Chapter 1574: 1 little truth

Speaking of this kind of war that has not been encountered at all, and no other natural disasters, I have always looked at the civilization of Taiping Guotai Min'an, but it disappeared overnight. I always feel a little bit of a sense of sight ... It seems that there are similar ancient cities on the earth?
The ruins of the entire city-state are intact, and no traces of earthquake floods can be found in the surrounding geological records, but even the people are gone and the history is suddenly broken. This kind of chilling spine seems to have been heard somewhere. However, what happened on this planet is obviously larger and the consequences are more serious: it is not one or two city states that have disappeared, but all the technological cities on the planet. It is not a primitive civilization that has suffered from an era, but a group of people who have been able to Hi-tech aliens driving the spacecraft out of the solar system!
What exactly happened that year, all these people suddenly withdrew from the city and returned to the primitive society, and also slowly gave birth to such distorted things as "lost gods"?
It was also suddenly discovered that the situation might be stranger than expected, and Sandora and I decided to obtain as much information as possible from other sources before directly contacting the Pope of the Lost Theology. "The problem" left us an experience: Many things that have gone through the years will be wrapped in layers of mist. Even if you think you are going to see everything through your eyes, you ca n’t easily believe what you have made up in your brain. The final truth Often the peaks and turns, the more conclusions you make up in advance, the easier it is to make bad dishes at the last minute.
Reality is a lame novel, it never plays cards according to common sense, and sometimes it is bigger than a shallow brain hole.
"If the ancient civilization was not destroyed by violence, but the ancients gave up voluntarily ... then something terrible than natural disasters must have occurred, making people at the time think that only giving up technology can protect themselves," I slowly said my guess, "Of course there is another reason, that is, the ancient people were brainwashed by some powerful stuff at that time. They were frustrated and decided to organize a group to go out into the wilderness to carry out picnic activities for tens of thousands of years. The brainwashing for them might be grams. Sulu, maybe the spark of the soul passing by ... "
Sandola gave me a crunchy back bump: bang!
"With this energy, you might as well want something reliable," Sandora said, a little annoyed. "I would like to believe that people at that time encountered a greater threat than war, and this threat is closely related to their technical level."
The female leader looked at me and Sandora tremblingly while rebuilding her Sanguan after the disaster. "Is there a so-called technological curse, as guessed by those crazy sects? When the technology of this world develops to a certain degree, There will be a group of demons from outside to destroy everything and let civilization shuffle again? "
"The curse of technology? The demon outside the sky?" The female leader just said casually, but I suddenly stared. "Specifically, what is going on."
"It's just that some crazy sects are crazy, not even complete doctrine and historical heritage. Whimsical heretics gather to make up stories to scare themselves," the female leader seemed very disdain, "Some people guess in the world of mortals and gods There are also so-called devil in the sky. These devil feed on 'knowledge'. Gods create mortals, but demons create knowledge. Demon teach knowledge to mortals and let civilization develop and flourish. In fact, the earth is used as its own nursery. When mortals reach a certain height, it is a time of 'knowledge' maturity. The demon in the sky will run out of the gap between the space to pick fruits, they will drain the soul of mortals, destroy the entire world, and then seed new ones among the surviving humans. ' Knowledge 'is waiting for the next maturity-they believe that it is this cycle that led to the destruction of ancient civilizations. And they feel that as long as the mortal world is always obscured, peace can last forever, because this will cause mortals to be more' unpalatable ', and demons will not coming……"
In the end, the female leader couldn't help but reveal a funny look: "It's quite cries and laughter? This kind of small sect has appeared several times. There are always people who like to scare themselves to make up these stories. These small groups are technical The attitude of the blockade is more positive than that of the Lost Deities, but because they are too apostate, this group will be wiped out by everyone when they show up. So it has not been a climate. "
"Actually, their idea of" the demon outside the sky "is quite creative," I chuckled, "although it may not be reliable, but it may explain a little why civilization was broken in the absence of natural disasters."
The female leader immediately sneered and said, "Oh, how is it possible, such an abstract thing as 'knowledge' ... how can there be monsters that feed on memory and spirit?"
I couldn't help squinting to look at Sandola, then poked at the female leader: "Be careful, you're dying for the second time today."
Female leader: "?"
"Huh!" Sandora snorted hard to interrupt this non-nutritive topic. "Anyway, these things that can't be verified or falsified are set aside first. Why do you think the lost knowledge of theological seal?"
The female leader thought for a while and thought, "... I dare not say anything else, but one thing is certain: if mortals have mastered higher technology, I am afraid that it will indeed induce disasters, not that 'knowledge' itself has induced disasters, but ... a certain act after mastery of knowledge leads to disaster. "
The other party really has unique insights in this regard!
Sandola dangled encouragingly in front of the female leader: "Continue, your opinion is very helpful."
"This was originally a very immature idea, and I have never spoken to anyone else," the female chief took a breath, and then slowly spit it out. "But just now you mentioned that ancient civilization did not experience disaster, but in I suddenly gave up my city under all normal circumstances, and my idea is more convincing: the ancient civilization developed to such a high degree that it did not encounter disasters, which shows that disasters are not attracted by technology and knowledge itself. It may be that human beings
possible to take
certain actions after they have acquired this knowledge will cause disasters. Ancient civilization must have foreseen such actions, but they cannot guarantee that all human beings will always be vigilant. In order to prevent someone ... prevent someone ... ... "
I saw that the other party could not sum up the useful words for a long time, so I reminded: "Preventing death is an upgraded version of death."
"Fuck? Oh, this word seems to be very useful, just to prevent someone from killing," the female chief nodded. "Human beings have a lot of unpredictable behaviors after mastering high enough technology and knowledge. One of them is May kill everyone. The ancients must have noticed this, but mortals are too complicated, too much change, and there are always bold people, so in order to fundamentally end this crisis ... the ancients decided to simply abolish All technology. The "dangerous behavior" must not be done by individual people, it may require a certain technological foundation, so as long as the entire civilization has stopped, even if a few people want to 'make death', they will not be able to complete it. Related research. This is my guess-I have never told anyone before, I am afraid that I will be treated as a lunatic. After all this guess is established ... then there is nothing about the of technology and the of magic. "
I looked at the elder sister in surprise: "Sister, you have an idea, learn from me ... Keke, don't mind if I think your idea is novel, but do you have any clear evidence?"
"No, only speculation," the female leader shook her head. "The most reliable evidence is what you just told me: ancient civilization was not destroyed by calamity. That's why I believe that neither" knowledge "nor" technology "is a calamity. The direct inducement should be some sort of mortal 'possibility'. "
I looked at Sandorah: "What will humans do after they have sufficiently advanced technology to lead to the end of the world?"
"How to die? That's too much," Sandora said with a bit of teasing. "I have seen five or six digits of the dead civilization in my life, and it went down to the planet to explode. Up to declare war with the empire. Almost everything. Every mortal wants to die, God can't stop it. Earth people have been among the dead reserve players since they knew e =. You can see how high mortal death is. And honestly ... Did n’t the spirit apostle almost die before he became a god? Only one breath was left. "
I shook my lips: "But I haven't seen you kill the scientists in order to prevent the tribe from dying, so the ancients of this planet must be aware of the more dangerous means of death, dangerous to the level that will certainly die. And Once the technology is mature, it may be so easy that all human beings can try it at any time-they have to decide to kill their civilization. "
"For example ... external communications? High-power broadcast?" Sandola suddenly remembered, "Ajun, do you still remember the metal card? 'Silent, silent, don't make a sound!', The metal card repeatedly emphasized this Is anyone monitoring communications in this universe ?! "
"Communication!" I almost jumped up, because a key point seemed to be pierced. "This universe is 'wrapped' by the interference layer. It can't communicate externally! Think about it from another angle. The role of this interference layer I'm afraid it also prevents people inside from communicating with each other! "
The female leader looked at the excitement of one person and one ball, and couldn't help showing a curious look on her face: "What are you talking about?"
"Study on the end of the world," I said casually, only to realize that the other person's face suddenly turned blue before realizing that it was not a joke topic for her. "Well, don't mind, I'm talking about it. Anyway. We probably guessed what happened to the technology blockade, but the real situation still has to confront the Pope of the Lost Faith to find out, and also have to go to a place ... Well, ask you, you know the Lost How old is the Pope this year? "
The age of jumping from world peace to the pope may be that the problem is so jumpy that the female leader has not been confused for a long time. She stared blankly here: "Ah?"
"How old is the Pope this year? We know that it is a tree elf, but we don't know how many years he lived," Sandora floated to the other side. "We have investigated from other sources, including various religious files and folklore, But the age of the pope is fascinated, and the records related to the pope are deliberately ignored in any religious records. There is no record of his crowning and replacement. We do n’t even know that there are already several popes of the Lost Deity. It ’s weird. In fact, we probably know a 'year', about 70,000 years. It is the longest possible age for the tree elf to appear on this planet. If the pope is still the first generation of tree elf ... got it."
"You suspect that the current pope is the pope who founded the gods when ancient civilization collapsed?" The female leader looked at it with a strange expression. "Oh, this is normal. You are 'foreigners'. The elf lives a long time. You think so Not surprising, but I can tell you for sure: the current Pope is definitely not the original one. The original Pope died early. And it has been changed for many generations. "
I was startled: "Ah?"
"The Lost Deities have never announced this, but we can know some of their secrets through secret channels," the female leader smiled, seemingly content, "the predecessor of the technology revival was actually a part of the Lost Deities' radical The priests, um, are all short-lived species. Because they do not have the longevity of the elves, they cannot master too core and ancient knowledge, and they are not so close to the elves. This part of the radical priests later split into a technical revival. , So we know some secrets about the church-the life of the pope is very short, and the life of the pope is exactly the same: 100 years of precision. "
"What's going on !?" I exclaimed, it was completely unexpected!
"No one can explain. Although many high-level priests know this, no one knows the reason. This 'reason' seems to involve the original secret of the church. Only the most core cardinal and the pope can access this secret. "The female leader shook her head. "Some say that mortals cannot bear the power of the gods of technology and magic, some say that the pope is responsible for the sins of knowledge instead of other mortals, and some say that the ancient supreme gods have left a curse. Live a hundred years old. And it has nothing to do with when they are crowned. The pope is an elf baby selected by the 'God Reveal' from birth. From the day they are selected, they are destined to live only a hundred years old. And the growth rate It will also be accelerated to be similar to human beings. When the last pope returned to heaven, the new pope was just eighteen years old, and they have inherited it so accurately for tens of thousands of years. However, the outside world does not know this, because the lost theology never announces the relationship with the pope There are so many folk legends, some say that both popes have lived 100,000 years old, some say that the pope is immortal, and some people speculate that the current two popes are the seventh and sixth generations- — Baseless guess. "
"The news of the church blockade shows that the short life of the Pope is also 'important information', but it may not have anything to do with our concerns," Sandola and I looked at each other, and then turned to the female leader. "So to say, even Ordinary people in the tree elves don't know about the short life of the pope? "
"I heard it just now. You divided the elves into tree elves, white elves, and high elves? It's weird. It doesn't make much sense to distinguish them. They live together and their bloodlines have been mixed," the female leader pouted. "Indeed, Although the elf civilians are also long-lived species, they are still not qualified to access these secrets, because the two popes were born from a group deified. Every year, many elf babies are selected into the saint sequence and they enter the church. At that time, he was deified, and since then there has been no affiliation with the mortal world, even their parents can't meet, the pope chooses from these babies, and no one knows the process. "
I put up two fingers: "The last two questions, the first: Since you know such great information, why haven't you thought about publishing it? Since the church takes this issue very seriously, then you must release the news. It ’s going to cause a big commotion, do n’t you look at the church?
"Because it doesn't make sense, there are countless speculations about the church's high level. Although the church's rule is solid, there is never too little gossip about it. If you go to the southern city, you will know that there are even people who say that the pope can only live For ten years, the female leader shook her head helplessly. "The church doesn't care about this. The people will only treat this kind of news as a chat after tea. The pope is short-lived. Does this have an impact on the world? Does it have an impact on the harvest of crops? No, So no one cares. "
The churches in this world are only concerned about the "technological storage". This "simpleness" has led them to not be afraid of these rumors against the Pope himself. Although they will not proclaim themselves, they are also not worried about others' speculation. This is interesting.
"Well, this question doesn't seem to be important, the second one," I looked at the female chief curiously. "Since you guessed that the church's storage technology is to prevent human beings from causing death to the end, why do you and your men still Are you rejuvenating technology in a hurry? Don't you worry that you'll be 'dead'? "
"Some things ... can't escape," the bland expression on the female leader's face was swept away, and at this moment it turned into a full frenzy, "Maybe the church really wants to protect the world, but they Stubborn and stupid, and timid as a mouse! Those who are too flexible and too afraid of death are forgetting what is most important as a wise spirit. They blindly freeze technology and evade blindly. The problem cannot be solved at all! Disaster may not be called by human beings, but what will it do when it finds it on its own? Technology and knowledge are mortals' only weapons, but the church has sealed them because they are worried that the weapons are too sharp! Then when the disaster comes to our door, we have no room for resistance! The technology revivalists are to build this weapon for the human beings in the world. Mortal people should not run away like this, we must find a way to solve the problem! "
Suddenly the ball became brighter, and Her Majesty seemed very happy: "Oh yeah, that's right-as a human with limited knowledge, it's good that you have this realization, I appreciate you, um, my husband should also Look at it that way. "
"You ... will you help us revive technology?"
"Sorry, I'm afraid it won't work for the time being."
The female leader suddenly stunned: "Why ?!"
Sandora and I looked at each other ~ ~ looked at the female leader very seriously: "Because the 'threat' you are facing is really not something that can be dealt with by ancient technology. Lost Religion It's too conservative, but we're going to investigate a lot before we're not sure what the 'disaster' they are trying to avoid. "
The female leader's aspirations are high, and she is also good, but obviously she has not touched the wider world so she doesn't know the real sinister. And Sandora and I know more, so it is clearer that we need to be careful at this moment:
Considering the escape experience of the tree elves, it is easy to speculate that the threat to this world may be the abyss or the fleet of the fallen apostles! If it is the latter, it is okay to say that the fallen apostles have now been basically solved, and the rest are the troops of the Abyss Spirit, which can communicate, but if it is the abyss ... we only have one Empire Admiral on hand!
It can be tracked through information overflow (that is, communication at certain frequencies), which looks like an abyss infection.
(I recommend a book, "Experimental Log of Mad Lich", although it is not very fat, but the quality is good, the idea is very new, the dungeon story is very abandoning the sleazy line of Daguai upgrade, very happy, very unconventional, The point is that the brain hole is relatively large, that's it.) (To be continued
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