Chapter 310.1 - Capturing The Apprentice

Chapter 310.1: Capturing The Apprentice

You are just a cultivator in the early Jiedan realm. Why do you want to be my master?
This time, the little cypress revealed Yang Chen’s real cultivation base, and even recognized that he was not a monster but a human cultivator.
Yang Chen was startled. He had used his spiritual awareness to suppress all the cypresses here. It was to give them an illusion that he was a master of the Dacheng realm, suppressing them so they dare not resist. Even the old tree at the peak Jiedan realm was suppressed by him, but he was seen through by this little tree monster.
After being in a daze, Yang Chen couldn’t help but admire him in his heart. This time he had picked up a treasure. No matter whether this little tree monster was indeed the monstrous talent Mu Bai, with such an eyesight, even under spiritual awareness suppression, it was imperative that it would be among the future monster race experts.

You are just at the Jiedan realm?

Listening to the little tree monster, the old tree in the peak Jiedan realm began to tremble. He was very clear about his eyes and his grandchild’s eyesight. Even he couldn’t hide it. Yang Chen turned out to be just an early Jiedan realm master, while he had already respectfully called him a predecessor, countless times.
Yang Chen’s spiritual awareness was too powerful. When he put it out to suppress these cypresses, they almost dared not doubt. There was also no tree monster that raised any doubts.

I am at the early Jiedan realm, but I can be your master.

Yang Chen’s figure landed on the ground and stood in front of the little tree monster.

I’ll talk about it after you defeat me first!

The little tree monster was very confident, Yang Chen was very sure about that. This showed that it was not the first time for it to do such kind of thing. That was to say, the little tree monster had at least fought with his other companions here. With the strength of his early Jiedan realm cultivation base, he dared to challenge Yang Chen as if it had won more than once in a similar situation. Maybe the old cypress was not his opponent.
In the early Jiedan realm, he could cope with the peak Jiedan realm. This kind of powerful performance could almost be compared with the current Yang Chen. He was now even more more interested in the performance of this little tree monster. He was almost certain that this little guy was the monstrous talent Mu Bai of the future.
Standing in the same place, Yang Chen did not move, directly using his body to confront the attack of the little tree monster.
The little tree monster’s thick branches struck Yang Chen’s body. His body that had been tempered by the Yellow Turban Strongman Body Refining Technique actually felt a bit pained. If he had not already prepared, he would have prepared the Golden bell, this blow could make Yang Chen bruised and lacerated.

Not strong enough! You also only possess a single means of attack.

Yang Chen shook his head in front of the little tree monster, and still didn’t start his attack.

The roots of the big canopy emerged from the foot of the little tree monster, directly entangling Yang Chen. This was a common method used by tree monsters. Once entangled by the roots, one would be bound, then they would become tighter and tighter. In the end, the victim would only die.
But Yang Chen casually pulled one of his arms to pull away one of the thickest roots. Then seemingly he casually pulled it a few times, but the little tree monster obviously felt a much stronger pull. The power pulled its limbs apart, making it no longer able to entangle Yang Chen.
He then stuck with his trunk, while striking some of the surrounding cypresses as well.
Yang Chen still did not evade and let the attack fall on himself.
A series of sounds made the group of cypresses think as if the attack fell on metal. The strike even made them feel pain.
The sound of a high-speed object flying across space was heard. An emerald green light with a shadow cut through space, directly towards the throat of Yang Chen. A slamming sound was heard, and the green shadow stopped, revealing itself to be a wooden flying sword. At first glance, it appeared to be refining from its own body. At this moment, it had stopped in front of Yang Chen’s throat seemingly not being able to find a way to cut it.

Your flying sword is good, but it has not been refined much, the material quality is also not very good, and no other material supplement has been added as well. No matter whether it is sharp or texture, it is somewhat lacking.

Yang Chen turned his head and looked at the owner of the flying sword, the old cypress tree at the peak Jiedan realm. Here only he could sacrificially refine a flying sword, other cypresses had not reached such a level.
This was the sorrow of the ordinary monster cultivators. For a long time, in the absence of inheritance, they could only practice according to their own instincts. In refining and alchemy, they were very weak, even if they were as strong as the old tree monster Gui Shanyou, they still were inferior. It was not until Yang Chen had met him that he gradually improved.

You have all made your move, should I make mine now?

Yang Chen smiled at the old cypress wood.
This smile, in the eyes of the old cypress, suddenly had a bad feeling. Old cypress wood rushed to pass a hint of thought,
predecessor, please show mercy!

As soon as this thought arrived, Yang Chen’s figure appeared on his side. He couldn’t even see how Yang Chen attacked. Yang Chen reaching out and hugged the old cypress wood’s body. Then shouted as he pulled with his arms.

Get up!

Yang Chen’s arms started to uproot the huge body of the old cypress tree out of the ground.
Yang Chen did not give the old cypress tree any opportunity, his hands kept changing positions, and in an instant, the body of the old cypress tree had been completely pulled out from the ground. He then threw the old cypress tree by its main root, not even utilizing his spiritual power.

The huge cypress was directly thrown into the air by Yang Chen. It then fell far off on the ground. A bang was heard with its fall. Although the old cypress wood was already at the peak of the Jiedan realm, his body had never left the ground which made him panic.
Yang Chen’s figure swayed and he came in front of the little tree monster. He served him with the same treatment. Regardless of how the little tree monster struggled, he could not resist the tremendous power of Yang Chen’s hands.
After a while, the body of the little tree monster was uprooted. Then Yang Chen followed the law of throwing it just like the old cypress tree.
As the old patriarch and the future star were uprooted by Yang Chen, the other cypresses around him almost went crazy. Countless branches and stones, like raindrops, flew towards Yang Chen’s head.


Yang Chen’s voice suddenly commanded. Then, a sound was heard on his body, like how striking a giant bell would have sounded. Then similar smaller sounds quickly rang out.
Everything that struck Yang Chen had turned into a powder in an instant. When the bell sound rang, the cypress monsters who launched the attack suffered a heavy blow. All stopped their attacks and their branches relaxed softly. At first glance, it looked like as if they had fallen into a coma.
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