Chapter 1110: Dangerous evolution

The horrible change is just an instant matter.
Even without waiting for the sea of ​​clouds to observe the details, the queen ant's body returned to normal.
The organs full of pustules returned to normal during the slight peristalsis.
The melted bones grew rapidly with a tongue-in-cheek degree.
Even the deformed and entangled bones quickly became the same as before.
"It's done!"
Feeling the extreme pain just now but still keeping calm sturdily, the queen ant suddenly became happy, and Yun Hai was overjoyed.
The most critical part was completed magically.
As long as the queen ant can get his ability to fuse other gene fragments, then the next step is almost a matter of course.
The bulging tentacles that penetrated into the queen's body, the tightly bound top opened.
Yunhai still chose the organ where the queen ant reproduced, and directly injected the cloned "gene medicine" into its wound.
At the same time, for fear that the queen ant could not bear it, Yunhai tried his best to control his own energy and slowly stimulate an organ in its brain.
This organ, Yunhai called it "gene pituitary gland", this organ similar to human tonsil, and his understanding of human "pituitary gland" is almost not much different.
For humans, the pituitary gland is the most important endocrine gland of the human body, divided into two parts: the anterior lobe and the posterior lobe.
It can secrete a variety of hormones, which have important effects on metabolism, growth, fertility and reproduction.
The same is true for aliens. In fact, their "adaptability" or "evolution" to various environments is derived from their "gene pituitary."
When entering an extreme environment, or extreme high temperature, unimaginable cold.
The alien itself produces a kind of energy similar to electromagnetic rays, which stimulates the "gene pituitary."
At this time, the "gene pituitary gland" will produce a hormone, it is this hormone that makes the abnormal gene change, that is, evolution.
At this time, Yunhai used his own energy to simulate the stimulating effect similar to electromagnetic rays.
The autonomous evolution of life will automatically balance everything.
Where do some blind clouds know what intensity of energy stimulation to choose, and how to control the frequency.
This is a seemingly simple, but very difficult and cumbersome task.
The mental perception firmly locks the mental fluctuations of the queen ant, Yunhai carefully uses different levels of energy and frequency to repeatedly stimulate the queen ant’s "gene pituitary."
The queen ant queen who had just had a moment of joy was overwhelmed by boundless pain.
I don't know what the master is doing to himself, nor what he wants to achieve.
I only felt that the body no longer belonged to her, but the extremely painful queen ant was still just motionless, still being struck again and again like a wave of intense pain, overwhelming herself.
The mental sense locked its sea of ​​clouds and clearly saw its multiplying organs swelled up sharply.
In the process of swelling, its soft reproductive organs gradually become dry and hard, almost showing a trend towards keratinization.
Not only , other organs are also rapidly swelling, and they all turn into stone-like gray.
However, in an instant, that is, within a few seconds, the large number of swollen and dried up organs shrank quickly.
In the process of shrinking, a large amount of colorless and transparent liquid like water continuously poured out.
Without thinking, Yun Hai "sucked" a drop of liquid with his tentacles and sent it back to the bulge under his jaw.
In his mind, a horrible scene suddenly appeared.
The queen ant queen, like other aliens, has almost no regular genetic structure, and is undergoing drastic changes.
The intricate gene chain fragment structure suddenly collapsed, and then suddenly twisted and connected together to form other shapes.
It is clear that this is the mutant gene at work, but the sea of ​​clouds that can no longer interfere with this process can only rely on energy to stimulate the "gene pituitary" of the queen ant and try to help it.
Time passed extremely slowly.
Every second is as difficult as a century for Yunhai.
What success means, he knows better than anyone else.
When this extreme desire for success turned into pressure, the nervous sea of ​​clouds forgot all other things at this moment.
The weak energy, like some kind of radio waves, under his careful control, constantly stimulates the pink and soft "gene pituitary gland".
Every time his energy impact, the body that the queen ant is trying to control produces a violent convulsion.
Clearly visible colorless and transparent mucus secreted from the "gene pituitary."
Under normal circumstances, this is not the case.
Obviously, the "gene pituitary gland" is strongly stimulated to cause such abnormalities.
"No problem? What are you doing?"
It is estimated that she was suffocated by the strong curiosity, otherwise Yunyue would not ask the question now.
Just as Yunhai wanted to respond to her, the queen ant's body twitched violently again.
It convulsed and convulsed so much that it pulled a large sticky "fungus blanket", undulating like the sea.
"Is this going to succeed? Or is it a complete failure!"
Yun Hai's heart was extremely nervous.
It was just nervous, he didn't forget his task.
Regardless of whether the response of the queen ant is good or bad, at least Yunhai is sure that the energy stimulation frequency he has just changed has played a role.
After gritting his teeth, he had no thoughts of changing.
With the same energy intensity and the same frequency, Yunhai still continued his dangerous work.
Abnormalities appear quickly and disappear quickly.
In three to five seconds at most, the queen ant calmed down.
This time, it was completely calm.
Including its body that had been swelling and shrinking, and even deformed in some areas, it calmed down completely.
The top of the tentacles unceremoniously tore a small piece of meat from the queen's organ.
When Yunhai analyzed it in the drum bag again, he was surprised to find that the fragment of the queen ant queen gene that did not have it had been perfectly integrated into its gene.
At this moment, Yun Hai was ecstatic.
As long as the ant queen can be transformed successfully, it means that the same method will also work for other alien queens.
As long as all alien queens are successfully transformed, it means that the alien "embryos" carried in the worms they give birth have the same fragments in their genes.
In other words, the aliens born by the alien queens that have been transformed from now on, no matter what host it eventually parasitizes, after finally breaking out of the body, molting and growing, it will be like a "giant tree alien", possessed in the universe. The ability to fly.
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