Chapter 1598: The first thing

The dark appearance, the ugly shell, the weird pile of irregular spheres, the overall appearance of what style can't be said ... This thing looks strange, but I'm not strange at all, because This is what I brought back with my own hands not long ago.
In the world of refuge, this thing is stored in the storehouse of the forge of the god-the mysterious device protected by the last power of the abyss Xi Ling tens of thousands of years ago, but no one knows its true function.
This thing is the "alternative" to solve the dilemma of the launcher ?! Can it replace the boot core ?!
"Do you know what it does?" I stared for a long time before turning my head to look at Tavel in an incredible way. "This thing can replace the core of the launcher? It looks ugly ..."
"Don't judge anything by appearances, why do you still have this bad habit?" Abyss' spirit suddenly heard from the side, "As my father, you should be more just and wise ... Although I also Quite surprising, I didn't expect that what I saved in the past turned out to be such an important thing-it is the launching end of the other side, um, it is only the core part. "
Both Sandora and I looked like this: 0_0!
"Yeah ... the start-up side of the other side ?!" I exclaimed after a few seconds, "Are you sure ?! This thing turned out ... I look at it, what looks so unremarkable is actually the start-up of the other side end!?"
"It's true that the subordinates found the decisive evidence inside this device," Tavel nodded hard, "Although it looks so incredible in front of him like this. And it doesn't look very similar ... but it's really the core of the launch. "
I hurriedly waved and let Tavel pause for a moment. My own thoughts were more confusing and I needed to take a look. It takes so much for a while! Looking at the big space in space, it is ugly. You can use "坨" to describe strange things. I can't imagine that I accidentally found a start-up core from the other side! How could it exist to this day? No ... it should be said how could it exist ?! When did the other side launch such a cruel thing toward this side? Now how can the star ring federation across the country have such superb technology? It is by luck that they throw a detector here! And it doesn't look like the equipment made on the other side. The style seems to be biased ...
But in any case, it is so honestly before everyone, no matter how incredible it is. We now have a starter core at hand. The starter core from the other side, which appears to be intact, was retained by Abyss Spirit more than 70,000 years ago! When we encountered the greatest difficulty, when everything seemed to be in despair, this thing appeared!
"Is this a coincidence or luck?" The expression on my face didn't know what to look at, I could only look around and look at everyone around me, "Who are you to hit me and see if I'm dreaming ... Bingtis put down That evil slab! Lin Xue, what are you going to do with that mace! 诶 I said that I didn't let you fight ... Xiao Xue, you bear dared to come here for fun, right ?! "
"Why are they like this?" Abyss Xiling stared blankly at the chaos that erupted in front of her eyes. Her rational and stereotyped thoughts simply couldn't accept this way of unfolding. "Now a very serious environment! My father is so unreliable People? "
"Oh. This is the style of our house," although Sandora will not be involved in this kind of shattering, but at least it is commonplace. She patted Abyss's spirit on the shoulder. "This can effectively relax the atmosphere, and if you Sooner or later, as members of our family.
"I'll lead everyone to settle across the bank-after the bridge has been set up successfully," Abyss Helen straightened. Expressing his determination with unprecedented resoluteness, "It is necessary to stay away from this somewhat strange family ... I feel that my logical components will be hurt."
At this time, I also finally determined that I was not dreaming, but I was still quite unbelievable looking at the ancient equipment that was like a small planet in space. It feels that this dramatic development is really unexpected: "The core of the startup side, the core of the startup made on the other side! Happiness comes too suddenly and it is like dreaming ... Bingtis, please stand for me, don't move, I just sigh! Who ... Tavel, come here and explain, how do you know that this thing is the core of the boot? Isn't it that you can't see its function from the scan? "
"Yes, the conventional scan without prejudice to its structure really did not gain much, and the expert group did not understand what its function was." Tavel explained the situation at a glance, "but after the regular scan was invalid We got the authorization from Mother Lin Xue, and decided to take a look at its casing. This move is a bit risky, because no one knows whether the opening of its casing will cause any other reaction to this ancient device, but it was studied to the end That's all in one step-and then we found this. "
As Tavel said, he took a black "metal" plate from the side of the self-disciplined robot. I couldn't see what material it was handed to me: "This is part of the shell, although the surface can't be seen, but The whole shell of that thing is made up of countless pieces of this size, and it seems that its builder did not care about its mechanical strength, or that the shell was not very important. "
I took a look at the shell fragments, and the most eye-catching line above was the sharply-lined Greek text: "This is the core of the boot."
Everyone: "..."
"Um ... just so plainly written?" Sandora probed over and looked at it, with a strange tone, "I haven't noticed it before?"
Tavel was really powerful, and his face did not change at this time: "Yes, these texts have been etched in a special way, which was not found by conventional scanning. At the beginning of the study, only non-destructive detection was performed due to the rules. No one thinks that there will be words on the inner layer of the shell. The research department has a very strict set of protection regulations for this very large and highly complex ancient heritage. We can only apply to our superiors when the regular scanning is not effective. ' "Destructive research," meaning to take it apart. Theoretically it is. "
I know why Tavel didn't discover the secret of this big thing until now, but there is nothing to say: study all the rules. High-value antiques cannot be dismantled casually, after all, such items are hard losses once they are dismantled. Repairs are not easy to repair, so the target can only be disassembled when the research proceeds to the last step. But who can think of the abyss spirit that left a word in it ... Is it a bit strange to say that the abyss spirit is a message in itself?
"Almost every piece of shell has such a message on the inner layer, and some fragments still have the concept of the boot end and the bridge, but I don't know why I didn't find something similar to the memory. If there is such a thing, it should be able to The truth was discovered earlier. "Tavel's tone was a little strange. She couldn't figure out why Abyss Spirit wanted to leave a message to future generations in such a primitive and weird way.
"Because the nature of the boot end is very special," it was Abyss Healing himself who answered, "Although I can't remember the past, I know the weird nature of the boot end. Any storage device placed at its core will be washed away, and even The device itself will slowly disappear. Only the information left on the 'material structure' on the startup side can be saved, which is a bit like mimicking the zeroing effect. But the true principle is unknown. In other words, it is except for lettering on the startup side. You can leave information and put in anything that does not belong to it-it will be deleted even if the startup terminal is not running. Anyway, the startup terminal I made is like this, and it should be similar on the other side. After all, we use the same blueprint. . "
"Is this still the case?" I was quite surprised, but I didn't delve too deeply. It would be awkward if there were one or two weird features on the startup side. "Okay, don't delve into the details. Anyway, we can I'm sure this is the core of the startup end. I didn't expect to step on the iron shoes and find nowhere to spend it. Abyss Xiling, as a commentator of that year, what do you think now? "
Abyss Spirit looked at the black shard and the message she had forgotten. He nodded earnestly: "I suddenly felt that I was really amazing!"
Me: "..." When this guy said this sentence, the expression on his face was not serious, and she didn't mean to make a joke!
Bingtis also looked at the fragment with curiosity, and suddenly said, "Why should it be engraved on the inside? Didn't we find it when it was engraved on the outside? It also saved everyone from worrying for so many days. The lungs were almost depressed. "
"It's not necessary to say the second half," I threw a blank eye at Bingtis, and then followed with some curiosity. "What does it mean to be engraved inside? Are you afraid that people will see it at first glance?"
Abyss Hei Ling shook his head quite irresponsibly: "How can I know that the memories of that year have been emptied-maybe I have engraved the words inside and out but have been worn away by some strange characteristics of this thing? Also have Maybe it was wiped away by the nervous shipboard host. Her brain was so abnormal that she might not be able to wipe the surface of the things in the storeroom and find that it was not clean ... "
I suddenly sweated coldly: "Suddenly, it's very possible!"
In short, there was such a disruption, and the people at the scene did not care why the abyss Hei Ling had engraved these words on the inner layer of the shell of the start-up. A starting point from the other side? The technology on the other side does not seem to have reached this level at all-the Starring Federation is similar to us. They are in the stage of trying their best to launch several detectors to the opposite side. They were 70,000 years ago. Should be weaker, how could it be possible to launch such a large launcher? "
"Because this thing was not launched 70,000 years ago, nor was it a product of the Starring Federation—" Tavel took a deep breath, and seemed to give us time to prepare, and then she said the second half. "It comes from an earlier age, before the escape of the mother star ... this is the thing that caused the destruction of the hometown world! It came to the shore with the gate of the abyss!"
As soon as this word came out, everyone was shocked, even Sandora almost exclaimed!
Even though I was a little mentally prepared to accept any kind of bizarre answer before Tavel spoke, I never expected that the truth would burst to such a degree! This thing turned out to be the "gate component" that led to the Great Escape of the Spirit Master!
Sandola's eyes flashed for a moment, but she calmed down quickly and glanced at the huge relic in space with an incredible look. Finally, I set my sights on Tavel: "Are you sure? It is this startup that opens the door to the ancestor of the homeland world ?!"
Tavel nodded slowly and forcefully: "Subordinates can be sure, the inner layer of the shell is indeed engraved with this information. If Abyss Hilling did not plan to make such a bad joke to future generations 70,000 years ago, then This should be the fact: the starter in front of us led to the extinction of the hometown of the year, and it was one of the original door opening equipment! "
I subconsciously glanced at the abyss Xi Ling next to me, and then I felt that although she was an unprecedented bear child who could be a pit father, she would never make such a bad joke. Especially 70 years ago, it was a matter of her last life. At that time, the spirit was not a bear child.
Sandora didn't snor immediately, she just slowly turned her head, looking at the huge relic suspended in the dark space, and looking at the "initial factor" that triggered everything: this thing, from a long-destroyed civilization on the other side The creation opened the gate of the huge abyss that was five light years old, and destroyed the hometown of the Spirit. Let the latter be forced to start fleeing, and finally opened the history of the Spirit Empire.The weird thing that is not good is the starting point of everything-even my half-way monk feels difficult to calm, I can hardly imagine Sandora deep inside What a rough sea the department is going through.
But in the end Her Majesty only ended her emotion with a sigh: "It is useless to stay in the past, and we should be fortunate that we have got rid of the shackles of hatred-Tavel, don't care where it comes from, this is just an ancient Equipment, ancient equipment used by the Empire. Understand? "
"Subordinates understand." Tavel gave a military salute, his voice was calm and solemn.
"Okay," Sandora nodded. "Now talk about the information about it. How did this thing fall into the hands of the abyss? Hell? I can be sure that no one knew the existence of this initiator in the old empire. At that time, no one even knew what it meant to build a bridge-- This thing should not be in the hands of Abyss at first. "
"We also don't know. The" message "in the startup terminal didn't mention this," Tavel shook his head. "This extraordinary creation must be immortal, probably it has been floating somewhere in the void. Then in The right time is in the hands of the abyss, and the subordinates think that this is not an important issue. The point is that it should work. This is enough. "
Tavel's outlook on life is also easy enough, as long as it can solve the problem is a good thing, no matter where it comes from-this is also the way of thinking of most Apostles. But I still couldn't help but glance at the abyss Xi Ling: This subject is theoretically a concatenator of everything in front of her. It is she who somehow got this ancient start. It is between her extinction in her homeland and the cataclysm of the void. A large number of complicated lines are linked, which is the historical truth she holds the most, and is itself the weaver of most epic events. If you consider the behemoths of void, abyss, cataclysm, empire and so on as a complicated and disordered three-dimensional network, then the abyss spirit is most of the time in the center of this large network. Although there are a lot of "accidental factors" that make people feel like a fight, such as the recognition of the father two days ago, such as the oldest bear child, such as the pit father's talents are full, and the pit father will not waver for 70,000 years, but I must From the heart, I admire this complicated and simple "ultimate black hand", but this black hand also has something that she can't grasp: facing the startup end that she kept tens of thousands of years ago, she can only be as dazed as we are. And after seeing my sight, I can only helplessly tilt my head: "You look at me, it's useless, I really don't know where to retrieve this, it has probably become an unsolved mystery."
At this time, Tavel has begun to introduce us to the various properties of the launcher. She pushed her glasses and expressed her expressions: "First of all, the subordinates should report a strange phenomenon: the message on the launcher really confirmed that it came from Across the shore, but this thing is very different from the other shore products we salvage in the past.Its component does not have the phenomenon of 'attribute loss'.Although there is still no way to analyze what it is, its quality, strength, physical and chemical properties Indicators such as nature can be measured, which is very different from the general opposite shore products. This is also the most important reason why we did not associate it with the opposite shore in the beginning: how this thing looks normal, it is not like the opposite shore. Theory That's it. "
Is there no "missing attribute"? I immediately raised an eyebrow and became curious about this fact.
As we all know, the biggest barrier between the opposite shore and the shore is "incompatible". From matter to energy to anything else, in short, except for the void, all secondary products on the void ladder on both sides are incompatible. We salvage The material on the opposite shore often has the strange phenomenon that the mass or hardness cannot be measured, and even the abyss on both sides of the strait cannot affect the other side. This is also the foothold of the abyss' spirit "great cause". These materials behave differently, but they must exist more or less.
To this day, by detecting whether an item has "untestable attributes", it is already an important indicator for us to judge whether the item comes from the other side.
But now the core of this ancient startup end is completely compatible with this shore ?!
I looked at Tavel and asked if she could be sure about it with a glance of exploration. The latter immediately nodded firmly: "The subordinate said at the end of the sentence that it is" theoretically like this "is just a mouth addiction. The subordinates are completely sure of their test results ~ ~ I: "?"
I feel I just heard something that is very useless but informative!
"Oh, that sentence was just mentioned by the bubble adviser. She said that this can improve her Majesty's favorability. Although she doesn't understand what it means, there is no loss in speaking," Tavel explained swiftly, and then stunned me. The topic continued before the expression collapsed. "In addition, the subordinates also found that this ancient device did not have any energy response ... We are afraid that we must find a way to solve its energy supply problem, but this should be better than the dilemma that the core of the startup terminal cannot be repaired. Solve some. "
Tavel's voice fell, and Abyss Spirit spoke beside him: "Let me explain something, about the initiator ... there should be some connection between the two sides."
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