Chapter 1205: Fire collection

The reaction of the "Zerg" was exactly the same as Yunhai expected.
When formulating this plan, in his repeated deliberation, the biggest variable or problem was that when the "Zerg" suddenly appeared "smart civilization" and alien civilization, they would choose which side to attack first.
From the perspective of the alien, Yunhai came to a conclusion after careful consideration for a long time.
If he were replaced by himself, he would definitely attack the "intelligent civilization" first without hesitation.
After all, when it comes to scoped killing, alien civilization cannot be compared with "micro-intelligent civilization".
Last time, they only made two attacks, which caused heavy casualties to alien civilization and "Zerg" respectively.
In contrast, the contest between Alien and Insects is more evenly matched.
Sure enough, the "Zerg" attacked the "Intelligent Civilization" first. As for whether they did this because they were separated from the Alien Army by an "Intelligent Civilization", this was no longer important in Yunhai's view.
There was no comfort of sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fighting. After more insects flooded into the "space base", the "giant tree alien" that had been prepared for 400,000 long ago exploded and opened fire violently.
A terrifying wave of energy rays shot through the void into the space base in an instant.
The space base without the protection of the energy shield, no matter the thick and spacious "main beam", or all kinds of strange-shaped buildings, are all pierced instantly.
Inevitably, dense explosions began to bloom in different buildings on the huge
main beam
The energy rays are still continuing, and the 400,000 "giant tree aliens" that have completely executed the command of the master. When they set fire to the same position of the "main beam" and continuously cut and move and attack, when the spectacular and terrifying energy rays are concentrated. When the formed light beam disappeared, the space base that had been twisted into a double ring structure was completely split.
Two irregularly twisted ring-shaped "main beams" were torn apart, and more buildings exploded silently. The bright energy firelight and shock wave ring intertwined and deduced the most expensive firework.
This gorgeous firework engulfed many buildings, robots and even spaceships in the space base, as well as many sturdy bugs.
Of course, bugs that also have bone armor are not so easy to kill.
In fact, the insects that died in the "giant tree alien" energy ray attack were far past the insects in the explosion that kept flashing from the space base.
The gloomy green light once again illuminated the dim battlefield.
If the energy ray attack of the four hundred thousand "Giant Tree Alien" is like a straight and pure light attack, then the energy cannonball attack from the two million "Spirit Cannon Alien" is like a dead light bullet from the hell.
Dragging the free Wisdom Tail, more than two million energy cannonballs exploded violently in the front when the alien army rushed into the space base.
The "intelligent civilization" space base that has been appallingly appalling, after this round of energy cannonball baptism, the original structure is no longer visible.
The void is full of base debris from the explosion.
Fragments of buildings larger than the mothership of the Silver Dragon Empire, and fragments of spaceships smaller than the messenger alien are everywhere.
At this time, the alien army has also rushed into the "ruins".
When the alien beasts flying in the front violently hit a section of the "main beam" that was still intact, and violently shaved almost all the buildings on the "main beam" with a tail blade, a large amount of white light suddenly appeared.
In five seconds, Yunhai can guarantee that five seconds will never pass.
The energy radiation attack of hundreds of millions of "blaster" paralyzed the space base of "smart civilization" for a full five seconds.
At this point of time, it is not long to say that it is short, and it is definitely not short.
At least with the cooperation of "Zerg" and alien civilization, the space base of "Intelligent Civilization" has been completely scrapped.
The huge space base has become a large piece of garbage.
Can't even see a complete spaceship, battleship, including various buildings.
It can be said that at least so far, Yunhai's plan this time has been carried out quite perfectly.
But there is no absoluteness, there are always some things beyond his expectations.
For example, the "smart civilization" space base that looks like a ruin, such as the "smart civilization" previously pursuing fifty million alien warships.
Switching to other civilizations, the terrifying blow just now is already deadly.
But "intelligent civilization" is different after all, which is why it has become a "different civilization" in more civilization cognition.
On the different base fragments that flashed with energy rays, a powerful attack ability burst out in an instant.
The fierce energy rays attacked fiercely against the swarms and aliens.
If these seemingly precise attacks are far from efficient, then Yunhai has already seen and named the "black hole bomb" attack, and its range of damage can definitely only be described as terror.
One after another "black hole bombs", under the control of the awakened "core sub-body", ejected from different base fragments.
Some were even pushed by robots spraying energy tail flames and rushed into the insect swarm.
A large number of "black hole bombs" flashed and exploded, so that terrible "black holes" appeared in the chaotic battlefield.
Although its appearance is disappearing almost instantaneously, it is enough.
The violent gravity tore everything, no matter the base metal debris, or insects, aliens, all were torn into pieces, and disappeared with the instantaneous demise of the "black hole".
As a result, a piece of vacuum appeared on the chaotic battlefield.
In Yunhai's mental perception, at least for an instant, those blank areas are basically close to an absolute vacuum.
Obviously, the "intelligent civilization" no longer cares about the consequences.
Whether they will be angry or not, Yunhai doesn't know, but at this point in the raid, the "smart civilization" obviously no longer thinks about it.
He also did not ignore a detail, the protection mechanism of the "black hole bomb" was much better than Yunhai first expected.
He first predicted that regardless of the long-range attacks of the "Giant Tree Alien" and the "Spirit Cannon Alien", or the crazy bone spur ejection and impact destruction of a large number of insects, including the explosion of buildings of unknown purpose in the space base, they may detonate more. Many "black hole bombs".
It's just that the picture he expected did not appear, which is why he dared to let the aliens rush into the space base, and must dismantle the "smart civilization" base in the shortest possible time.
But this is nothing, compared to the worst and worst situation envisioned by Yunhai, these things are really nothing.
No matter how sudden an invasion, no matter how unexpected a surprise attack, it is impossible without casualties.
In fact, Yunhai didn't even tell anyone. According to his worst estimate, the 250 million aliens might eventually return, even less than one-tenth.
He has been very, very satisfied with the raid.
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