Chapter 1065: Wonderful universe

"Please forgive me for not telling the truth at the time, because as far as I understand it, if you know that I exist in the Aite Nebula next to you, can you calm down and continue to grow and develop there?"
"After all, you used to be a human being, and as far as my understanding of humans is concerned, you are notoriously suspicious and cautious."
"I can only say that it is impossible for you to reach the central black hole in this small universe in a short time. In this case, whether you see me as an enemy or a friend, at least you will not worry that I will always remember to threaten your safety."
"I say this, I wonder if you can understand?"
The voice didn't care about Yunhai's sarcasm, but responded to him with a mental communication that contained guilt and apology.
"But, can you really hurt me?"
For some reason, Yun Hai became mean and asked sharply.
He didn't think that that voice or that strange beast could hurt himself.
If it still possesses a powerful attack capability, like the cruiser of the "Stars" he mentioned just now, it would be impossible to leave this small universe.
There was a moment of silence before the voice responded to him.
This time, the tone of the mental communication, the voice became heavy.
"Indeed, I can't hurt you."
"The damage caused by the Star Clan to me is beyond your imagination."
"According to the time unit of the Silver Dragon Empire, after 16,352 years and six months and 31 days ago, after the endless attacks of hundreds of millions of warships dragged me down, the light and dark signs of the Sky Stars The main ship finally hit me hard."
"The truth is, if I were a more common ordinary monster, I would have been killed at that time."
"Four-fifths of my body was completely destroyed, and I only kept one-fifth of my body."
"If you describe it more vividly, compare your alien shapes. At that time, I only had half a head, half a shoulder, and half an incomplete forelimb."
"In this way, I was imprisoned in this small universe long abandoned by the Star Clan."
"If it were just a simple imprisonment, after so many years, I would have almost recovered."
"Unfortunately, the Sky Stars didn't give me this opportunity. They used advanced biotechnology to create micro-nanoworms that can continuously devour me, which is the radiation source in your perception."
"These nasty bugs are devouring my body and absorbing my energy every moment."
"Fortunately, the Star Clan only wants to imprison me, and want to use my research to try to break through when the space technology civilization has a bottleneck. Otherwise, even if the number of micronano mothers is a few more, my body will grow in length and energy absorption. The degree is not comparable to the degree they can swallow, and I have already completely disappeared in the Aite Nebula."
"I can only use consciousness to influence the consciousness of creatures in this small universe."
"More often, I can only observe, but can't do anything."
"Did you know? I, who once regarded the Star Clan as the most powerful enemy, in this small universe, I even worried that the silver dragon empire's human science and technology civilization would develop too quickly, and my existence would eventually appear."
"I even worried that they would kill me, so I kept using consciousness to influence the consciousness of some special existence in human beings."
"For example, the study of unlimited equivalent nuclear fusion, such as the study of anti-matter weapons, such as the study of proton weapons, etc."
"I influenced them with consciousness, making them think that these weapons cannot be researched by them in a short time, and even if these weapons are researched out with countless resources, countless energy, and years, they do more harm than good."
"And I don't want the Silver Dragon Empire to have a good exhibition space, fostering the civilization of the Mogo crocodile people against them, and distracting them with endless wars."
"Can you imagine it? A void creature that once traversed the universe, an existence that made the Sky Stars fear, awe and even fear, now it is like a dark reptile, only knowing to hide in no one's corner, just using conspiracy to complete all."
Speaking of this, the unknown strange beast's tone became heavier, and even brought grief and anger.
However, it talked so much, but only four words caught Yun Hai's attention.
"Void monster? Are you a space creature?"
Yun Hai asked in surprise.
"Yes, to be precise, I am a semi-four-dimensional creature."
The existence that claimed to be a "Void Beast" instantly responded to Yun Hai.
"Space creatures! Half four-dimensional creatures!"
Various images suddenly appeared in Yunhai's mind, but he couldn't define at most what kind of existence a "void monster" or a "half four-dimensional creature" is.
"Hehe, whether it is a Void Beast or a semi-four-dimensional creature, it is not difficult to understand."
"First, at the very beginning, I was just an ordinary alien beast just like aliens, alien spirits, humans and even crocodiles."
"I have flesh and blood, emotions and wisdom, and my own ethnic group and civilization."
"It's just that after countless years, I have been wandering in the universe. When I broke through the seventh-level alien beast civilization, I finally chose the direction of space."
"This is also a necessary choice for all civilizations, and your alien civilization may be the same in the future."
"Spatial direction, intellectual brain direction, microscopic direction, architectural direction and even music direction, etc., every civilization has countless breakthrough research directions."
"Even if there are a large number of ethnic groups, when the sixth-level civilization breaks through to the seventh-level civilization, if you don't concentrate all the limited energy in one direction, the breakthrough of the seventh-level civilization will always be out of reach."
"Void Beast" obviously guessed what Yun Hai was thinking, and answered his question in a calm tone.
"I can probably understand space, intellectual brains, and even micro-civilization, but what about the research breakthroughs in architecture and music that you said? These are more like hobbies than the key to the survival and development of civilization?"
Yun Hai has a feeling of listening to the heavenly scriptures, which he can hardly imagine.
"You are wrong, as long as you reach the extreme in any direction, it is powerful."
"Just as the architectural direction has broken through to the architectural civilization of level 7 civilization, they can create spectacular and unbreakable buildings that you can't imagine."
"If one day, in the real universe, you see a building larger than a planet drifting and wandering in the starry sky, please don't be surprised, because it is an architectural civilization."
"Of course, don't take it lightly, because no matter which direction you choose to break through to the seventh level of civilization, that civilization is a powerful existence."
"In addition, music civilization is even more magical."
"When I was wandering in the universe, I encountered a musical civilization."
"Their attacks are very peculiar. Even in the vacuum of the universe, they can deliver wonderful and deadly music to your mind."
"At that time, I felt dizzy and sleepy after only hearing a few sentences."
"When I think about it now, I am a little scared."
"If I were not a Void Beast, if it weren't for my ability to manipulate space that more civilizations can't achieve, then I might be in the hands of that seventh-level music civilization."
"So, the alien ruler, this small universe is just a cage, and the outside world is the truly wonderful and dangerous magical universe."
"Void Beast" said this in a daze.
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