Chapter 1154: found it

When Yunhai started to stand by the side of the "Space Light Bridge" near the ruined "Half Star", Yunyue, with 50,000 evolutionary aliens and 20,000 "giant tree aliens", has reached the Mogo star field. deep.
The farther I go, the more amazed in my heart.
Even Yunyue, who has always been very nervous, sighed with emotion.
Countless planets and stars are all over the starry sky.
And all of these were actually carried into this small universe by the "Sky Star Clan" in a long, long time ago.
If we look at this issue with the thinking of human beings on earth, this is even more incredible than myths and legends.
But this is the fact, this is just a small universe, and only this explanation can explain the peculiarities of this starry sky.
The star system is not so close to the star system.
Take the solar system where the earth is located. The closest star to the solar system is Proxima Centauri.
Its distance from the center of the solar system is 4.2 light years.
In other words, the flight of light will take more than four years to reach it.
With the technological power of the earth at that time, the fastest spacecraft would take 170,000 years to go back and forth.
Of course, it's different now.
The vigor of the Silver Dragon Empire took some scientists and spaceships to the earth.
However, their greatest strength is definitely not going to be cleared in a short time.
The desperate distance allows more civilizations to be born, displayed, or extinct only on the parent planet.
Similarly, it is precisely because of this distance that more civilizations are protected, allowing them or them to have enough time to develop after they are born until they have the ability to truly explore the universe.
This is the normal large cosmic space, and distance, openness, and coldness can only be manifested in the real large cosmic space.
The small universe is just an artificially made abnormal universe.
Different star systems are not much different from those in the universe.
But there are no extreme celestial bodies, and there is almost no open and icy interstellar medium region between different star systems.
Many doubts were resolved as the fact of the small universe surfaced.
The more you understand these, the more excited and yearning Yunyue becomes.
She even couldn't wait to leave this small universe and take a look at the real big universe outside.
I don't worry at all that the empty and cold universe will be lonely.
In a short period of time, the "Star Clan", "Intelligent Civilization" and "Zerg" appeared in turn.
This is enough to explain the facts. No matter what they and what they want to do, Yunyue can imagine that the real big universe outside will definitely not be lonely.
With such an excited mood of anticipation, Yunyue originated from the depression of giving up receiving the fire from the "Zerg" in the Alien Dominator's order, and it also disappeared.
During the long-distance flight, her excitement and anticipation gradually turned into irritability.
There are still a large number of stars in the starry sky farther away from the Mogo star field.
If the direction you are looking for deviates by a very small angle, in such a long light flight, it is absolutely "the smallest difference".
The alien communication network has not spread to this starry sky.
The "Radar Alien" that first came into contact with the vanguard of the "Zerg" only knew that they came from this direction.
What Yunyue is looking for now is the same direction.
However, if these "Zerg" vanguard troops had changed their directions during the flight, for one reason or another, Yunyue felt that the possibility of finding the "Zerg" lair in this vast space was almost impossible. Minimal.
Fortunately, it is not just that she herself is looking for the "Zerg" lair with a part of the alien.
Different alien queens have a large number of aliens with them. At this time, more aliens are performing the same search task.
At the same time, the alien communication network is quickly spreading out in this starry sky.
Wherever the alien goes, within a certain distance, there are aliens staying in different areas, acting as the "radar aliens" for communications.
Of course, these aliens are all variant aliens.
After all, not every area can find creatures, and no one knows how long they will stay in that area.
Ordinary aliens also need food in the true sense to survive for a long time, and will not enter a dormant state due to lack of energy.
The mutated aliens are different. They can find and absorb energy to survive even a single icy meteorite in the universe, not to mention there are more stars.
The boring flight of light continued.
Yunyue couldn't even figure out how long it had passed. She had never had any patience. When her irritability began to become anxious, suddenly, a message was delivered to her mind.
"found it!"
The message originating from a certain "radar alien" made her happy.
It only took a short time to determine that his direction had already deviated.
Yunyue adjusted her direction and flew towards the target direction keeping her light.
"Wait until I come before you act, don't attack yet."
Fearing that she had missed something, Yunyue gave a spiritual command to a "radar alien" beside her.
After all, she is not a pure alien, only her strength and abilities have evolved, and she has not solved fundamental problems.
So she can't even talk directly to the "Radar Alien" who is a long-distance transfer station like an ordinary "Radar Alien".
The command of the alien ruler is everything.
He said that Yunyue's order was the same as his order, so there would be no objection to an alien.
Following Yunyue's "Radar Alien", the order was transmitted instantly.
The special information reached the mind of another "Radar Alien" closest to it in an instant.
Similarly, it has no objections to any order and forwards the message.
In this way, after several transmissions and dissemination of information, the information finally reached the mind of the "radar alien" who sent the information first.
Without thinking, it passed Yunyue's command to more aliens nearby in the form of short-distance space broadcast.
They are all "evolutionary aliens", and the number is about 30,000.
After all, when performing search tasks, degree is the key.
Now in the army of aliens, there are aliens with light, that is, two hundred thousand aliens that have evolved at the same time as alien beasts, and 500,000 "giant tree aliens."
Of these 30,000 or so aliens, most of them are ordinary evolutionary aliens, with strong long-range output firepower, and at the same time sturdy melee ability.
In some sense, the "giant tree alien" can be regarded as a true guard alien.
Regardless of whether this "guard" is aimed at the alien queen, or the alien master.
He also chose to obey the order, even if it was somewhat familiar and full of violent and even provocative life breaths and energy fluctuations, making the 20,000 aliens ready to move.
Quietly sticking to the dark side of the planet, they don't move, waiting patiently for Yunyue to appear.
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