Chapter 525: Timeline Editor, Ghost Master Diablo

Since a long time ago, Cheng Bin has mastered the composite perception method of panoramas, and has always been in the habit of uniformly converting all types of information obtained by him into data and storing them in a database.

Although Cheng Bin in this world does not have the high performance database behind Skyrim, but he also created a biological computer with information storage capabilities that surpasses the times. Continuing this habit is a fairly simple matter.

By implanting the special tissues and ripples of the human body, Risut's experience can not be hidden at all. Although it is impossible to perform memory operations due to technical reasons, he can easily obtain these semi-independent children. Most sensory information.

Therefore, when they faced the Crimson King directly in Lisut, there was not much difference between Cheng Bin's subjective consciousness and thousands of miles away. These special individuals who walked outside contacted and observed other substitutes indirectly. This was originally Cheng Bin's original purpose. one.

Then ... Through an Iruso who was dropped in the face by face to face, Cheng Bin was in direct contact with the leap of time, and his database directly linked to consciousness collapsed.

Forced to take back all the mental Cheng from the daughter network, relying on the reserved procedure to perform surgery on his own brain, the organization that caused the chain collapse was separated and studied, and finally found out the root cause of this abnormality

It was an incredible, completely crushed computer operation rules, and entered the database data into garbled superimposed data.

At the same moment, the same link, but forcibly recorded completely different sets of data! Even the gene-level vectors that recorded the data were all distorted.

Cheng Bin, who was decoupled from the consciousness and the database, did not care about the loss of precious experimental data that had not been backed up by the pain, and concentrated all his energy on the protection and analysis of the garbled code.

Fortunately, Cheng Bin's vision is still there. After writing a large number of algorithms to test according to his conjecture, he just sort of learned a bit of context in a mess.

"... a bit of a backward, historically irrelevant taste ... in the process of transferring perceptual information from ripple consciousness to the database, the place where the anomaly first appeared ... is the stand-in‘ infinity ’near the biological computer array?

The information obtained by the perception port on Balisut is written into the database through the ripple consciousness transfer. As a substitute for soul extension, it is not impossible to make an impact in this link.

"The Crimson King ... From the specific situation of Polunarev and Jokorat, whether or not having a substitute is not a factor that affects my perception of time erasure ... so the key is perception? With Crimson The causal relationship between the objects of the king's ability in the erasure time? "

斌 Cheng Bin, who restored the historical records and carefully browsed them in sequence, started from Risut when they entered the city, and saw Ilusso leaving the mirror world all the way, and finally found the source of the anomaly.

Undoubtedly, the root cause of the anomaly is the period of time when the Crimson King launched a substitute ability to attack the assassination team members.

During the period of the Scarlet King's launching ability, Risut, who faced Diablo, couldn't even remember his memory. He couldn't find out what happened, but Cheng Bin, who was also affected, was in the automatic recording program. And saw incredible things

Diapolo and Risut produced countless ghosts at the same time, as if the trunk extended countless branches, and the branches grew more tender. The timeline split in this small space.

In a certain timeline, after Diablo died the killing of Iluso, he immediately launched the total attack without further testing. He controlled the Crimson King and raised and threw a large number of cars on the street in an attempt to overwhelm the capacity. High Risut ...

In a certain timeline, Diablo did not show up from beginning to end, just maintaining the existence of the presence of wandering near the critically injured person in Risut, seems to be watching something, it seems to consume the other's physical strength ...

In a certain timeline, Diapolo showed his righteousness and tried to use dialogue to obtain information about Cheng Bin from Risut ...

In a certain timeline, Diapollo made some trials outside the range of Risut's substitute theory based on the information at hand, trying to get more data on the substitute's ability ...

From a mass of paste-like data, a large number of different historical records in the same time period were parsed. Even with the assistance of a powerful computer array, Cheng Bin still felt a little tired. Fortunately, after gradually finding out the laws and adjusting the optimization algorithm, The work in this area is becoming more and more convenient and quicker. After encountering this situation, it is not impossible to read and understand on the spot.

In the natural state, the evolution of the world line has almost limitless possibilities. Cheng Bin is not surprised by this strange development. He is just a little confused as to why he can obtain multiple timeline information by using a substitute as an introduction. After all, from the perspective of the database, It is impossible for ordinary cameras to record the weird scenes in time deletion. What can be recorded is the only "history" after collapse and fusion.

Qi Chengbin was really shocked by the birth of this only "history."

The timeline of the division did not diverge infinitely, but reunited at the end of the time axis that was cut off. Unbelievable things happened at this instant.

波 a Diablo in the timeline, after discovering that the metal flying knife is basically useless to Lisut, in order to further test Lisut's substitute performance, he chose to expose the body and launch a sling attack.

Diabolo in b's timeline, after being swept by Lisut ’s radar electromagnetic fan, chose to remain hidden in silence and confront Lisut quietly on the street.

Risut in the timeline of 线 a, saw the figure of the crimson king, saw Diablo's sling attack, and retaliated in time to avoid it.

苏 b Risut in the timeline, because Diapolo is hidden, so naturally did not find any threatening attacks, but still remain alert.

But, but!

After being wiped out by the ability of the Scarlet King during this time ~ ~ The result of the multiple timeline integration and normalization, but it is Diapolo in a timeline, and Risut in b timeline Launched an attack! !! !!

Diablo and the heavy stone he threw seemed to cross the timeline. The reinforced concrete block, which should have been lying quietly in the corner, appeared out of thin air in a way completely impossible under the laws of the normal world. Behind the unknowing Risut!

真正 The true power of the Scarlet King is not simply the prediction and time deletion, but the ability to manipulate multiple timelines and perform timeline "clipping" to directly obtain the desired results!

Wu Chengbin finally understood why Polunarev, a powerful swordsman with a keen sense of mind, a free sword, and theoretically there should be no flaws behind him, would be easily attacked by Diablo from the rear.

Even if it is a silver chariot, it is not possible to keep his hand when suppressing the Crimson King. There is not much power to attack the enemy Polunarev, and it is impossible to prevent the backstab of the Crimson King in another state of heyday.

"If the architecture of this world is okay, then this is definitely something that can be achieved by high-dimensional interference forces. The Crimson King, Diablo ... Do you know how you hang yourself?"
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