Chapter 1033: Subsidiary civilization

The intense painful dream made Lynch wake up to the disappointment and despair that had lost his mind.
The unimaginable pain made it scream uncontrollably.
Only felt that an unimaginable amount of violent violence came head-on, and this moment of fear even made Lynch forget the pain.
With a loud "bang", the messenger's alien nest teeth rubbed Lynch's skull and hit the ground hard.
The hard slate floor cracked.
Suddenly, when the messenger holding Lynch bounced up and jumped out obliquely, a high-energy laser ray rubbed Lynch's body, shot obliquely and hit the edge of the water tank.
Not just fear, but endless anger.
Can be killed, but not cruelly tortured.
When the mecha warrior who had been with Lynch's side saw that it had even more respect for Lynch than the Speaker in its mind, and was cruelly tortured by a messenger alien, it finally failed to control it.
The left robotic arm lifted slightly, and the bursting high-energy rays chased the messenger alien who ran and dodged flexibly. At the same time, the mecha warrior squeezed away and blocked the other mecha warrior, and the right robotic arm popped a full meter. The long sharp blade rushed out.
In an instant, the neighing sounded loudly.
The mecha warriors furiously charged, and they didn't even take a few steps before they were overwhelmed by the aliens that rushed down on the Parliament building.
"Kill... kill them all!"
"Hurry up."
"Protect, protect me!"
Seeing more aliens rushing over, a few congressmen in the crowd couldn't restrain their fear, and while running to the parliament building, they let out a stern shout.
With their shout, the mecha fighters who were at a loss and in a state of extreme panic finally broke out.
The light web interwoven with high-energy rays shoots in all directions.
Facing the alien who had rushed to the front at close range, the long-range attack did not have much effect at all.
After a round of high-energy ray attacks, almost all mecha fighters ejected their giant blades and started close-to-hand combat.
It is completely falling down in pieces. Mecha fighters are more suitable for flexible combat rather than close defense.
Their agility and mobility were completely restricted, and the aliens of the mecha fighters' weaknesses had been identified, and it only took a few seconds to knock down all mecha fighters.
The hydraulic tissue at the ankle was sprayed with black liquid, and the panic-stricken mecha warriors still did not give up. However, facing the fierce attack of the alien, they were lying all over the place, completely slaughtered by one side.
At close range, I watched the cockpits of the mecha warriors pierced by the alien tail blade, exploded by the alien inner nest teeth, and violently crushed by the alien thick hind limbs.
Watching blood continuously pouring out of the shattered cockpit, the screams in my ears tortured my soul.
The three speakers and more Kye members looked at these tremblingly, each of them trembling, not knowing whether it was pain or fear.
Rumbled and killed hundreds of mecha fighters.
Those aliens did not leave, or squatted on the ground, or sat halfway on the wreckage of mecha warriors.
They did not attack the speaker and members of the assembly, so they guarded the speaker and members of the assembly so close.
The sound of hurried footsteps sounded, and the few MPs who had just ran into the parliament building ran out desperately.
Behind them, a dozen or so messengers came out unhurriedly from the ground and walls.
Anger, burning like a ball of flame in Surrey's chest.
Fear, like a needle constantly piercing its head.
Pulling out the miniature high-energy weapon from the waist, it turned and pointed at the few who had just escaped, which directly caused the death of hundreds of mecha fighters.
Pullman beside Surrey was sensitively aware of something and screamed when he saw Surrey's movements.
Unfortunately, its warning is still slow.
A leaning alien flicked over Surrey's head, and at the same time a cold light flashed.
In the sound of broken flesh, Sarri's right hand holding a miniature high-energy weapon fell to the ground.
As if not reacting, it stared at its broken wrist blankly.
In an instant, the intense pain caused it to slightly bend its waist, and the beads of sweat on its forehead kept oozing out.
After all, he kept a bit decent for himself, even if the heart-piercing pain made it almost uncontrollable to scream.
The body was trembling, and Sarri didn't say a word. The assistant next to him still used hemostatic spray to treat the wound of the broken wrist in fear.
Pullman's voice made Surrey straighten up, including all the other speakers and councillors, who followed Pullman's sight.
On the lawn in front of the council, a figure walked over from the street.
His speed seems very slow, like a stroll in the garden.
His speed was fast again, and the moment everyone looked over, he straddled hundreds of meters and appeared in front of the parliament building.
"Dear Alien King, although we met under such circumstances, please allow me to represent the Kei civilization and express our high respect and greetings to you."
Speaker Pullman, who has studied the human history and customs of the Silver Dragon Empire, no matter what he thinks in his heart, at least for this, he used ancient Kei rituals to salute the sea of ​​clouds, regardless of voice, attitude and posture. Picky.
Some of the congressmen showed incredible expressions, some were angry, some were humiliated, and some even shed tears in pain.
When all hopes were shattered in their minds, after the only conclusion reached by the council.
All the councillors followed behind the three speakers, lowered their heads, and used the highest etiquette among the Kye people to pay high respect to the human youth in front of them.
Looking at the messy scene in front of the parliament building, looking at the mecha warriors who were almost dismantled in all directions, looking at a few aliens that had fallen to the ground, there was no expression on Yun Hai's face.
"Any civilization needs a subsidiary civilization. In this dark and full of dangers and crises in the cosmic jungle, no civilization can think that it can live safely all the time by relying on the power of its own civilization."
"Respected king of aliens, powerful alien masters. From now on, the Kye civilization will become a subsidiary civilization of your alien civilization."
"We will use powerful technology as your strong backing. Similarly, we will be the most loyal and excellent subsidiary civilization of your civilization with the most humble attitude."
"Please trust my sincerity. If you are willing to accept us as your subsidiary civilization, we will share the complete technology tree with you. Alien civilization may not need a technology tree, but your allies, the Silver Dragon Empire, will definitely get it. surprise."
"Great Alien Master, please accept our sincerity."
"What the Kye civilization now requires is to maintain the spread of civilization fire."
"Please think about it. What we ask for is just the basic will to survive."
Pullman tried his best to speak with sincerity, humility and even low tone.
Upon hearing this, Yun Hai suddenly smiled.
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