Chapter 3799: Powerful union

Same as Shen Xiang guessed.
"Is it a foundry or a gold fire?" Shen Xiang asked.
"When you just came back, you will investigate a lot of things!" The founder of the beast began to smile with a smile: "It is they who jointly controlled the foundry of the Orcs!"
"Chuangjing is now in control of the drug-making China! And the drug-making Shenzhou can make the beast become stronger. The Golden Firemaster has already controlled the seal of your altar at this time. He allowed the orc to eat your flesh and blood. It is also to make the beasts stronger." Shen Xiang has already thought of something.
Create a crystal family and the Golden Fire Master to join forces, to make the Orc become stronger and become their tool! In addition to the creation of the Orcs, there is also a huge underground people, and it is also a terrible force.
"Golden fire tyrants and Chuangjing people must be secretly planning what to do." The founder of the beast said: "But no one can stop them now... Fortunately, the key to creating a key is in your hands. This is the key to determining their success or failure. So you thousand Don't be caught by them."
"I will be careful." Shen Xiang said.
"Now the ancient era has created the creation of the crystal and the underground people, so the ancient era carries a stronger pressure of strength, if the Golden Fire tyrants dare to chaos, it will lead to chaos in the ancient times, may lead to collapse." The ancestor said: "So he will definitely converge a lot."
"No wonder I can't see the golden flamingo searching for me." Shen Xiang said.
"You and Xiaoyue have gone to this hoe, how is she doing in hell?" asked the ancestor of the beast, he was very concerned about his daughter.
"She is very safe in hell. She used to stay in for a while, and she knows about hell. At this time she is with a woman named Smoke." Shen Xiang said.
"Smoke charm?" The first ancestor of the beast was slightly surprised, and he was also recognized as a smoke charm.
"Do you know her? Longyue said it was her mother's sister!" Shen Xiang asked, he has always been curious about the identity of the smoke, she is also the sister of the founder's first wife.
"It seems that you get along well with Longyue, otherwise she won't tell you about these things." The founder of the beast found a slight smile: "Your boy is not small!"
"Smoke charm this woman is reliable?" Shen Xiang asked.
"She is very good for Xiaoyue, but I don't have to worry about it." The founder of the beast began to sigh: "It is also the only relative of Xiaoyue!"
"That's good." Shen Xiang nodded.
"What is the smoke charm in the end? Longyue said it is to create a real domain!" said Shen Xiang.
"Yes, I am not too sure." The founder of the beast was very perfunctory, making Shen Xiang very unhappy.
"How strong can these beasts eat your flesh and blood?" Shen Xiang asked.
"No matter how strong it is, it won't be your opponent, because I don't have much strength." The founder of the beast said: "Okay, let's leave soon, Golden Firepower is coming."
Shen Xiang immediately withdrew the illusion, and last time his illusion was discovered by the Golden Fire.
"The drug can not go to China, the place has been controlled by the foundry!" Shen Xiang does not intend to return to the Medicine God Villa, if it is the trouble to introduce the Golden Fire Master and the Chuangjing.
Shen Xiang became a wind, flying in the air, suddenly sensing the strange volatility of the atmosphere below, and then saw the ground flashing a burst of golden light, turned out to be a kind of seal power.
"What?" He immediately ran away from the empty mantra.
"You are being tracked!" said Xiao Xianglin.
Shen Xiang thinks that he is hiding very well, and it is impossible to be traced so easily!
"Who is tracking me?" Shen Xiang once again casts a broken mantra, and constantly breaks the air, which can quickly escape.
"It is very likely to be a foundry!" Xiao Xianglin said: "And the guy who comes is not weak, you must be careful."
Shen Xiang continued to turn into a gust of wind and flew to the crack leading to hell.
Boom! When he was flying, the ground suddenly collapsed, and a golden light flew up. After he was exposed to the golden light, he was burning.
"The broken mantra failed!" Shen Xiang was frightened, and all around him was golden light: "Is it the Golden Fire Lord?"
"Shen Xiang, you have nowhere to escape!" This is not the voice of the Golden Fire Lord, so that Shen Xiang is relieved.
The body was burned and burned, and his actions were tied and slow.
"It's a foundry!" Shen Xiang sensed the same breath as the black man. He released six mirrors, spurred the killing inside the six mirrors, released a burst of violent energy, and shot Jin Guangzhen from the ground. Scattered.
After Jin Guang was shaken off, he immediately used the broken mantra to break through the space and then enter the six mirrors. He urged the six mirrors to burst into the energy, and shattered the golden light from the ground. To the road to hell.
"You can only go back to hell!" Shen Xiang controlled six mirrors and flew. The person who had just arrested him had cultivated a proud source of the world. His strength was comparable to that of the Golden Fire. He was not an opponent at all.
The person who pursued Shen Xiang was also very annoyed. He did not expect that Shen Xiang would be so slippery. He would be caught when he saw it. He was able to break free. Although he could sense Shen Xiang, his golden light was of little use and could not be trapped in Shen Xiang. The six mirrors.
The six mirrors flew at high speed, and the speed had been rushed to the extreme. It was only half an hour to come to the seams of and then drilled in.
After coming to hell, Shen Xiang was relieved that the other party could not shoot him and did not catch up.
In the sky above the crack, an old man in a crystal armor is suspended. And there is a man who is surrounded by a golden fire, and he is the master of the Golden Fire.
"Your little son is dead!" said the Golden Fire Chief: "My grandson is only abolished, and the ability of Shen Xiang is really small."
"He went to hell, can there be any way to deal with him?" said the foundry king, they all know the rules of hell.
"For the time being, with his current strength, it is difficult to have opponents in hell." The Golden Firemaster shook his head: "We must get the key to the creation of the key."
"Now I can only persuade the left star wind and Yu Weizhou to let them get the key to create a key in the hands of Shen Xiang."
"It’s all your son’s bad thing. If Shen Xiang enters the drug-making state, he can’t run! But your little son thinks he can deal with Shen Xiang, block him out, and let the underground people besiege him. He is wary of the drug-making state, and it is not so easy to lie to him in the future."
"This kid also lost his life because of his own mistakes." The founder of the Crystal King was slightly angry, but he died his son, but the Golden Firelord still blamed him.
"How about that, he destroyed our plan." Jinhuo master cold channel: "We have planned before, to introduce Shen Xiang into the drug-making state of China!"
"Take me the things of Shen Xiang and give it to me." Chuangjing Huang said: "I will be able to catch him." The book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!
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