Chapter 80: .the latest update

Li Shuo packed the bottles, wiped the floor, and went to take a shower.
After taking a shower, I found Zhao Jinxin lying on the ground ...
Li Shuo walked over, looked helplessly at Zhao Jinxin, hesitated, hugged people, and walked towards the guest room.
Zhao Jinxin is really light, especially completely unconscious. When he puts people on the bed, Li Shuo is sweating. He covered Zhao Jinxin with a quilt and wanted to close the door, but the rich wine taste was almost integrated with Zhao Jinxin. He didn't want his room to be full of this smell, so he opened the window slightly, and the door was open. There is sufficient heating in the room, and the cover should not be cold.
Li Shuo went to bed.
He was lying on the bed and tossing and turning, his mind was full of all kinds of recent events, and none of them could sort out the clues, and none of them did not bother him.
I don't know how long, when he finally couldn't stop the tiredness and fell into a half dream, suddenly, a short roar penetrated into his eardrum, and the shouting in the quiet late night made his entire cerebral cortex explode. Already.
He gasped, his heart beating, thinking he had a nightmare, but soon, a more frightening cry came, just ...
Li Shuo lifted the quilt and jumped off the bed. He couldn't even wear his shoes, and ran to the guest room barefoot.
In the guest room, Zhao Jinxin was holding his head to roll over the bed, not a hoarse growl. The head of the bed slammed against the wall. It was really scary to see this scene late at night.
"Jin Xin!" Li Shuo rushed forward, trying to suppress him, "What happened to you ?! Zhao Jinxin, what happened to you!"
Zhao Jinxin's appearance was too abnormal, as if he was scared of why, and watching him curl up into a ball, Li Shuo couldn't help feeling distressed.
Zhao Jinxin, like grasping the life-saving straw, turned up sharply and hugged Li Shuo with strength, as if he wanted to break a person's ribs, and at the same time his whole body shook.
"You ..." Li Shuo was almost out of breath when he was strangled.
Zhao Jinxin yelled, "It's so dark, what about the lamp? The lamp ... so dark ... so dark ..."
Li Shuo froze, stroking his back vigorously: "There will be, I will turn on the light." He tried to pull away Zhao Jinxin's hands, but Zhao Jinxin was so entangled that he did not let go. He couldn't help but just hooked up the bedside table with his feet. There were emergency lights.
Li Shuo wanted to lean over to pick it up, but Zhao Jinxin hugged him tightly, and trembled in his ear and said, "Don't go, don't go."
"Good number, I don't go, I just take the lamp." Li Shuo moved to the bedside table little by little. When a person bigger than his own body was stuck on his body, the movement was hard and funny. He moved his arm for a long time, his arm Enough to get the emergency light, he turned on the emergency light and put it on the bed: "Okay, look, there's a light, it's okay."
Zhao Jinxin's rapid breathing gradually began to slow down.
Li Shuo stroked his back and softened his voice: "It's okay, there is light, not dark, not afraid."
Zhao Jinxin remained silent for a full minute before whispering, "... Uncle Li."
"I am." Li Shuo's tone was particularly light, only to scare him.
"Uncle Li, so dark."
"It's not dark anymore, shall I turn on the headlights?"
"No, don't go." Zhao Jinxin buried his face between his neck and snarled, "Don't go, don't go."
Li Shuo sighed: "Okay, I don't ..." He suddenly realized that there was something wrong ... Zhao Jinxin was so hot!
Li Shuo reached out and touched Zhao Jinxin's neck, he was really hot!
Is it because he opened the window?
Li Shuo confessed for a moment, he rubbed Zhao Jinxin's hair: "Jin Xin, you seem to have a fever, shall I take your temperature?"
"No." Zhao Jinxin said in a mosquito-like voice against Li Shuo's ears. "Uncle Li, I'm afraid."
"Not afraid, not afraid, obedient, not afraid." Li Shuo said softly, "I won't go, shall I get a thermometer?"
"No." Zhao Jinxin hugged Li Shuo firmly without any intention of letting go.
Li Shuo obviously felt that Zhao Jinxin was not very sober. He had never seen such a Zhao Jinxin, and was so scared that he did not dare to make an assertion. He could only let the other person hold him.
Within a few minutes, Zhao Jinxin would not move or speak out, and Li Shuo's ears heard a uniform breath.
Li Shuo breathed a sigh of relief, gently pulled Zhao Jinxin's hand, and laid the person flat on the bed.
By the light of the emergency light, he saw Zhao Jinxin's face was sweaty and his lips were white, apparently he was really frightened. He didn't expect Zhao Jinxin to be so afraid of the dark. Zhao Jinxin said that he was a lot better when he grew up. When he entered the house, Zhao Jinxin was also drinking without turning on the lights. Why is it suddenly a fever?
Li Shuo even regretted that he opened the window. Although the heating in the room was sufficient, cold winds did come in, after all, it was the cold wind of the first month.
He limped out and took the thermometer back.
Zhao Jinxin burned to 39 ° fast, no wonder it was so hot.
He made a wet towel and put it on Zhao Jinxin's forehead, and then called a doctor who had a night call.
After the doctor came over, he gave Zhao Jinxin an injection, prescribed some medicine, and left.
Li Shuo was afraid that Zhao Jinxin would be scared again and that he would wake him up when he turned on the lights, so he took three emergency lights in the house and placed them in the room. Although the room was dark, it was still visible.
Even so, he didn't dare to go to sleep, he hesitated, and lay beside Zhao Jinxin.
Looking at Zhao Jinxin's eyebrows frowning in his sleep, Li Shuo couldn't help smoothing it with his fingers, he murmured: "Little poor ...".
In the middle of the night, Li Shuo got up after a while to change a cold towel for Zhao Jinxin, until finally he couldn't stop sleepy.
Early the next morning, Li Shuo woke up first, Zhao Jinxin was still lethargic. He looked into Zhao Jinxin's forehead, and it seemed quite hot. He took his temperature again and it dropped to 38 °.
He got up, changed another towel, and went to the kitchen to cook. While cooking, he called Xiao Chen and asked Xiao Chen to come to his house right away.
Breakfast is ready, so is Chen.
Li Shuo pointed to the guest room: "I'm going out now, and after a while the people inside wake up, you say you're taking care of him and say I left early."
"Ah?" Xiao Chen looked dull.
Li Shuo patted Xiao Chen's shoulder: "Just do it, wait until he wakes up, let him eat, and then take the medicine on the coffee table."
"……it is good."
"You stay here to take care of him today. When he gets better, send him home. He's gone. Call me again."
"No, President Li, who is inside?"
Li Shuo glanced at the bedroom and said lightly, "Zhao Jinxin."
Xiao Chen made a clear expression.
Li Shuo brought some clothes for washing and went to the hotel. He also felt embarrassed by this escape behavior, but he really didn't want and didn't know how to face Zhao Jinxin. Besides, he is not in the mood to deal with it at the moment.
When he arrived at the hotel, he called Xiang Ning and asked about the progress. Xiang Ning asked him not to be in a hurry and was dealing with it.
Hanging up the phone, he fell to the hotel bed and looked at the ceiling in a daze. Obviously it was tiring not to sleep all night, but there was no drowsiness. For a moment, he didn't know what to do.
But in just one year, he seemed to have lost a lot of things. Feelings, career, and reputation crumbled in front of him one by one. Now, not only is his career untouched, but his feelings are messy, and he is also entangled in usury, as if bad luck has not been experienced in the past thirty years. Son let him experience it all over.
Li Shuo really didn't know if he should blame Shao Qun, or whether he should blame himself for his bad life.
He was too lazy to blame anyone, he just wanted to solve the problem, and then ... then probably left here, went home, and returned to his home away from strife, only warmth and love.
But he never felt that time was so long. He couldn't sleep or do anything. His mind was full of all kinds of information. He didn't even know the things that wanted usury and the affairs of Zhao Jinxin. He couldn't get rid of it.
He raised his watch and looked at the time.
It's already afternoon. Zhao Jinxin woke up, are you still afraid? Have you eaten, have you taken the medicine, have you burned out? It shouldn't be home yet, Xiao Chen hasn't called him yet.
So what are you doing now ...
Li Shuo closed his eyes and narrowed his head. He wanted to dig out everything that made him uncomfortable, but unfortunately he couldn't do it.
Suddenly, the phone rang, Li Shuo quickly took it, but the name of the caller ID was-Chang Wenyou.
Li Shuo sighed and connected the phone: "Hey, Xiaochang."
"General Manager Li, are you busy? The voice on the phone is clear and beautiful.
"Oh Nope."
"So, come out to play?" Chang Wenyou laughed. "The weather is good today."
"I ..." Li Shuo stared blankly at the ceiling. He wanted to refuse, but felt that he was suitable for exercise at this time. Exercise can release a lot of unnecessary emotions. "
Chang Wenyou's voice sounded very happy: "I'll send you the address, President Li, waiting for your advice."
Li Shuo smiled slightly: "Dare to be."
Li Shuo got up from the bed, shook his head, and went out.
When he arrived at the tennis court, he temporarily bought sports equipment and replaced it.
The two met their heads in the lounge, and when they met, they found that they were wearing the same clothes, and they looked at each other and smiled.
"I bought it here, too." Chang Wenyou pointed to the store and smiled with a sullen smile: "Coincidentally."
"It looks like we have good eyes." Li Shuo stretched his arm. "I haven't hit yet, I hope it won't be a joke."
"How come, you played well."
"At that time, it was twelve years ago," Li Shuo sighed. "Time passed so fast, you were still a child at that time."
"Yes, and you are my idol when I was a kid." Chang Wenyou gently patted Li Shuo's tennis racket with a tennis racket, his eyes were bright and clear, "Come on, my wish in that year was to fight with you The field ball can finally be achieved now. "
Li Shuo raised some spirits: "Come."
The two walked towards the pitch. 2k novel reading network
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