Vol 6 Chapter 320: Sailing

"Come to the place, there will be hope, and the light of the pompom will light our way."
Raising the sails of hope, the dream ship shaped by Xiaolong is sailing in the mud sea of ​​dreams.
Sailing here is not driven by the wind, but by... hope.
As long as they have hope, the ship will automatically move on the mud.
On the contrary, it will become slower and slower and will not move.
And many of the creatures here are dead.
However, these dragons have hopes, and they also believe that they hope to bring them to the other side.
In addition to solving despair, they have to satisfy the food problem.
Although this ocean is composed of the ‘corpse’ of the dream calendar, it cannot be eaten.
If you eat the dream energy that makes up the mud, their ‘body’ will start to be abnormal.
Will slowly be occupied by strong despair, and finally unable to move completely, and there seems to be some other abnormalities.
It feels like eating a rotten food.
So they must catch the living dreams.
Therefore, they hang the sail of hope. In addition to igniting their hopes, they can also let other creatures be attracted by hope, so that they can catch them to eat... This is similar to fishing.
Sometimes they attract the same kind.
There were fewer than ten dragons in this group, and now this one is what they attracted after they built the ship.
Of course, they will not eat, but bring them together toward the journey of hope.
But where will the journey last?
They don't know it themselves.
However, the dream calendar here seems to have this feeling, that is, to travel constantly... travel.
Before Lin thought they were flying in one direction, but it was not.
These dreams did not go to a specific place, basically traveling for travel.
They have never settled in one place, otherwise Lin feels that these dreams should be able to build things with dream energy.
There are many types of dream energy here, and many of them can be used for ‘construction’.
Just like making this ship, some special dream energy can be assembled into a shape.
However, this is also caused by the wonderful environment here, if it is outside the normal void, it should not be assembled.
So now... just keep watching.
Although the pompons are floating in the sky, this group of dragons is invisible.
They continue to hope that the ship will move forward... Lin also let the pompons continue to follow them.
"This is... what does it feel?"
At this time, Lynn noticed that there was a big horn in the bow.
Of course, there is actually no sound, and the body will flash every time they talk.
The stronger the flashing light, the greater the ‘sound’ that can be perceived by a farther companion.
The words of this dragon were almost heard by the dragons of the entire ship, and they quickly gathered at the bow: "What?"
"That is……"
At the time of their gathering, Lin also found that the mud in front suddenly exploded like an explosion.
A phoenix with a wingspan of more than 30 meters flew out of the blasted waves.
Phoenix, they are seeing, all the dragons are staring at the phoenix.
Although many creatures gain energy by worshipping the phoenix, the dragon is not the case.
And they are all very vigilant.
The phoenix turned around in the sky, and then swiftly descended toward the dragon's ship.
"Call it!"
At this time, Lin found that the dragons had set up several weapons similar to guns on the ship.
Xiaolong quickly adjusted the angle of these guns to the air.
‘Hey! With the sound of Lin's match, a beam of light with a length of several meters was shot toward the sky, and the phoenix under the dive blew in the sky.
After the explosion, Lin found that the phoenix's body flew to the side and fell into the sea not far away.
Although this kind of arrow is also a dream energy, it can't harm the phoenix's entity, but it has a good effect on the phoenix's ‘nothing.’
This made the phoenix look like it was shot down, and the dragon on the boat was relieved.
Although they don't need to breathe, they still do the habits like exhalation.
But before I waited for them to relax, Lin saw the situation on the sea.
This time it was a submarine-like thing that rushed out of the sea.
It is more than three hundred meters in length, much larger than the sailboat... It looks like a submarine made by a virtual person.
When Lin doubted that this was not the dream of the imaginary people, it ran into the sailboat of the dragon.
But when it crashed, the dragons quickly pulled down the sails.
At this time, the submarine quickly stopped and went back to the sea and dive back.
Lin can also perceive the specific reasons from Xiaolong.
Lin can't detect their deep memory, but can know the shallowness.
If they encounter or chat with them, they will have some ideas, and Lin can perceive this idea.
Mainly because after they took off the sails, the original feeling of hope disappeared.
And the submarine would feel that the great hope on the sea suddenly disappeared... they would leave quickly.
Because the dream creature here is desperate from hope at a rapid rate, its emotion may affect the environment around it.
The submarine does not want to be affected so it will avoid it.
This submarine is also like a dragon, they are also dedicated to killing a variety of dream creatures.
They are mainly hunted by the ‘hope’ of the target.
However, Xiaolong is not very familiar with them.
After experiencing these things, Xiaolong once again raised the sail of hope and continued to move forward.
Lynn found this place to be very... calm.
Lin originally came here to see if the intruders were not here, but it seems that they can't be found here.
And now all the units in this place have not found the intruders and tentacles.
I don't know where they are going.
"This is... leave soon!"
Suddenly, Lin noticed that Xiaolong had appeared again here.
There was a storm on the sea not far ahead.
It seems that a strong tornado has rolled up the 'sea water' and formed a dazzling ray of dragons.
It is also constantly moving in the direction of the sailboat.
It seems that the anomalies here are really quite a lot.
This is not a 'climate', it should be a whirlwind creature, and perhaps these creatures will be attracted by their hopeful mood.
And this time they don't seem to have a good way to avoid it, whether it's using a dagger or trying to escape.
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