Chapter 764: Is this also OK?

It was a three-on-one battle, but at this moment, it was completely a battlefield between Pai Yao and the Snowball King. Jun Ling and Ling Feng couldn't get in at all. The Snowball King seemed to have spotted Pai Yao and only attacked it frantically.
Pai Yao also got up to it, you two come and go with me. What's more disadvantaged is that Pai Yao's spiritual attack will not have much effect on the Snowball King. Instead, he has to avoid being hit by the black energy body.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that a defensive wall instantly rises, blocking the attack of the snowball king.
Pai Yao roared: "Roar! I don't believe that I can't beat you!" His figure accelerated towards the Snowball King.
He jumped instantly, and the Snowball King was not afraid of it.
At this moment, Pai Yao suddenly opened his mouth, facing it: "Puff puff......" After a few mouthfuls, his body disappeared.
In fact, it did not disappear, but suddenly became the size of a little milk dog, avoiding Snowball King.
Snowball King, who took a few mouthfuls of disgusting things at once, was not calm in an instant... He vomited crazily on the ground.
As for those watching the battle, whether it was a human or a monster, a black line appeared on the forehead.
Mo Yu couldn't help but said: "This...this way...also?"
Jun Ling suddenly transformed and regained her body, which was bigger than Qingmu's body, and rolled up like Xiao Ke usually rolls. Huh... the sharp thorns on his body were born.
Towards the snowball king who was vomiting a little dizzy, he slammed into it instantly, whoo...boom...boom...
The Snowball King hadn't made a defense yet, and he was hit and flew several tens of meters... directly into a big hole.
Xiao Ke jumped excitedly, "Tweet, twee..." (Daddy is good! Good!)
Next to Ning Rong, she couldn't laugh or cry. Is this praise her father?
The Snowball King in the pit was stained with blood, all pierced, and he was about to roll over and crawl out.
Jun Ling didn't stop, but rushed up again. A huge thorn ball jumped up and flew towards the Snowball King in the pit.
...Puff...Puff...I saw the "Spike Ball" hitting the Snowball King several times.
"Ho Ho Ho Ho..." Snowball King howled in pain, intending to bite the spike, but as a result, his mouth was also stabbed and it hurt half to death.
Qingcheng saw it almost, and immediately issued instructions. "Jun Ling, come back! Little fire! Burn it!"
Without delay for a second, Jun Ling immediately pulled away and rolled out. Immediately afterwards, the ‘little fire’ flew towards the snow pit, ejecting countless golden flames.
Swish...The flame flew to the Snowball King and burned instantly.
"Roar!! Roar!" The Snowball King kept rolling and struggling, trying to put out the fire on his body.
However, the flame was burning more and more vigorously, without any influence.
In the end, the Snowball King stopped struggling, and a quarter of an hour later... there were only ashes and a pile of black ashes in the snow.
Yun Haochen reached there, stretched out his hand to in the black gray, and for a moment the black round crystal reached his hand.
He returned to Qingcheng in an instant, "This is the crystal core of a strange beast, "Little Huo" deliberately didn't burn it, so please put it away!"
Qingcheng took the hand and looked at it for a moment, the sphere faintly radiating energy fluctuations. But unlike spiritual energy, this force seems to be more domineering...
Put the crystal core away and waved to the ‘little fire’, "Come back!"
Seeing that the matter was over, the other people's hearts finally fell completely.
Pai Xiu ran over, a little excited: "Master! There is a discovery ahead."
"Location?" Qingcheng asked immediately.
Pai Yao hurriedly said: "I just spied out my spiritual sense just now, that's where the snowballs came out."
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