Chapter 119: Private room 3

Ziyan looked embarrassed, "Sorry, master... please forgive Ziyan for not being able to tell the truth. The owner only needs to know that what Ziyan says is the truth. If the owner doesn’t believe it, you can have a soul induction with Ziyan. Yan has a soul contract with his master. As long as the master is not extinguished, then Zi Yan will always be the master's contract beast." Zi Yan's words made Qingcheng even more surprised.
This ancient legendary contract, soul contract! Only the ancient mythical beast can do this, and a contractor can only make a soul contract with an ancient mythical beast in his lifetime.
If the owner's dead soul is reincarnated, the soul contract relationship still exists, unless the beast dies. But the lifespan of ancient beasts was hundreds of thousands of millions of years.
Qingcheng also read the various books in the Star Bracelet Space to realize that there is still such a contractual relationship! At this time, I heard this person who claimed to be Ziyan said that the other party turned out to be an ancient beast! It is still the ancient mythical beast that has a soul contract relationship with her!
Immediately sensing the depths of her soul, there is really a light spot in it, she tried to stimulate that light spot, "drop!" There was a sound in her mind, and at the same time information entered the brain.
Ziyan? Ancient mythical beast Zijinlong! How is this going? When did his soul have this beast of contractual relationship? Could it be... a past life?
This kind of thinking should have made her feel ridiculous, but think about it, isn't it the soul that crossed this continent? Isn't it ridiculous?
And because I came to this world because of the Star Bracelet, the other party knew the Star Bracelet and had a soul contract relationship with him! Does it mean that all this is not accidental? Or do you mean that you are originally from this world?
Thinking about it this way, Qingcheng couldn't help feeling that the amount of information was too large... it was difficult to digest for a while.
Looking at Zi Yan, calming down his heart, he said: "Zi Yan, I don't know what all this is about, but my soul does have a contractual relationship with you."
Seeing Qingcheng confessed, Zi Yan was very happy, and his eyes flashed when he looked at Qingcheng.
"You get up first! I want to know, how did you find me?" She was a little confused, why did the other party just come to the auction venue?
Zi Yan said: "Soul induction. At first, Zi Yan couldn't sense that his master was in this continent, but he suddenly sensed it more than ten days ago. After confirming that the owner appeared, Zi Yan found it through the contract relationship induction."
"At the same time, I discovered that the owner had been to the Jubao Pavilion, and Zi Yan had a relationship with the owner of the Jubao Pavilion. So I tried to post the colored stone here. I did not expect that I found the owner."
Zi Yan was excited: I have found the owner for thousands of years! Waited thousands of years! Finally, a few days ago, Yunyangzi found himself and said that his master had been reborn and returned, and in Weicheng, he was so excited that he was so excited that he recovered his body and flew around the entire continent.
However, many can't tell her now, Yunyangzi said that he needs to wait for his master to grow up, and the memory will be unblocked.
Qingcheng didn't doubt it, and felt that it was possible. She and Aoki also had contract induction, which could sense each other's location. This statement is still credible.
"Okay, I know. But at the moment, I still can't remember what you said about the previous memory, you can follow me in the future! How did you get this colored stone?"
Zi Yan listened to Qingcheng saying that he was very happy to stay: "Master, this colored stone and the stars are actually one, but it cannot be recovered now. You need to wait for all the broken pieces to be found. You must put it away first. , Look for others later." Zi Yan said respectfully.
When Qingcheng heard this, she was puzzled: "Isn't the star bracelet just the space bracelet? Are there others?" Why didn't she know? This is not mentioned in the explanation of the use of Star Space! Xingchen fell asleep without mentioning this, and she had nowhere to ask.
Zi Yan said seriously, "Master, the Star Bracelet is combined with another artifact at the same time, it is a super artifact weapon with the ability to destroy the world. It's was broken later, and you will know the specific reason later. It is important now. The main thing is that the master quickly becomes stronger and finds the remaining pieces at the same time."
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