Chapter 1051: Fearless

The ruler of alien civilization is not here.
Whether it is a "blood relationship" or a problem of strength, the first-generation queens who are enough to deter and suppress them are not there.
Including Alien Domination's most sturdy fighter "Alien Beast Alien" and the most enchanting assistant Yunyue are also not there. When the situation changes, when different Alien Queens have differences of opinion, conflicts inevitably arise.
Will not compromise, nor will I change my original intention.
This is true in the bones, so when their opinions completely disagree, the spider alien queen and crocodile gar alien queen decided to use force to decide everything.
The appearance of Queen Ant and Queen Blue Star changed the situation.
The four alien queens occupied four positions, and they started to talk in silent language as they kissed lightly.
Other more aliens just surround them in three-dimensional form, quietly waiting for the conclusion of the "Queens".
These ordinary aliens, whether they are mutant aliens that have parasitized the souls of "different civilizations", or the messengers or drone aliens that have parasitized the birth of humans and crocodiles.
They were confused, and didn't even know who to listen to.
In other words, if the "Queens" have different opinions, after they have issued completely different orders, the ordinary aliens don't even know who they should follow.
Of course, these aliens do not know, this possibility is not great.
In the alien race, two alien queens will not give different orders.
Even under normal circumstances, different alien queens cannot control the same ethnic group.
Even if this happens, the genetic method will appear, and different alien queens will use battles to determine ownership.
The winner will have the ethnic group.
The loser is either killed or self-exiled.
So no matter how they win or lose, ordinary aliens who won't interfere, they won't face a difficult choice between two different commands.
The frequency of the giant kiss tremor is getting faster and faster, and the communication between the four alien queens is obviously getting faster and faster.
At least on the surface, the queen ant said very little.
Its tailbone swayed lightly, and its skull looked absent-mindedly from time to time to where the spider alien queen looked first.
Suddenly, without warning, the spider alien queen jumped out suddenly.
And the target of its attack was not the first crocodile gar alien queen who conflicted with it, but the last Blue Star queen.
Not caught off guard, the Blue Star Queen seemed to have expected it a long time ago.
Without showing any weakness, it stretched out to meet it.
After a violent collision, the two alien queens fought fiercely.
In just an instant, blood was constantly shooting out of the battle group.
The giant kiss trembled slightly, and the crocodile gar alien queen also shot.
Before that, it turned its head and "looked at" the queen ant who was silent.
Immediately, it rushed into the battle group violently.
However, the moment it shot, the queen ant finally moved.
The direction it rushed is not the three alien queens who fought fiercely regardless of the enemy and us.
Passing through the alien group that was busy avoiding, in the shortest time, she entered the light ant queen, and disappeared into the dark universe in an instant.
The fierce and even tragic battle stopped in an instant.
It was only ten seconds of battle. The spider alien queen and crocodile gar alien queen, including the blue star queen who had just intervened in the battle, were a little absent-minded in an instant.
When they reacted, the queen ant queen had completely disappeared before their eyes.
After a moment of lag, the three alien queens "looked at each other", then turned and flew into the gas giant planet.
The confession that the queen ant left temporarily has already been very clear.
They are now meaningless to catch up.
After all, no matter what the decision is, no matter who goes.
The four alien queens considered all the tasks that the alien masters gave before they left.
Guard the alien races and ensure their safety.
The body turned into a first-class black streamer, already throwing the gas giant planet far behind him.
He didn't think about it, and no longer thought about what the other three alien queens would think, or whether they would accept his proposal.
The queen ant doesn't even have the huge body of some guards, flying light in the dark universe.
Passing around a barren rocky planet, passing far by half a star on a "flat surface".
How long time has passed, the queen ant is not clear.
Its attention is not on these insignificant things, but on the distant "Aite Nebula".
Finally, the magnificent "Aite Nebula" appeared in front of it again.
Instead of approaching from this direction, the queen ant ignored the deadly "radiator" that began to gather at the edge of the Aite Nebula, but flew in another direction from the periphery.
It's like calculating to the extreme, or more like a coincidence.
When the queen ant approached another position of the "Aite Nebula", which resembled the edge of a crown, in the dark universe, a shadow that grew larger and larger, also approached here.
In simple but complex consciousness, I don't know the meaning of the two words "tree god".
But this does not hinder the cognition of the queen ant. While "seeing" this big shadow, it knows who it is.
Humans and aliens dominate the "tree gods" in cognition, the masters of "different civilizations".
Just like the mung bean in front of the watermelon, the queen ant queen, who was not big in size, is so small that it can be ignored in front of the "tree god".
It's just that the queen ant is not afraid, and she doesn't know what fear is. While she is ready for battle, she still maintains her own degree.
"court death!"
Somehow, the "tree god" who finally decided to be invited to the ruins and came to the "Aite Nebula" turned a blind eye to the provocation of the queen ant, but the "Lingqi" Prius attached to it couldn't help it.
With an angry roar of mental power, Price, who had been tortured by the last defeat, rushed towards the queen ant.
When there was still a long distance away from it, its flower-disk-like head flared open slightly while shrinking.
A group of dark-green energy cannonballs shot out violently and hit the queen ant.
Seemingly unavoidable, at the moment when it seemed to be hit by the energy cannonball, the queen ant's tentacles swung lightly and her body suddenly turned to one side.
It just wiped its body and flew over, crawling with green arc energy shells, and some arcs even jumped onto the queen ant queen.
The collision was silent, violent and terrifying.
Even if it was just a collision of sounds, when Prius and the queen ant collided violently together, the rippling waves visible to the inner eye swayed in the void space.
The shock wave ring produced by the collision spreads with a powerful force.
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