Chapter 1201: Child's Fortune

"The first contact failed."
"Follow the order reserved by the mastermind and try the second contact."
"Remote contact started, waiting for response."
"Alien civilization did not respond. It is already certain that their goal is to attack the space base."
"Start emergency procedures, and the fifteenth to twenty-fifth fleet is dispatched."
"According to the results of the sixteen war deductions, ten fleets of 2.5 million warships are enough to wipe out 50 million aliens in the 5th star system and outside the two star systems."
Pieces of information spread in the space base.
When "Core Subbody One" finally issued the order, in the space dock, small light clusters were stripped out, swiftly welcoming in the direction of the alien army invading.
"The war is about to begin."
"I have felt the abnormal spatial fluctuation, although it is very weak, but I can be sure."
In the ruins, at the same time, the voice of "Void Monster" appeared in Yunhai's mind.
"I know."
Yun Hai responded indifferently.
He didn't need a kind reminder from the "Void Beast", he knew everything clearly.
During the march of the 50 million alien army,
radar aliens
were left in different star systems and different planets.
The alien communication network extends from the edge position that can be detected to the space where the 50 million aliens are located at this time.
So Yunhai knew everything before the "Void Beast" came over.
"It's going to start."
Yunhai passed this information to Yunyue and Zhihan around him.
"Should have let me go with me."
Yunyue mumbled unhappy.
Even if he knew that this was a lifelong invasion and battle, Yun Yue still wanted to see it.
"I hope it's worth it."
Zhi Han said with a complicated expression.
In her opinion, the number of fifty million is too much.
If this number is reduced tenfold, perhaps she can still accept it.
Fifty million aliens, to perform a mortal mission, it seemed to Zhi Han too unworthy.
Even if the fifty million aliens, Yunhai now has a small army of aliens.
But that is after all fifty thousand lives, fifty million alive powerful aliens.
"Whether it's worth it, you will know soon."
Yun Hai said, his gaze turned to the huge gas giant planet.
The huge first-generation alien queen, as well as larger and more terrifying alien beast aliens, are flying over from different areas of the gas giant planet.
With a sigh in his heart, Zhi Han moved his gaze away from the two behemoths and looked around.
The 400,000 giant tree alien, plus the two million "spirit gun alien", quietly suspended in all directions dominated by the alien.
In addition to them, there are 200 million evolutionary aliens surrounded.
Subconsciously thought Yun Hai would do something, but Zhi Han didn't understand what he wanted to do.
Especially when she looked at the sea of ​​clouds and saw the mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth, she became even more confused.
In the dark interstellar medium region, the 50 million aliens continued their peaceful flight for several sidereal days, and finally ended.
When a light group quickly collapsed, forming a large dense cluster of light spots, and spreading out at a faster rate, as the light spots expanded violently, the identical battleships revealed their original appearance.
The degree dropped sharply, and a full 2.5 million warships opened fire violently in the void far away from the alien army.
Alien's choice was very decisive. As the warships of "smart civilization" spread, they also began to separate and spread quickly.
It no longer maintains a compact formation like when traveling.
The 50 million aliens were scattered in the shortest possible time, and even because there were too many, some aliens simply turned around and flew away hurriedly towards both sides of the formation.
The intensive light attack did not achieve the desired effect.
In the judgment of "Intelligent Civilization", like the Zerg, they like to gather and impact aliens, and their reaction this time was completely beyond their expectations.
The first wave of attacks only took away hundreds of thousands of alien lives.
Although it is possible that more than this number, there are more aliens who have been injured, but unless it is a fatal injury, the alien that is not under the line of fire does not care about minor or severe injuries.
Hundreds of thousands of aliens lost their lives in just a moment.
There are 50 million aliens. Except for more than 500,000 aliens that fortunately avoided the first wave of attacks and still maintained their original forward direction, the other more aliens seem to have no intention of attacking at all. The huge void completely dispersed.
Some aliens obliquely bypassed the area where the fleet is located, and some aliens simply left the "flat surface" straight down, or flew upwards.
For a moment, the fleet of "smart civilization" stalled.
Their original mission was to intercept the aliens, but when the alien army suddenly dispersed, and even some of the aliens turned their heads and flew toward the inbound, these battleships seemed to be "dumbfounded."
Of course, it was just a momentary stagnation.
Another round of fire-focused attacks covered half a million oncoming aliens. The 2.5 million warships began to quickly spread out. With a group of 100,000 warships, the alien army began to move in different directions. Chased down.
The 50 million alien army with hard resistance and almost no long-range attack capability may not be able to fly in front of the "intelligent civilization" fleet and be wiped out.
But when they are scattered slyly, and the seeming chaos is actually a purposeful circuitous outflanking the target, 2.5 million warships sounds like a lot, but they want to completely block 50 million aliens with the same degree. Outside a safe distance, it is not an easy task.
This is not difficult to judge.
In the shortest time, the battlefield playing model was established, and the
core sub-body No. 1
reached a conclusion through a large number of calculations, and quickly reached the order.
Only one hundred thousand battleships were left to defend, and the "No. 1 core sub-body" sent another million battleships.
After countless spots of light quickly left the space base and flew away in different directions, "Core Subbody No. 1" was carefully deduced again.
The space base seems to be empty.
But "Core Subbody One" is not worried, because in its deduction, 3.5 million warships are enough to intercept 50 million aliens outside the "Dead Star System".
At this time, the "Core Subbody No. 1", who has a certain logical thinking ability, suddenly felt very lucky.
If this time Alien Civilization sends out not only 50 million aliens, but hundreds of millions of aliens, then the complete construction of a space base in the near future may be wiped out.
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