: Fanwai-i-ninety-five antecedents and consequences, Mobius and Bai

In the strange eyes of Sakura Kyoko and Maiden Kirby, Wenwen hurriedly pressed on the shoulders of the girl in her white skirt: "Wait, what kind of ghost is Dad ?! I don't know you at all, you who is it?"
"Huh?" The girl who was pushed away looked up at Wenwen's aggressive look, her eyes wandering between her chest and her legs, and then she clapped her hands with a sigh of surprise on her face, ".. .Will you call mother? "
"I don't remember when I had a baby!" Wenwen, an older single young woman, sighed helplessly, and then she squinted at the onlooking party with a strange expression beside her. "What are you laughing at? What's the matter, Chube? What happened? "
The white-haired girl Qiubi shook her head innocently, signalling that she had no idea about the girl in the white skirt.
"... do you really not know me at all?" The white skirt girl walked around Wenwen with both hands behind her, and that inexplicably looking away made Wenwen feel uncomfortable.
After standing again in front of Wenwen, the girl in a white skirt gently nodded: "The media ... but, by deep integration with the power of the quantum incarnation cluster, your soul can still maintain a relatively independent state. This should be said Is it fearless or death? It's really dad's style ... "
"Quantum avatar cluster?" Hearing Wen Wen, who was familiar with the name, re-examined the girl in front of her in doubt, "What is your relationship with Cheng Bin? Do you say" daddy "in your mouth ..."
The girl in a white skirt blinked, raised a curvy knee with a pretty lady's skirt, and then smiled at Wenwen: "My name is 'White', which was created by my father, Cheng Bin, Procedural life ...
"You have a close relationship with my father, and the soul algorithm also matches some core frameworks. I have certified you as a half creator-although you are not my 'daddy' or 'mother', but I believe you will be sooner or later. "
"Bai ... was it you?" Wenwen suddenly remembered the little girl who had taken the lead in upgrading when chatting with Cheng Bin in the past, "I remember that you were not in the vitality world? How could it appear? it's here?"
"The world of vitality ..." Bai shook his head slightly. "Whenever my father went to the world, I have some traces of myself, just like the magical girl whose soul is distributed in different world lines. I am in some worlds. There are splits in action ...
"I do have something to do with me in the vitality world, but the more important part of me actually came from the Lord of Infinite-since you can take me from the Mobius ring of time Extracted, presumably you already know about that guy, right? "
"Come over from the Lord of Infinite?" Wen Wen froze, and a look of surprise appeared on his face. "Wait a minute, you who Qiubi used the secret key to analyze should be used to analyze the principle of the ring. Chaos Ontology, the key to unlocking the civilization of the ring creator ...
"But you say that you came from the Lord of Infinite? Are you not fighting against the Lord of Infinite? Isn't that guy an enemy of Cheng Bin?"
"Is there a contradiction?" Bai Xiaoshou spread his arms. "It seems that you haven't heard of many things from your dad ... And yes, if you know too much, the Lord of Infinite may not necessarily let it go. You came in ... "
After groaning for a moment, Bai slowly explained: "Actually, the process is very simple-
"In a chaotic high-dimensional battlefield, a civilization named 'Mobius' was born in a prison cage of time loop. As the core high-level and information center of this civilization, with the help and guidance of my father, As a cover for the death and rebirth of a high-dimensional life in the cage of time, he lurked with civilization into the sphere of influence of the Infinite Lord ...
"As nails and spies, as the forces of the Lord of Infinite, we are constantly testing and studying the power and form of the Lord of Infinite, but when our exploration and research reached a certain depth, we began to involve the Lord of Infinite. And the key experiment of the rise of civilization, but the abnormality was noticed by that big light ball ... "
Speaking of this, Bai slightly sighed: "After that is a series of chaotic wars ... we have paid a lot of sacrifice, and can only slightly delay the erosion of the Lord of Infinite, and with the help of my other divisions, we barely Move this critical laboratory out of the area directly covered by its power. "
"Lab ..." Wenwen glanced at Kyoko Sakura, whose face was cloudy and unknown, and hesitantly asked, "You mean, these world lines where we are currently ..."
"Here is the inside of the" circle theory "in your mouth, right?" White stretched out his index finger, and a fingertip emerged from a circle of Mobius. "We have been studying how to raise civilization as a whole to a high-dimensional world. Due to the experience born in the cage of time, our civilization is very good at, or very 'adapted to' timeline-level technology ...
"And in that high-dimensional battlefield, we have captured and researched a large number of high-dimensional life force fragments called 'containers'. After leveraging the resources and information of the Infinite Lord, the civilization technology has been pushed to a certain level. , We started to try to make this kind of unconscious high-dimensional server manually, and then established information connection with it with high complexity time-loop encryption ...
"We want to use this method to bypass the obstacles and risks of the advancement of civilization and elevate the existence and power of civilization to a higher dimension."
Tong Wenwen took a deep breath: "The principle of the ring ... is your achievement?"
White shook his head: "The high-dimensional server we originally designed is not what you see now ... Although we transferred this laboratory out, the power of the Infinite Lord still invades here, the laboratory The environment was immediately tampered with by its subversion ...
"Unfortunately, we can only carry out the last step of the experiment in advance. According to the original plan, we should slowly use this tool to raise the level of civilization after the closed and encrypted connection channel of the Mobius ring is successfully established. of...
"But under the attack of the Infinite Lord, we can only annihilate the key information stolen from the Infinite Lord together with the civilization itself, leaving only the information body encrypted by the time loop algorithm, in the entanglement with the Infinite Lord. Write it in a closed Mobius ring to protect it and wait for external assistance ... "
杏 Sakura Kyoko, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, "In other words, in the world line of the principle of the principle of the ring, our magical girls, and even all life in those world lines, have been wiped out by you together?"
"It can't be said to be obliterated ..." Kikko looked at the expressionless Sakura Kyoko, "It just transformed into another information form according to the time loop algorithm ... Of course, from the perspective of a normal person, Those lives have indeed been annihilated with our civilization in the catastrophe of time brought about by the closure of the world line ... "
A small broken ring appeared on the inside of the white fingertips of the Mobius ring. She looked at the small ring that belonged to the world line and said, "This small ring simulates the closing process of the principle of the ring. A lot of 'strength' has been extracted from the ontology of the theory of the circle. The awakening of the magician here is itself a part of the message of 'translating' the theory of the circle ...
"From this point of view, the life in the theory of the ring should be alive-at least it still responds to resonance and stimulus, which is also the credit of the deer head circle ..."
After hearing Madoka's name, Sakura Kyoko frowned slightly: "What about Madoka ... what's going on with her? To the creator of your ring, what about Madoka and us?"
White fluttering the world projection of her fingertips, she looked at the red-haired girl who seemed a bit emotional and tilted her head: "To us, all the life within the ring appears to us in a room full of paper materials. The flames are the same ... if it is not the threat of the infinite Lord that is constantly igniting outside, we will definitely choose to kill you flames and protect the experimental results ... "
Sakura Kyoko's brow deepened.
"You created by the Infinite Lord are essentially used to pollute our high-dimensional servers and promote their self-awareness. The Infinite Lord, who is good at making gods, uses such incomplete high-dimensional life as too simple ... "Bai looked at Sakura Kyoko slowly," "The high-dimensional tools that hold our civilized information body, if we have our own consciousness before the closure, all our efforts and sacrifice will be put to waste ...
"So before the annihilation and closure, we will fight against the infinite master on the time axis, protect the civilized information body and decode the key, and work hard to delay the pollution of the ring. Www.EbookFREE.me The product of ... and Shikame is the ultimate victim of this indirect confrontation, or a great volunteer-
"As the main player of the first stage of the Lord of Infinite, after invading the core of the Mobius ring and knowing the truth, she chose to give up her self-awareness to help us, so as to avoid devouring other magical girls' high-dimensional consciousness And protect the more distant 'future' of all life within the circle world line ...
"Because of her choice, our high-dimensional server has the possibility to continue normal operation without removing all injected life ..."
After a pause, Bai smiled at Sakura Kyoko: "Of course, the reason why she would have that name, have that kind of life, have that kind of character, and make that kind of decision at the most critical time, are all We and the Lord of Infinite repeatedly twisted the final results of the world line ...
"I can understand your feeling that fate is being manipulated, but sometimes the definition of justice and evil always changes with perspective and position ... You are now the awakener of consciousness beyond time, and we should understand us The right choice? "
Wenwen looked at Sakura Kyoko, who frowned and said nothing, and then looked at Qiu Bi, who was impatient and impatient, and then sighed at Bai: "The question of right and wrong is not discussed for the time being ... we still Discuss what to do next ... "
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