Chapter 338.1 - Only He Knew

Chapter 338.2 - Only He Knew
chapter 338.2 Only He Knew
What? Listening to this news, the sect master and Elder Zhang stood up and their momentum rose sharply
What did you say?

The life source tablets of the six ancestors who have gone out to practice have been broken.
The disciples who came running also knew that things were not good. He said it again and he almost cried out on his face.
This life source tablet was only given after the cultivator was promoted to the Yuanying stage, and it would be left behind in the sect, it would determine the status of the cultivator. When he was dead, the spirit tablet would be broken. They were usually stored in the main hall of a Sect or in a special room. There were many masters of the Greatest Heaven Sect who were in the Yuanying stage. The transmitting duty hall was the place where the Greatest Heaven Sect specializes in storing the master’s life source tablets.
Once the life source tablet was broken, it means that the cultivator was dead. And Liu Fengs’ six people, these were the people that the Greatest Heaven Sect sent out to chase Yang Chen and they were all Yuanying stage masters, not only did they bring the sect’s flying magic weapon and the sea sealing flag array, but also the tracking compass that was refined by a dacheng stage master, with all of this killing one Jiedan stage junior would simply be a breeze.
They just wanted Elder Zhang to send a message to them, so that they don’t proceed for the time being. They couldn’t believe that the six people perished in just the blink of an eye.
In the end what happened? They were chasing Yang Chen but was instead killed? This was absolutely impossible. Yang Chen was just a small Jiedan stage younger generation junior. Unless, they had an accident.

Was it broken at the same time, or was it broken one after the other?
The sect master asked subconsciously and seemed to want to determine what even he himself did not know how he would ask this question.

Reporting to the sect master, it was at the same time.
The disciples had a little recall and gave the answer. In fact, there were still some differences, but the time difference was too short, making it easy for people to misunderstand that it was at the same time.

Check it out and see what happened!?
The sect master calmed down and shouted loudly. The disciple who just came to report, hurriedly saluted and ran out quickly.

You go to the Blue Cloud Sect to inquire about when Yang Chen was chased by Luo Yuan, what happened in the end? How could the foundation stage younger generation junior come back but the master of the late dacheng stage disappeared?
The calmer the sect master became the more meticulous his mind was getting.

What kind of magic weapon can kill six Yuanying stage ancestors at the same time?
The sect master even sent the two people out, but he began to talk to himself
was there any master with him?

When Yang Chen was chased by the master of the dacheng stage, it was not obvious what happened during the period. Perhaps knowing this would help to determine what Liu Feng’s group has encountered in the end.
There must be secrets that everyone does not know in the ocean, otherwise Yang Chen would not run there anytime there was something wrong. This point was missed when the people of the Greatest Heaven Sect set the plan. They thought that as long as they could trap Yang Chen, it would be easy to eliminate him. Now it seems that it was not so simple.
If the loss of six Yuanying stage ancestors was placed in any sect, it would be a great event. Soon, the elders of the Greatest Heaven Sect were informed and came to discuss about it. Elder Zhang quickly rushed to the Blue Cloud Sect, trying to find out what happened to Yang Chen when he went to the sea.
At present, it was not a question of not killing Yang Chen, but to immediately understand the cause of death of the six Yuanying stage ancestors. Of course, the inscription of the secret key that Elder Zhang said, since Yang Chen was not dead for a while, they should let him look at it anyway.
Yang Chen would not know that there were many things happening in the Greatest Heaven Sect. He was now standing on the sailboat and trying to control this magic weapon.
The former strong man has been cut off by Yang Chen with a sword, and his body was thrown to the blood demon vine to recover its strength. As for the Qiankun bag, of course, he will keep it and examine it slowly.
Now Yang Chen was also starting to learn, after getting a Qiankun bag, he would throw it to Xiao Tian, let it swallow all the things one by one. If there was something like the spiritual awareness imprint on them, it would be digested by Xiao Tian, leaving no traces. It would not be so easy to trace Yang Chen in a similar way again.
This winged sailboat made Yang Chen very surprised. In the memory of his previous life, there was no such thing. Or, in the past life, he did not have the opportunity to see such a powerful thing, so it was normal to have no memory about it.
The quality of the sailboat was very high and it was not something that an ordinary Yuanying stage master could refine. Yang Chen discovered this after the first contact with it. It seems that this sailing boat was a magic weapon for the sect to use for their transportation. Therefore, after the refining, the refiner himself did not use his spiritual awareness to sacrificially refine it, he turned it into a public magic weapon.
This was like the flying shuttle that Yang Chen got from the treasure house of the Dragon Palace. The master has not been recognized, as long as he marked it with his spiritual awareness, he could use it at any time. The original spiritual awareness imprint of the strong man disappeared with the death of the strong man and Yang Chen was naturally having it easy.
The sailboat could also fly, but the speed was slower than the shuttle. In the water, although it couldn’t enter the water raft like the shuttle, it could become a high-speed sailboat floating on the water.
Most importantly, the sailing boat’s protective ability was very good. If it was not that the strong man fainted and could not control it, Yang Chen would have to spend a lot of time trying to board the sailboat.
This kind of natural protection plus the flying magic weapon, Yang Chen directly arranged the attribution. His Senior apprentice sister Gongsun Ling does not have a good transportation device, he would just give it to her as a little tribute.
Until this time that Yang Chen discovered that the sailing boat and the wings were actually two different magic weapons. The wings were strong, and there was no spiritual awareness imprint on it. It was easy for Yang Chen to keep it.
After learning about the use of water-dividing wings, Yang Chen could not help but become surprised. Although the water-dividing wings had great limitations and were not available in the air, they could double the speed of the shuttle or sailboat in the water. Just this was enough to make Yang Chen happy to the extreme.
How fast would the speed of the shuttle be if it doubled in the water? Even if the second city master turned into his real form and flapped his wings furiously, it would be impossible to catch up with Yang Chen in the water.
Yang Chen’s shuttle with water-spraying dividing wings means that Yang Chen has directly given himself an insurance in the water, and no one could catch up with him. Even if there was a flying magic weapon that was faster than Yang Chen’s shuttle, it was impossible to have such a powerful speed in the water.
He directly marked the water dividing wing first with his spiritual awareness, after simply recognizing him as the master, Yang Chen picked up the compass of the strong man on the deck of the sailboat.
With the input of his spiritual power, the compass’s pointer immediately moved. Immediately, Yang Chen noticed that the spiritual awareness imprint in his own sea of consciousness trembled. This compass was the magic weapon used to track Yang Chen.
It was just that Yang Chen’s doubt was who the master of this spiritual awareness seal was? How could he still control this in his own sea of consciousness? Curious, Yang Chen was not even willing to drive out the spiritual awareness imprint. He wanted to know who this guy was.

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