Chapter 1613: The light (the ending)

The "Anomalous Entropy Walker" stayed in the home star for many days. They did not leave while the Empire Fleet was busy constructing various auxiliary equipment at the startup end, and they always increased the number slowly, although the final increase rate has slowed down to a possible Only one or two anomalous walkers come to the party all day, but they are still continually gathering.
Ding Dong used his talent and these strange information-virtual-spiritual ternary hybrids (in fact, I do n’t know the name, but I do n’t know how to describe them). Their own language system does not have any organs to communicate with other living things, but they can still talk to the guardians of life, and Ding Dong knows the habits of these magical creatures: they live in the deep space (distant from here (Hundred light years), usually relying on the free energy in space to maintain the body, but rely on swallowing the "information" to reproduce or grow bigger and bigger, this is why they can survive in this stagnant universe, but appearance It is similar to spirit creatures.
Anomalous walkers are very small to us. They don't even have attack power in front of the Imperial soldiers, but for most ordinary races, these creatures are probably strange and dangerous, because they can naturally swallow information and even swallow it. The "knowledge" and "history" of a race, even if the process of swallowing is very slow, it is completely unavoidable for ordinary races. It can be said that things are almost mythological creatures, so Ding Dong wrote a set of life form amendments for them. Code, so that the abnormal entropy walker is safer, at least it will not harm the external environment at will-the hometown world is about to be connected with the empire area, we can't extinct a species at will, but we can't make them a threat.
The reason for the abnormal entropy walkers to come to the parent star is the same as before: this is their breeding season. These space floating spirits come to the parent star for "irradiation" every hundreds of years (the standard time scale of the capital), and their reproduction often lasts for several months. Near the gate of the abyss is a region where information flows very frequently. The abyss environment weakens the world barrier here, leading to frequent material leakage and information exchange. This is one of the "holes" in the hometown world (also in the depths of the universe) Other holes. They were left by the great disaster of that year), and it is also one of only a few places in this stagnant universe that will generate new "information". Abnormal entropy walkers meet here, celebrate, feast, and understand the universe with their ignorant minds. When enough abnormal entropy walkers gather, they will even produce a high degree of wisdom-enough to use for their own The meaning of existence is confused, and Ding Dong was attracted by hearing the murmurs of their entire race in perplexity.
If it is in another world. A group of such indigenous creatures in the primitive period and not threatening would not attract the attention of the Emperor, but here, even Sandora paid great attention to the entropy walkers in their busy schedules: Although the Apostles of the Spirit were not Good at the emotional side, but things related to hometown are an exception. The generals and emperors of the empire think that these blue light-emitting space floating spirits are the spiritual embodiment of the homeland world, and even the blue light emitted from them is reminiscent of psionic energy (Abyssal spirit protested but was ignored and discolored Psychic has no human rights). So some guys who couldn't help with the bridge project started to study these creatures, and even suggested that a few abnormal entropy walkers be brought back as pets-everyone must remember that Qian Qian is a loving girl who catches and raises. . However, she eventually gave up the idea, because she found that the abnormal entropy walker had no neck, no neck = no way to tie the rope = no way to bend = no way to keep a pet, so she gave up.
Anyway, I don't quite understand how shallow logic works.
With the "accompaniment" of these anomalous entropy walkers, the bridge project also progressed smoothly to a critical moment with extremely high efficiency.
Maybe we have experienced too many twists and turns over the years, and almost everything we do will encounter double resistance. So the character accumulated over the years was finally paid at this moment: no rebels to fight the autumn wind, no hostile races to set off the war, no sudden technical problems encountered by the pit father, and the giant abyss door did not suddenly collapse, everything The factors that will cause the project to fail have been eliminated in advance or will not happen at all, and there is nothing to stop us from erecting the bridge.
The second month of the Empire Fleet's arrival in the home world.
All the facilities around the starting end have already been running at full power. The original loose operating field became a large group of artificial celestial bodies under the filling of a large number of space factories added later. This celestial body has a radius of three astronomical units and is roughly irregular in shape. Consisting of a large number of factories and computing cores, countless working spaceships (80% of which are newly created here, praising the advanced battlefield deployment technology of the empire) shuttle through it, making this huge belt become a busy And a vibrant place. There is a long distance between the operation site and the starting end. It does not directly contact the starting end, but provides a
logistic facility
for the starting end with additional computing power and energy transfer. The two rely on a large number of space doors and fast shuttle The spaceship came to China Unicom.
And farther away from the job site. It is crucial-the energy station.
Everyone still remembers how much energy the starter is a horrible guy. At the beginning we competed with the new army for the starter. To be honest, it took ten days and a half thanks to this stuff to be full. The emperor was at the last moment. Catch up and do not let the new army succeed. At that time, the new army found that the conventional phantom well was insufficient and even demented to detonate their own territorial universe. But this did not make the start-up end up in time, the dissipating energy consumption level of this thing is evident.
Therefore, the most important thing we did after we got here was to immediately start the construction of a large-scale Youneng well. From the moment the first working base station was launched over the gate of the abyss, a thousand Youneng wells started construction simultaneously. . The Empire Fleet prepared a large number of builders and prefabricated modules before departure, and those mass production hosts also diverted most of their computing power to direct the construction (anyway, the startup terminal has not been activated, and the production bubbles are also idle). With all the effort, the largest energy array in the new empire's history is piled up like this.
This is a huge building complex composed of a thousand Youneng wells, three Youneng abyss, and countless Youneng reactors. The principle of these psionic energy facilities is known to everyone. Its main body is located in the critical layer of the void, and the decay energy is extracted from the void to transmit to the real world. The external interfaces of the phantom reactor are connected together to form a large space-like floating island-like building group, while the output of the phantom well is a huge facility that looks like a cylindrical space station, endless phantom abyss It is the old technology that the new empire has just mastered. The most powerful ultimate reactors are enough to blow up the entire universe with a little carelessness-their output looks like a huge tombstone, with a gray surface, no decoration, and squareness ... well, it is actually Like a coffin, but I really don't want to say that ...
This group of buildings floats a hundred astronomical units away from the gate of the abyss. The reason why they are so far away is to worry that too large energy surges will stimulate the gates, leading to unpredictable accidents, and the huge amount of energy they generate is transmitted to the startup through hyperspace devices and conversion and focusing equipment on the work field. End, thus forming an efficient energy transmission system.
The surging psychic energy filled these devices, reflecting the dark universe, and the entire energy station was therefore wrapped in a blue mist. It looks like a vague city in the cloud, and every construction of the energy station will be put into use immediately, so the charging of the startup end has actually lasted for a month, and the latter now finally shows the order Familiar and spectacular figure: a large group of brilliant white light.
The heavenly white beam of light we have seen in the past also reappeared. It penetrated the entire hometown world and messed up the optical phenomena of the entire universe-but this is only temporary. It is said that everything will resume after the startup terminal starts normally.
This white beam of light continues to grow and gradually engulf the starting end. Eventually, the starting end will temporarily disappear in front of our eyes, and the only remaining light reflects space, which is a sign that the charge is nearing its end. When the startup terminal is fully activated, the process will be reversed, the white light column will slowly shrink, and the white light at the startup terminal will reappear, just as it was during the final battle of the quiet core.
Ok. Although it is not so good to recall, I am now eagerly expecting it to start quickly-visual inspection is really fast.
In the upper platform of the Admiral, Abyss Spirit and we watched together the brilliant beam of light in space. It is parallel to the big crack in the abyss. The Guangchang Bridge is spectacular.
"In the last step of the bridge. The starting end that entered the peak state will be released, and then it will merge with the door of the abyss," said Abyss Hei Ling, without hesitation. "You do n’t need to participate in that step. .If the data and calculations are correct ... the long bridge will be erected, the two sides of the void will always be connected, and the bridge itself will become the void's own structure and therefore very strong, unless there is still a large catastrophe and a void that we do not know Void is a great cataclysm, or it will exist forever. Well, theoretically impossible. "
I hugged a small bubble, carrying a tinkerbell, carrying a puppet, with Pandora on the left and Huesca on the right (these two generals are by no means for research, they are more leisurely than shallow these days), Sitting as spectacular and busy as ever, hearing the words of Abyss Hei Ling, I poked my head through the gaps of several bear children: "In case the long bridge is harmful-I mean just in case, there is really no way Can it be dismantled? "

Of course it ’s not so easy to dismantle, otherwise the new army would not have used the Long Bridge as a must-have magic weapon, and it would have to occupy it at all costs,
said Abyss Hei Ling. Possibly, then it must be assumed that the long bridge can be destroyed, but maybe it takes five void creatures to collectively rush up and explode? Who knows, I do n’t pay attention to these. Pure guessing and incalculable things are meaningless, at least for me. It's meaningless. Also, Father, can you not be so stale? It is very inappropriate for these royal members who should be commanders of the army to hang on like this. "
I tried to keep the balance and smiled at Abyss Hei Ling: "Are you envious? You can also hang it. In theory, you are also a bear child under my knees. Ding it, I was not used to it at first, but now I am really After accepting this setting, I found it quite interesting. "
There was a strange light in Abyss' spirit's eyes, and then she turned to look at the large box next to her, preparing to smash this box onto my shoulder: "Master, are you serious?"
Immediately I looked at me and said: "Forget it, you are not worse than Xiao Xue when you bear."
At this time, Harlan suddenly came to the platform. He looked at the notice, and the big brother was not surprised to see the lively scene on me, but just smiled strangely. Then nodded to me: "Chen, everything on the other side is ready, and their launcher is fully charged, just waiting for our ignition news."
"Here ... it should be just two or three days," I looked back at the beam of light in space. "It would be nice if you drag the Phantom Death Star over, that thing is better than any reactor."
"But you have to take it from the Empire for half a year." Harlan shrugged. "Be content, it's not easy for such a large project to be carried out in peace."
I also sighed with sighing when I heard it here: "Yeah, it's not easy, everything ... the dust is finally settled."
Three days later, the launcher was fully charged.
The brilliant beam of light that is clear to the sky is ending. As long as one command can be completely condensed into the starting end, and in the center of the light column, the dazzling white light ball is already undergoing breathing-like expansion and contraction.
All preparations are completed, the startup end is fully charged, and the peripheral computing array has ample load balance. Security measures and system control have been ensured by hundreds of tests to ensure foolproofness. Abyss Hilling based on the information at hand on the startup end, energy station, Extensive testing was performed on systems such as external computing arrays. Make sure these things work exactly as designed.
And more importantly, our communication with the other side is smooth. Several relay stations located in the critical layer of the abyss are working well. The Starring Federation has even launched two additional manned relay stations at no cost in the past few days to ensure the frame. The bridge went smoothly.
If the bridge fails, the crew in the manned relay station will be unlikely to survive, and the deep submersible ships of the Starring Federation will not be able to guarantee long-term survival in the abyss and cross the discontinuity twice-it can be seen that the opposite bank is down How determined.
You can only succeed, not fail.
The active control end of the bridge is on the officer platform of the Admiral, and the giant holographic projection in the command hall is expanded to the maximum. Let us see the distant initiator in general. The ancillary facilities around the latter have been dismantled. Except for the most central white light ball, only a few anchor force field generators around the light ball are still operating.
Everything is ready, just activate the system. Used to activate the system is a row of crystal plates, me, Sandora, sister. Harlan, Bella Villa, Abyss Spirit, Evansion. Regardless of the former emperor, the current emperor, or strange creatures (especially the abyss spirit), in short, it is necessary to have a controller in front of everyone present. When these crystal plates are activated at the same time, the long bridge will be established.
"It's unexpected, Ping An has come this far," Sandora looked at the crystal plate with the words "ready" on her face, feeling quite emotional. "Do you need such a symbolic step more than a practical step?"
"For a moment in history, you always have to let those historians have something to record." I grinned and watched the countdown in front of me slowly go to zero. In fact, this countdown is not necessary-there is a difference in tolerance time. For an entire hour, this is the endurance limit of the two bridges' separate starting ends to support the system separately. As long as we and the opposite bank activate the system within one hour, there is no problem.
The countdown is still going on. The historic moment is approaching. Her sister has put her hand on the controller. She smiled and said, "At least it looks solemn. She is not willing to touch this one if she has no chance to touch it." "
The countdown has entered thirty seconds, and I put my hand on the crystal board like everyone else: "Then let history roll forward-this sentence can be added to the future Imperial College exams. Now listen to me countdown: Five, four, three, two, one, zero, excite ... 诶 Harlan, how did you get ahead of time? "
The system beeps an alarm, and Harlan raises his hand innocently: "I thought it would be zero. I didn't expect you to have an 'activation'."
I stunned and waved my hand vigorously: "Come back, three, two, one, zero, activate! Sister, why aren't you sloppy?"
"Isn't it just a five countdown, why did you start with three?"
"Don't worry about the details!" I reached for the countdown timer, which had crossed the zero point, and now counting at -1, -2, -3, "Let's hurry, what a serious matter!"
"I'll count, I'll count," Abyss Xi Ling stunned. "Three, two, one, zero ... 怎么 Why aren't you moving!"
Everyone said in unison: "Why don't you shout 'Activate'?"
My cold sweat flowed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye: "Forget it, this is not reliable, we still use spiritual connection. This synchronization rate is relatively ..."
"There is a delay in my spiritual connection," Abyss Xi Ling raised his hand, "Don't look at me like that, I'm incompatible with your network and need to be translated once."
"I don't think I need to participate in this," my sister raised her hand, "I have abdicated for 70,000 years."
"What about you, Harlan?"
"I just remind you that the countdown is over 130 seconds."
"Don't worry about everyone pressing!"
"Ivan Sain, why don't you keep silent!"
"Don't you say that's okay?"
In the end, Sandora couldn't stand it anymore. Her Majesty pushed everyone away with arrogance, and removed the temporarily modified joint controller in front of her, exposing the only start-up crystal plate below, and slap it up. Still anxious and perverted: "I knew the simple idea never worked!"
In distant space, a cloud of white light suddenly expanded into an unprecedented gate.
The system issued a pleasant sound, indicating that the startup was successful, and I muttered stiffly: "This historic moment ... however, this historic moment ... how is this so?"
Bingtis watched unpleasantly for a long time, at this time it was finally cool, yin and yang grotesquely taunted:
"Oh, at least historians really have something to write this time!"
(Well ~ ~ Just write here, everyone can start to sprinkle flowers)
We are different from PS
Finally, the world structure of Hilling is destined to write it forever, or to find a pause at any time and anywhere to finish the story, so I decided to satisfy my obsessive-compulsive disorder, thinking that the last day of June is finished = . =
Hilling's story is not over (because it is a story that can't be ended in itself), what's the future development ... let me think about it.
Maybe there will be foreign, may also update some 2.0 stories, may also revise the previous chapters, of course, may also continue to build the world view of the spirit of the spirit in other ways, so that it is not only developed from the perspective of the father, but Multi-line construction has become a huge system. In short, there are many plans. Everyone, please stay tuned here, something will be posted here.
The new book will be released about a month later, but before that I have to take a break-it's really tiring.
Finally: Everyone actively supports physical books and surrounding projects! Come out next month! Stay tuned for surprises here!
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