flame demon, and they have already made plans for this situation.
What really surprised the Magicians Alliance was that they were caught off guard and out of control. It was anomalies that occurred simultaneously at every point in time under each world line under their control-a large number of anomalies that had problems with style and source.
More importantly, the conditions on each world line change randomly. Some anomalies are still in the scope of the Magic League, such as the witchification of a large number of unawakened personnel, but others are things that they are completely unprepared for. -
Global magnitude earthquakes, tsunamis, and drastic climate changes brought by geomagnetic overturning ... Asteroid clusters with unreasonable trajectories falling from the sky ... Biochemical viruses sweeping the globe ... Sudden advent of extraterrestrial civilization ...
Xiao Meiyan, who was originally a magical girl, even if she has captured some authority from the theory of the ring, even if she has brought her field closer to this side, and her power interference is limited, she should not directly penetrate the magician alliance's defense line. Twisting the world line into a mess, which is obviously different from Wen Wen ’s partially verified high-dimensional life force operation mode ~ EbookFREE.me ~ But the truth is that as the flame demon field approaches, these Abnormal interference, which is not based on the magic black box, is beyond the scope of the Alliance's inherent authority to predict the circle.
It can be seen from a higher perspective that this beam, which was originally highly convergent and parallel, is very similar to the ring-shaped fractured world line, and apart from the start and end points torn by invisible forces, every time node begins to disintegrate. Differentiation, collapsed in different directions under the erosion of a large number of external forces.
This has caused a lot of awakeners with insufficient experience and qualities to suffer serious injuries due to the low-dimensional body shell as the world line divides, and even some low-level awakeners' high-dimensional consciousness collapsed in this upheaval and turned into a witch The personnel have now fully attacked, starting from the starting point of the timeline of each world line, gradually cleaning up the abnormal variables, and working hard to adjust the dispersion of the world line.
Although their efforts have maintained the existence of the Magician Alliance, but if they want to restrain the wildly divided world line like a wild horse, they do n’t know how much energy is needed—
Many world line disagreements are far beyond the limits of the activities of alliance members within that world line. Although many anomalies occur around the earth and humans, some anomalies reach beyond the Milky Way, unless the magic of the entire alliance is mobilized Twisting the world line one by one from the macro, otherwise it would be completely helpless to interfere only with the power and technology currently possessed by the low-dimensional body.
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