Vol 2 Chapter 409: Law monster

A figure moves like a flowing water on the open space, transforming into seven figures.
Observing the screen, I shouted: "Found you!"
He grabbed a smog from the void and threw it out.
When the frost is released, it turns into a long, crystal-clear cream, and a slap in the face.
All other figures disappeared, leaving only the figure that blocked the long hair of the frost.
Gu Qingshan, eight years old.
"How do you know that I am here?" Gu Qingshan asked with surprise.
This is the assassination of the Assassin's guild, but it was seen through the curtain.
The curtain laughed: "Your feet are stepping on the world, and I can naturally feel which one is the real you."
During the speech, he had already flew up and had a flame knife in his hand.
Gu Qingshan holds the long-formed sword in the valley, waved to block the other side, and immediately launched the secret sword.
Gu Qingshan has three swords in a row, and a sword is fiercer than a sword, hitting the short knife on the curtain.
a sword repels,
Two swords hit,
The third sword is attacked from top to bottom!
The curtain fell to the ground, with a long flame to fully resist Gu Qingshan's third sword.
Just listening to the muffled sound of "咚", the two took a step back.
have equal shares!
This Qingshan is quite surprised.
The curtain can resist his secret sword.
Although I have not done my best, the curtain is only eight years old!
"Interestingly, your sword can burst out of three layers of different powers. It seems to be a bit of work."
"But it was blocked by you." Gu Qingshan said.
The curtain laughed and said, "That is because I have taken advantage of the power of the world. When you come over, I am with the world to resist you."
He raised his hand and pressed it empty.
In the heart of Gu Qingshan, the police stunned and gave birth to a long shadow.
Frost and snow, which are unclear in the void, condense into blades, and burst into a dazzling attack under the force of the wind.
In the moment of rest, Gu Qingshan swept out seven hundred swords before he completely blocked the attack.
The curtain said: "This is the power of water and wind. I just guided them, and the earth, water, fire and wind of the whole world are gathered on me. You are fighting the whole world."
Gu Qingshan shook his head and said: "Magic is not so strong, what is your surgery?"
"The art of the world." The curtain laughed.
Gu Qingshan Wei Wei.
The curtain said earnestly: "Rod, you really should listen more when the elders are giving lectures. If you master the fundamentals of the world, you will be more likely to go out in the future."
"Well, I know." Gu Qingshan should answer.
Here is the teaching of the world?
What is the powerful technique of the world.
The boss brought himself to this era and said that there is another way to get the seal of the seal.
Now it seems that I can learn something new from this era...
A figure came from outside the playground.
"It's time to go to class." She looked at the two, her eyes finally falling on the curtain.
"Go." The screen shot took a look at Gu Qingshan's shoulder.
In a blink of an eye, the whole class is over.
Everyone came to the playground and auditioned their feelings in the classroom.
Gu Qingshan tried several times and still could not find the feeling.
"It doesn't matter, try more."
The elders touched the head of Gu Qingshan and comforted.
Gu Qingshan looked at the playground, only to see the eyes closed, quietly floating in the air.
Four kinds of light shine through him, as if there is life, constantly retracting and retracting.
"The talent of the curtain is amazing." Gu Qingshan exclaimed.
"Yeah, he is a clan, he is naturally able to communicate with the world, and will become the strongest of you in the future. The girl he saved will also become stronger." Elder.
Gu Qingshan's eyes moved slightly.
I saw Reneedol standing not far from the curtain, holding a book in his hand. Free to recite the spell, it will release a variety of techniques.
"This is how I feel about strength..." Renee Dole whispered.
Gu Qingshan regained his gaze.
"Elders, we ordinary humans, is it difficult to communicate with the world?" Gu Qingshan asked.
"This depends on the depth of understanding of the world. If you understand the world, the world will naturally embrace you, but the talent of the curtain is nothing, and his communication with the world is beyond anyone I have ever seen." Elders Road.
Gu Qingshan nodded.
The boss is naturally the strongest, otherwise it will not become the "king of infinity" in the future.
"He is really strong." Gu Qingshan said.
The elder smiled and said: "Yes, he will soon be aware of more secrets behind the rules, beyond my old man."
The elder patted Gu Qingshan's shoulder and turned away.
Gu Qingshan fell into meditation.
Not to mention the boss, now I have to seriously learn the knowledge of the Valley of the World.
I have built the art of the world myself. I have just heard the elders talk about the relevant content. Now that there is such an opportunity, it is really necessary to ponder over it.
As soon as he thought about this, he went to the corner of the playground and sat down on his knees, thinking silently.
The elders said that the so-called world technique is based on the four sources of land, water, fire, and wind. The will to spur the world will come, and use this will to resonate with the world and launch powerful techniques.
At the beginning...
The first time I built the world, I also specialized in finding a world wreck that was destroyed by chaos, and acquired the remaining world and the will of the world to complete the surgery.
So the first thing is to communicate with the world will.
Do you have any way to communicate with the world?
Gu Qingshan silent for a while, reaching out and gently gripping.
An invisible wave emanate from him.
The blessings of the past!
In the midst of it, Gu Qingshan suddenly developed a sense of suffocation.
He sat on the ground and lost his ability to breathe.
In front of the playground, Gu Qingshan clearly saw the truth under the surface of the world.
Some kind of vast and innocent existence, constantly moving in the void.
Its random thoughts, a random flight, can destroy the valley of the whole world, but it easily converges on this power, but gives nature the most subtle power to promote the growth of all things.
"The law is a behemoth..."
Gu Qingshan whispered.
The law is a beast, a life that is a law, a branch of the world will.
The elders also said that now they are too small to communicate with the branches of the world will be awesome.
For a moment.
The scene disappeared.
Gu Qingshan gasped for a big breath, sweating all over his head, and he was tired on the ground.
"Rod!" The voice of the curtain came from far away.
He flew to the front of Gu Qingshan and said with excitement: "I just saw you in the world of source and law. You finally succeeded!"
"Thank you." Gu Qingshan moved his backwards, leaning against the wall, and slowly breathing.
The curtain saw him in this appearance, and laughed again: "The first time is like this, you will be much better after you can control the release of the spirit."
Gu Qingshan is also somewhat excited.
He never thought that he could see the other side of the world.
That is the essence and truth of the world.
This may be a basis for growth for people in this era, but Gu Qingshan is the first contact.
He has benefited a lot.
The curtain suddenly lowered the dice and quietly asked: "Rod, you just entered the law world, have you heard any sound?"
"Sound?" Gu Qingshan strangely said.
"Yes, have you heard anyone talking to you?" The curtain showed an urgent color.
"The elders said that when we grow up, we can talk to the branches of the world's will. It seems too early." Gu Qingshan said.
"Not the world will, I am talking about other voices." The curtain said.
Other sounds?
Gu Qingshan thought about it and shook his head.
The scene was disappointing and quickly cheered up and said, "Nothing, you will try it for the first time, maybe you will hear it later."
"What voice did you hear?" Gu Qingshan could not help but ask.
The curtain hesitated, looked up and looked around.
At this time the elders have already left, and most of the schoolchildren have left the playground, leaving only a few people.
The curtain whispered: "I have heard a lot of screams and cry for help. The voices are full of despair, but they are too far away from us. I can only listen to them vaguely."
Gu Qingshan raised his eyebrows and took it seriously.
He whispered: "The curtain, you think about it, what are the voices talking about?"
The curtain reveals a confused color and says: "I don't understand the language, but the kind of emotions that are mixed in it are the same. I will classify it into a word we rarely see."
"Which word?" Gu Qingshan asked.
The curtain slammed and spit out a word: "The end."
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