Vol 6 Chapter 1244: guess

"Irritation it? Who is it?"
This question was not answered. When the robbers sent a message, there was no answer from the beginning.
However, even the simple information allows the robbers to guess why the origin does not occupy the tumbling.
Although this world is not suitable for raising peak species, it can extract a large amount of resources, especially minerals, which may be the reason for this.
There is something in this world... or who the world belongs to.
The beginning has actually encountered two creatures that are stronger than them...or race, civilization, whatever, one is the transpiration, and the other is the maker of the life twist device.
What kind of twisting device is the origin from where? Are they related to the manufacturer?
These questions seem to be worthy of attention. Perhaps they have anything to do with this seemingly desolate world, so that the origins are not willing to attack this place at random, at least they are not sending troops here.
But... still waiting and preparing.
In the mirror world, the beginning has completely captured the nine battleships, and once again the warships have solidified, but the robbers can still see some of the scenery inside the battleship through the courage system.
A large number of amoeba that have become metamorphosed are sloshing around, they are playing with machinery and various things, and seem to be learning to manipulate them.
Outside the battleship, you can see that the troops at the beginning are still flying out of the mirror world. They seem to continue to grow, but in this way their number is growing as fast as the insect population.
Because the swarm has a huge resource pool that abandons the world, the origin should also know this, but they still did not quickly dispatch troops to destroy the insects.
What is there here? The robbers and Inca swarms have said this problem, and the swarms don't care, no matter what they have, they will get enough war resources from here.
However, the main resource comes from abandoning the world. Here, only some stones are used as a meteorite, so it will not cause much harm to this place.
After ‘嘀嘀’ and the Inca swarm exchanged, the robbers found that it received the signal.
This time, the signal seems to come from a more strange place.
......... At the same time, in that place.........
"Here is... their world?"
The earth in this place is like a mirror...smooth and flat, perfectly showing the appearance of things walking on it.
Now a creature named Scholar is standing on this mirror-like ground, and it looks at the appearance of its own appearance on the ground.
Its body is made of machinery, but unlike most of the previous black, it is now pure white and looks like a white paint.
But it's not just as simple as dyed white paint. Another feature of the white shell on its body is that it hides the detection system at the beginning, at least not close to it.
So it can also come to the surface of the world mirror world, the world is like its name, looking like a mirror.
But it is only a mirror in this area, and other areas are more like the world of the table... that is, the ground covered by crystals.
Looking at the current situation, the scholar first sent some information to the robbers according to the scheduled plan, indicating its location, and also said that it will tell them the findings here.
This information is specially encrypted and will not be discovered by the beginning... probably not.
Even if it is discovered, it is at best that the mechanical body of the scholar has been killed, but now there is no beginning to manage it, that is, it has not been discovered yet.
Thinking, scholars will act in this world of origin, it is not a casual walk without purpose, but a map.
Before the scholars wandered through the dream world of the beginning, it is said that the geographical position of the world is exactly the same as the real mirror world, but the environment is somewhat different.
For example, in this "mirror plain", there is a group of special creatures in the dream. The heads of this group of creatures cannot be bent and can only be aligned in one direction, that is, the ground.
But because the ground is mirrored, they can see a lot of things even if they can't bend, and this group of creatures has developed a certain degree of civilization. Although it was destroyed very early, their civilization was collected by the original records. Come down.
So, is the mirror on the ground here a natural environment? Still being made of something?
It is hard for scholars to imagine that this kind of thing is...natural, but it at least changes the evolution of the species that live on it.
In the real world, there are also some creatures on this mirror plain, but they are not the beginnings or civilized creatures, just some wild creatures. It is said that the surface of the mirror world still maintains quite the original... the original appearance, there are many ancient life There are wild animals, and there are no buildings built on the surface at the beginning... except for a few.
Scholars are now going to find those buildings.
The scholar moved quickly on the plains, and occasionally looked at the ground. The sky that the ground took out was pink, and there was nothing in the sky, indicating that the origin did not use the aircraft to catch it.
This kind of look at the ground lasted for a few kilometers and then it ended. The scholar set foot on a ground that was still shining but no longer like a mirror.
This is called the spar forest.
Intensive and shiny objects with crystal shells grow into a variety of wonderful shapes that look like precision hand-carved, but scholars know that they are plants of the crystal world.
In this crystal jungle, you can see a huge building towering over 100 meters. It looks like a tall, crystal-shaped building. The outer shell is filled with small holes and cracks. It seems that some smoke is coming out. .
At the same time, scholars can receive some wonderful signals from it.
Scholars know that if you receive this signal, it means that this is...
"Is this one of the life-distorting devices? I didn't expect to see it so quickly, and there seems to be no defense in the vicinity."
Looking at the huge buildings, the scholars stepped into the crystal jungle and stepped closer to the goal.
As it approached, it found the signal getting stronger and stronger.
This kind of signal has no special meaning, just that it is close to the target, but scholars always feel that there is a very strange feeling that does not flow into its mind... as it was when it was calm in the town. (To be continued.)
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