Chapter 1078: Play without talking

When Alice felt "the sheep enter the tiger's den" on a certain planet in the real universe, Yunhai encountered an abnormal event. 『
His first meeting with "Void Beast" was not as smooth as expected.
Of course, the problem did not lie with the "Void Alien Beast", nor did it lie with other people, but with the Alien Beast and Alien.
Three times the intensity of light, it took only a short time for the sea of ​​clouds and alien beasts to rush back to the ruins.
Before entering the ruins, he clearly sensed the situation on the gas giant planet, and at the same time received a spiritual exchange from the "Radar Alien".
It was clear that the "Tree God" was already near the Ai Te Nebula, and it was clear that the Queen Ant Queen also rushed there, and the sea of ​​clouds did not delay, and directly flew to the Ai Te Nebula with the alien beast.
However, he did not expect that after approaching the Aite Nebula, when he saw the huge body of the "Tree God" that was not inferior to the Kei mothership, the alien beast alien would be violent without warning.
The magnificent Ai Te Nebula, colorful and blurred, and thousands of changes.
At its edge, the huge body of the "Tree God" floated quietly.
Not far from it, the queen ant clearly felt the approach of the master, moving her head from time to time, looking at it with nonexistent "eyes".
Gradually slowed down, when the sea of ​​clouds and the alien beast alien were about to approach, the alien beast alien suddenly speeded up, and directly rushed towards the huge "tree god".
Its movement completely exceeded Yun Hai's expectations.
He didn't give him a chance to react at all, even if the distance was quite far away, but under the light of the alien beast and alien, approaching was only an instant matter.
"court death!"
The huge "Tree God" remained motionless, but the angry roars originating from the three spiritual enlightenments rang in the minds of all creatures.
Has long been full of hostility to alien civilization, of course, the more sensible or smarter "Wooden Man" Totomi is not among them.
In addition to the previous provocative or impolite behavior of the queen ant, the other two spirits were obstructed by the constraints of the "tree god" and had to swallow their anger and dare not do it.
At this moment, seeing the alien beasts and aliens rushed up directly, the two spirits rushed out when they couldn't bear it.
But "Wooden Man" Totomi had to bite the bullet and fly forward together.
The alien beast alien, who turned a deaf ear, was not affected at all, still pounced on the "tree god" stubbornly.
The unique ability of "Gravity" made "Wooden Ball" Philen faster than the other two spirits, and it was the first to greet the alien beast alien.
Or to put it another way, the degree was only a ray, and it was approached first by the alien beast alien that still kept the light.
The anger from flattery turned into fear, and he clearly felt the light of the alien beast, so "Wooden Ball" Feren knew that he had a big deal.
It's just that it can't tolerate it anymore to regret and retreat. It only feels a powerful force and momentum flying past its own body. Where is the terrified "Ferren" planning to hit the alien beast, it still Before using the repulsive force to escape, I felt that a terrifying force had hit me severely.
This pumping almost dissipated the consciousness of "Feelen".
The terrifying power caused its body to spin at a faster frequency, and the enclave was thrown out.
In the space where it was knocked off, a large swath of dense matter was thrown away.
Obviously, the violent tailbone thrashing of the alien beasts was not just as simple as flying the "Wooden Ball" Philen.
With its violent strike, it forcibly stripped off a part of Philen's body, which was much denser and more massive than most planets.
Seeing this scene, the other two spirits who had faced the alien beast and alien were also shocked.
"Wooden Ball" Philippineization, in some respects, is simply known for its strong defense.
With this violent blow just now, if he were replaced by "Wooden Man" Totomi, he had no doubt that he would be completely evacuated.
Even if it was the strongest "Ink Flower" Prius in the spiritual enlightenment, it hurriedly fired an energy cannonball, and with a weird cry, it retreated to the "Tree God".
Bright and blurred energy cannonballs passed between the alien beasts and aliens shaking their heads and tails, and passing through the void space thousands of meters away from it.
The giant kiss quaked sharply. At this moment, the alien beast alien that had already rushed past ignored the huge vines that the "tree god" violently beat, and the tail blade that stood on top of the head flashed a stream of light and slashed.
"Give me a reason?"
"Why are you doing this?"
"How many times do I have to say? Unless we unite, we will not be able to deal with the upcoming fleet of the Star Clan!"
At the same time, the invisible "Void Beast", its voice filled with dissatisfaction rang in Yunhai's mind.
But at this moment, Yunhai ignored it.
Fearing that the alien beasts and aliens would suffer, he mentally ordered more evolutionary aliens in the gas giant planets to rush over, but the one who remained alienated just hesitated for a while, gave up vomiting the battleship Zhihan and Yunyue were on, and added Flew to the alien beast alien.
The dark green liquid is like an explosive volcano, spraying endlessly.
The "Tree God" drew towards the alien vine tentacles, most of which were cut off by its tail blade.
The vines that were separated from the body of the "tree god" quickly became gray and withered, and finally melted under the deadly light and heat radiation of the star at close range.
At the stubble-breaking part of the vine tentacles, dark green liquid was continuously gushing out.
However, there are still some vines tentacles that slapped heavily on the alien beast alien body, making the sea of ​​clouds that were extremely nervous when seeing this scene. What is unexpected is that on the alien beast alien’s body, exactly a few meters of void outside its body In the turbulent space, ripples flashed.
"Alien animal, it has evolved an energy shield!"
When the last first fleet of the Kei tribe was annihilated previously, because the Kei tribe just wanted to escape and didn't fight back, Yunhai did not show any abnormalities at all. At this moment, seeing this scene, he was only surprised.
Alien beasts and aliens have not evolved long-range attack capabilities.
It is good at close combat, and obviously has to withstand more long-range fire attacks when approaching the enemy.
Among these attacks, some of them will inevitably cause damage.
Even serious injuries and even life safety cannot be guaranteed.
The appearance of the energy shield made up for the shortcomings.
The alien beast alien that rushed into the enemy's front under the energy shield was enough to become a nightmare for more enemies.
Just like at this time, Yunhai is not sure at all. Without the protection of the energy shield, the violent blow of the "tree god" of unknown strength will cause any damage to the alien beast and alien.
At the same time, the sea of ​​clouds that saw this scene suddenly understood something about the impulse of the alien beast and alien.
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