Chapter 3491: Looking for Chuangdao Mountain

Shen Xiang frowned and thought, he must rescue Xiao Xianglin, because Xiao Xianglin is to avenge him, so desperate.
"Shen Xiang, do you say that the parents of the big sister are already dead?" Xiang Er whispered.
"Although the temper of the big sister's head is relatively rushing, she will consider the consequences. Didn't she not do it to you last time?" Lin said also: "The big sister will suddenly make such a thing, I think it may be The other thing was irritating, and her anger could not be suppressed."
I heard them say this, Shen Xiang also felt that there is such a possibility, Xiao Xianglin may know something about her parents.
"Long Xiangmen had such a thing, and was used as a laughing stock by other forces... The two elders of Longxiangmen were also very angry, so they decided to invite the giants of major forces to come to Longxiangmen and watch the execution of the big sister... ..." Xianger said.
Shen Xiang said in a deep voice: "The master will not have something, I must rescue her!"
Now that his soul's injury has not recovered, he has to wait for recovery to make a thoughtful plan.

Is it safe here?
Shen Xiang asked.
"We don't know, but this month, we are easy to go out and find out, Long Xiangmen is also looking for us everywhere. The elders of Longxiangmen have learned that we took you away," said Lin.
"Let's leave here first!" Shen Xiang took out six mirrors.
"Your injury is still not good, or continue to stay here first." Xianger said.
"Although it hasn't recovered yet, it doesn't matter. Let's leave here first. Maybe they have any means to find us. We are the biggest hope of saving the master." Shen Xiang finished.
Xianger and Liner nodded and then entered the six mirrors.
After seeing Shen Xiang, He Fengyuan breathed a sigh of relief: "You can scare me!" She signed a contract with Shen Xiang, and she died when she died.
"My life is hard!" Shen Xiang snorted.
Shen Feng’s case, He Fengyuan did not know that she could not perceive the outside things in the six mirrors, but she could know that Shen Xiang’s soul was very weak.

What happened?
asked He Fengyuan.
Shen Xiang told He Fengyuan in detail, although He Fengyuan did not do anything at this time, but she has a lot of knowledge and is his helper.
"You are really chaotic!" After He Fengyuan listened, he was very embarrassed. Xiao Xianglin actually killed a number of elders who were proud of the peak of the world. She thought it was terrible.
Shen Xiang is sure that Xiao Xianglin will definitely use the sacred crystal, which shows how angry Xiao Xianglin was at the time.
"So, your legendary mantra is not gone?" He Fengyuan felt very pity, sighed.
"No, I heard that the eldest sister took away the body of the big old man. The veterans have always let her hand it over... This may also be the reason why the elders are not working, saying that they are waiting for the host to go out." Said.
The Great Yuan took away the legendary mantra of Shen Xiang. After being killed by Xiao Xiang, the body was taken away by Xiao Xianglin. The legendary mantra was connected with the soul of the old Yuan. The two surviving elders definitely wanted to win, so they did not touch Xiao Xiang. And because they only have two veterans left, they can't cast a spell on Xiao Xiang.
Although the road to the road has come to some veterans, it is sure to have differences in the attribution of the legendary mantra. Now it should be under negotiation, or there are other changes.
Shen Xiang suddenly thought a lot, the more he dragged on, the worse the situation of Xiao Xianglin was.
"In this way, Long Xiangmen and Chuangdaomen will definitely look for you everywhere. I want the big sister to hand over the legendary mantra, and only start from you." He Fengyuan said.
"Yes." Shen Xiang nodded. "I think this thing is also the participation of the elders of the Royal Dragon Temple... because in the Great Enchantment, the masters and elders of the major gates are both very devastated, and these elders are not allowed. If they don’t come out, they will be very excited when they come out and learn about the legendary mantra."
If the Royal Dragon Temple told Long Xiangmen that he had killed the evil dragon, there would be no such thing happening!
"Now I can only go to create a mountain." Shen Xiang did not know where the road was, but he felt that he should be able to find out.
"Do you know how to get there? Who are you asking?" Xianger said, they all know the things of Genesis Mountain.
"The teaching of the Taoist Gate." Shen Xiang said.
"This... isn't that good?" said Lin, somewhat worried.
"I believe in my vision. I saved this guy. If it weren't me and the master, he is already dead now." Shen Xiang said: "He should know something about the mountain."
Xianger and Liner can only listen to Shen Xiang now. Although their cultivation is higher than that of Shen Xiang, their knowledge and ideas are not as good as Shen Xiang. After all, they are slaves since childhood.
In the six mirrors, Shen Xiang can run a time array, which can speed up his recovery of the wounds of the soul.
After a few days, Shen Xiang, with the help of the beautiful sisters, has gradually recovered. Now he goes to the gate of the road.
"Which Road and Chuangdao Mountain may have anything to do with each other. Wan Haixu, as the instructor of the road, must know something." Shen Xiang said that he has come to the city near the road.
The city is also hotly talking about Xiao Xianglin. The Zongmen’s elders are one of the most powerful ones, but they have been killed by Xiao Xiang. Only two of them are left. Everyone can’t help but talk about this. Sighed again and again.
In this city, Shen Xiang learned that Ding Yuhai often walked outside and he came to a hotel. Ding Yuhai met with friends at this hotel.
At night, Ding Yuhai returned after drinking the wine. Just entering the room, he felt a slight scent. Then a figure flashed out. His reaction was very quick. He immediately showed the sword and prepared to stab, but he saw the familiar face!
"Shen Xiong!" Ding Yuhai was shocked. Xiao Xianglin made those things, all caused by Shen Xiang, everyone knows about it.
Chuangdaomen, Longxiangmen and Yulong Temple are now looking for Shenxiang on the street.
"Ding brother, I need your help." Shen Xiang said quickly, although he did not have a deep relationship with Ding Yuhai, but he believed his vision and believed that Ding Yuhai would definitely help him.
"What can I help you?" Ding Yuhai sat in a chair and sighed. He was very aware of how complicated Shen Xiang was at this time.
Xiao Xianglin was arrested and publicly executed a year later. As a disciple, Shen Xiang must find ways to save Xiao Xiang.
"I want to see your teaching." Shen Xiang said: "You help me to say a word, saying that I am waiting for him here, you should not let him come or not."
Ding Yuhai is very puzzled. Why does Shen Xiang want to see the teaching of the Taoist Gate? Moreover, the teachings of the Taoist Gate were seriously injured at this time... The giants of various forces came back from the Great Enlightenment, and they were seriously injured. Others died. This is a well-known thing.
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