Chapter 476: The bottom of the kettle and the starry sky

The platinum star is enough to lift the strange power of the road roller, and the speed and destructive power beyond ordinary people's understanding can explode on its double fists.
Coupled with the special manifestation of the avatar, Cheng Taro who is strong enough to control and skill can dominate the platinum star, throwing multiple heavy punches at the same time and overlapping bombardment at one point-although the avatar has a human form , But not at all restricted by the structure of human body movement.
The avatar's manifestation and action are driven by the spirit of the ontology! As long as the stand-in ability is high enough, and the spirit and control of the body are strong enough, the stand-in can fully achieve "there are as many movements as possible in thinking", and the speed of action when it stops interfering with matter can even reach the upper limit of the speed of this world— —Speed ​​of Light!
Even if the Platinum Star has only two hands, even if its single output power has an upper limit, Cheng Taro's powerful mental power can completely push the Platinum Star to blur his hand after a boxing, and then strike again. In this world, countless heavy punches are accumulated and accumulated, and a horrible purple storm that is enough to smash the toughest alloy walls is bursting.
In the first instant, the building's exterior wall blocking the Platinum Star disappeared.
The next moment, the looting fist wind blasted all the unfixed people and objects in the building against the other interior walls, and the two nearby bearing columns burst suddenly when the purple storm rolled over.
The tsunami of purple boxing shadows drowned everything, and the building on one side of the key anchorage gave an overwhelming moan, followed by a violent collapse.
The enemies lurking in the organization's headquarters, even the ambassadors, had no time to respond, and all people and objects were crushed and buried by tons of construction debris.
No matter how elaborate traps and layouts are meaningless in the face of this raid-like raid-even if you build this building into a maze? Can I do anything if I just dismantle it?
But even the continued collapse of a reinforced concrete building cannot drown the purple storm at its collapsed core.
The white windbreaker Chengtailang fluttering in the wild wind while walking and walking forward while observing the surrounding conditions, the platinum star still erupting in the roar of "Oura Euler Euler", forming a circle of blue-purple around Chengtailang. The ghost field.
In this area of ​​Euler, countless tons of collapsed buildings were smashed into and blown around, blocking the debris of Cheng Tailang's advance and being torn off as soon as his eyes swept away. Walk freely at the bottom of the building that is constantly falling, and treat the surrounding chaos as nothing.
However, in this high-intensity offensive and defensive field, even if the Platinum Star is maintained without pressure, Chengtaro cannot survive forever-no matter how tough his spirit is, he cannot change the fact that he is a personal person, and his physical and mental strength is still There are limits.
Fortunately, the process of the collapse of the building did not take much time. Cheng Tailang quickly achieved his purpose-he protected the integrity of some building structures in the chaos, and found the place where he controlled the platinum to crush down After a lap, the space where the Barcelo subject was imprisoned in the data was blocked with a broken building, and the two guards near the prison were killed along the way.
This core building does not have some civilians like the gray area outside. From the previous investigation results, in addition to the members of the organization enslaved by Barcelona, ​​it is necessary to pay a little attention to those who have been arrested for centralized detention and are waiting for arrows. Trials of those people.
The background of those imprisoned may not be all clean, and if they run around after being released, or they are threatened by the drug gang organizers, it will be a problem if they are blocked for a short period of time After being affected or suffocated, he will clear the ruins after the main problem is solved, and let the clique behind him do the rest.
Cheng Taro thinking about this, after the collapse of the building and the environment was basically stable, he gathered up the purple field and put the platinum star on the surface of the body. He has been carefully watching and listening to build a perceptual picture, and began to look for his The main target is Barcelona and the position of the arrow.
However, just the moment the dust settled, a weird figure suddenly ran across a pile of wall debris in the direction of Chengtaro.
It was a star-shaped curtain covering the whole body, and only the silhouette of the youth could be seen. It made no noise when it charged at a uniform speed along the straight trajectory.
Seitaro didn't even hear the sound of air squeezing and flowing—Here he was not mentioned in the information ... It looks like it has a special ability type, which is really troublesome ...
At the moment of seeing the starry figure, the blue-violet platinum star suddenly stepped on, wrapped around Chengtaro and moved to the side and back, while lifting a large concrete wreckage at the foot and hitting the attacker.
The almost block-sized cement block crushed the past with the dull breaking wind that numbed ordinary people's scalp, but the star-shaped human figure passed through it like an unreal shadow, and neither side was affected in any way. .
The starry sky man with a fixed trajectory and a constant speed passed through a section of air, stomped on his feet as he approached another pile of rubble, changed his direction, and rushed towards Cheng Tailang who was standing again.
In this extremely short period of time, Seitaro, an experienced substitute, has already seen a bit of truth from the enemy--
Ability to blur the body? Judging from the trajectory and speed, its virtual state is maintaining a certain inertia in action, and it does not interact with any material during its movement, but its two pedals that change its trajectory, its feet and building debris are produced. Physical contact ...
With the precise observation ability of the Platinum Star, Cheng Taro can clearly see the process of the opponent ’s feet changing the trajectory, the starry layer covering his feet fading, the air squeezing and returning, and the strength of his foot muscles bursting and conducting I saw the friction caused by the contact between the sole of the shoe and the surface of the building debris.
The opponent can choose to substantiate part of the body to change the movement trajectory and attack, and use the virtual body to immune to physical damage. No wonder you can survive the disaster of the collapse of the building ... To solve this enemy, use the platinum star " "Real power" is naturally the easiest way, but you still have to observe the experiment first ...
Immediately, several plans of Cheng Tailang popped out of his mind and flashed away from the opponent's assault again at high speed. His gaze was directed at the point where the enemy's motion track intersected with the building debris. Root reinforcement.
"Ou la!" The steel bar straightened by the platinum star was suddenly thrown out by the javelin just before the star silhouette and the wreckage of the building, and the steel bar tearing the air at high speed almost touched the building in the foot of the sky. At the same moment in his feet.
The wreckage of the building shattered on the spot, but the figure of the star went straight through the wreckage and stopped at the back of the wreckage, making contact with the ground.
But this blow was not without merit. The platinum star's keen eyes saw a trace of blood in the chaotic air and dust.
Seitaro's judgment was correct, and the opponent gave up the behavior of changing the trajectory at the last moment, otherwise his feet would be torn.
Although the avatar's ability is very promising, it seems that the opponent's research and development is too little, and the combat experience is not rich enough. The straight charge can easily reveal its ability details ... even if this guy does not use platinum Star's true ability ~ ~ should also be very easy to solve ... Unfortunately, this is not a one-on-one, there is not so much time in it, otherwise it can start to explore more through its interactive channels such as perception and breathing. Targetable Weaknesses ...
After the shattered wreck collapsed, the starry figure standing on the ground turned in the direction of Cheng Taro, but did not act for a while—
In past battles, he didn't need to start the stand-in "Starry Sky" to maintain his own blurring status at all times. He only needed to blur his evasion attacks at critical times to knock his enemies into collapse.
But ... what kind of monster is this invader? !! The details and weaknesses of his abilities were noticed in the face to face, and the wind pressure generated by his high-speed action could make him frightened. He was wiped by the steel bar thrown by the opponent, and the force transmitted from the physicalized foot made him false. The thighs tremble and numb ...
In the face of this monster with terrible speed, strength, and observation, and starry silhouettes with insufficient reaction speed, he did not dare to lift the blurry state at will-he had a hunch that the next time he exposed his weakness, the other party would Will grind itself into meat ...
With just one punch, as long as the physicalized body takes a frontal punch, no matter which part of the body is hit, he is absolutely dead!
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