Chapter 1113: Star Fleet

"Little John" didn't understand, but "Old John" didn't understand either.
When the aircraft left Venus and flew towards the warship parked outside the orbit of the planet, he then whispered to his comrade-in-arms and close friend Ralph, "Is there any news?"
Shaking his head, the extremely rough-looking Ralph stretched out his hand and scratched his head covered with sores, and said in a dull voice, "I don't know, I wanted to spend a good vacation with my family at Daystar. Who knows what happened? ."
At this time, the aircraft was close to the huge battleship. After receiving the entry permission instruction, the pilot controlled the aircraft to fly into the battleship.
On the huge landing platform, one aircraft after another landed and raised.
When the aircraft followed the orbit into the safe internal compartment of the warship, as the door opened, John and Ralph, who had been prepared, went down.
There are all familiar faces in their sight
Obviously, during this holiday in the Yasuo star system, more crews and soldiers of the "Star Fleet" chose to vacation in Venus.
"Report, the sixth special fighter jet fighter, the original fighter John requested to return."
"Report, Ralph, the original fighter of Teyu Mecha of the Sixth Detachment, requested to return to the team."
The two of them walked quickly to the team that they were about to assemble, clenched their right hands and placed them in the middle of their chests, and said loudly in unison.
"Return to the team."
In front of them, an unusually tall man said in a deep voice.
After they returned quickly, the man in the stiff navy uniform confirmed that his team was assembled, and then said in a deep voice: "The expeditionary fleet will perform a long voyage mission after receiving an order from the Parliament. Between the dates, as for when we can return, it depends on the degree of completion of our mission."
"Next, everyone go back to rest."
"Half an hour, that is, after the fleet is assembled, I will explain the briefing of this mission in detail in the Military Command Room of the Sixth Detachment."
After speaking, he simply turned around and left.
The others also broke up in a rush, and in the low voice, each walked to their rest cabin.
"One day is also seven sidereal days. It shouldn't be a trivial matter to see the boss’s expression if it’s close or not, but I don’t think I can understand it. All this distance is under the absolute control of the Star Alliance and the United Nations. What can happen again."
Ralph and John were in the same cabin, and while they were walking side by side, the former couldn't help but whispered.
"It is estimated that which ethnic civilization of the Star Alliance united with the nations rebelled, otherwise it would not be our Star Fleet's turn."
John frowned and analyzed.
"I guess it's the same."
Ralph nodded, with a "deeply approved" expression on his face.
No wonder they two or more people think so, "Star Fleet" is the most special fleet of the Star Alliance United Nations.
Not to mention the most sophisticated engines, equipment, weapons, etc., the most special thing about this fleet is that the entire fleet, from captains, crews to soldiers, is composed of pure-blooded "Sky Stars" people. .
The entire Star Alliance united the 124 fleets of all nations, and even accommodated hundreds of ethnic civilizations, large and small, but special existences like the "Star Fleet" were just an example.
In several parliaments of the United States, many racially civilized lawmakers mentioned the "Star Fleet" with dissatisfaction, thinking that the "Sky Stars" showed extreme "exclusiveness" in the composition of this fleet. Strongly request other race civilization to enter the "Star Fleet."
However, several proposals have been rejected. The reason is simple. In the parliament, the "Stars" have 51% of the seats.
In other words, unless a member of the "Sky Star Clan" has their brains flooded and raised objections to their home planet civilization, any proposal that is unfavorable to the "Sky Star Clan" will never be passed.
This is a fact, a fact that the Star Alliance and the more ethnic civilizations of the nations are indignant but can only be accepted.
Of course, the superficial effort still needs to be done.
Just like the "Star Fleet", the banner played by the "Stars" is that this fleet was established very early when their home planet was capable of building the first fleet.
According to the tradition of the "Stars", unless the entire civilization is extinct, they must maintain the "pure" or "independence" of the "Star Fleet".
According to them, the "Star Fleet" still completely belongs to the entire Star Alliance United Nations.
But in the same way, the "Star Clan" also has the right to decide on this fleet.
It is for these reasons that Ralph and John think so.
It has been too long, since nearly two thousand years since the official establishment of the Star Alliance and the United States, there has been almost no war.
As for rebellion, it is not common.
Even if every certain period of time passes, some ethnic civilizations will resist because of the strength of the "Stars" or the blindly oppression of the United States, but it is only a partial war, and without exception, it will be quickly suppressed.
So in the eyes of John and Ralph, as before, this is just a "suppression" task.
And it should be the suppression of a certain civilization by the "Star Clan", not the Star Alliance uniting the nations in the true sense.
This idea continued until the "Star Fleet" was completely assembled and began to be released before it was broken.
In the Military Command Room of the Sixth Detachment, the commanders of these primordial fighters sat down like other fighters, quietly looking at the huge light screen occupying a wall in the room, waiting for the captain's instructions that had been notified.
In this process, no soldiers whispered, let alone whispering.
Before long, when the time in the notification was reached, the standby screen of the endlessly circulating universe and galaxy on the light screen shattered.
Instead, there is a calm and serious face of the middle-aged Star Clan.
"In the report submitted to the Council, our Star Fleet is going to perform a long-distance exploration mission this time. The goal of the exploration is to suspect that we lost a main ship in the Abyss Nebula more than 10,000 years ago."
"Of course, this is false information. Our destination is not the Dark Abyss Nebula."
"One day before the deadline, one of our inspectors found a small universe that we lost more than 10,000 years ago."
"In this small universe, he has a lot of abnormal phenomena."
"Void alien beasts occupying a high position in the history of our civilization, pest insects that have been strictly forbidden by our civilization to reproduce, a powerful alien beast civilization, and a strange alien plant civilization."
"No one knows what happened in this small universe, but these phenomena are absolutely abnormal."
"Because our inspector has also discovered the spirit race in the small universe. If the information is correct, he has discovered the primitive spirit race."
When the captain said this, there was an uproar in the military command room that had been calm and silent.
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