Chapter 1295: A race calling itself a god

"What I said, you have heard clearly."
"If I am not mistaken, the special electronic signal fluctuations are emitted by their battleships or some large instruments or equipment."
"Thorn, you know too."
"They are civilizations that cannot be judged by common sense."
"I have never stopped analyzing their civilization and special technology for so many years, but I have never succeeded."
Every sentence comes from different warships.
I've long been used to the communication method of intelligent micro-civilization, so I didn't care about it.
In fact, a supernova has suddenly appeared within the visible distance, and it will not distract it.
"Could it be that they were also defeated?"
"Just when did they defeat this star field? Why didn't we find any abnormalities before then?"
After a moment of silence, Thorny sent a message with difficulty.
Intelligent micro-civilization quickly responded to it.
"According to my analysis, there are only the following possibilities."
"First, they were also defeated. In order to avoid chasing and disperse them, a certain battleship or a certain planet passed through this star field when it was making a space jump, and all I caught were some diffuse electric waves. Radiation signal."
"Second, they were not defeated. The signal I captured was just a flashing signal fluctuation that drifted into the wreckage of a certain warship in this star field following the interstellar turbulence."
"There is another possibility that they are here."
"After having tasted the bitter fruit, they realized that rejecting us was the most fatal mistake they made."
"The pride of the race that claims to be a will never change."
"So they will observe us first, and then there may be a coincidental opportunity, and then they will wait for us to make the same suggestion, and they may only agree with it."
The analysis of intelligent micro-civilization is very thorough, and it is obvious that efforts have been made.
And in this matter, it did not conceal the infirm ally of the Zerg Clan.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
Having passed this news back to the mother emperor, Sting seemed to have just reacted to a fact.
If it weren't for it to ask, this shocking news, the intelligent micro-civilization does not seem to tell it at all.
"Actually, I just came to a conclusion."
"The focus of this period of time has been placed on the spatial light bridge."
"At first, I thought it was a signal fluctuation from a certain expedition spacecraft of the Star Alliance United Nations. Later, during the second analysis of my daily information retrieval, I discovered the abnormality."
"And even now, I can't be 100% sure that the short-term electronic signal fluctuations are from them."
Faced with Sting’s question, the intelligent micro-civilization responded lightly.
"If this electronic signal fluctuates, it represents their existence, then, I want to know, does this have anything to do with alien civilization?"
Regarding this issue, Thorn has no way to interact with the theory of intelligent micro-civilization. He can't help but think of the mass appearance of alien civilizations, including the strange energy radiation fluctuations that appear from time to time in the star field controlled by the Zerg Thorn. Asked.
If the "leader" of an intelligent micro-civilization is a normal creature, it may laugh when it hears this question.
The intelligent micro-civilized mastermind, which can only simulate emotions but not emotions, still simulates a strange smiling face on the light screen of the battleship where it is located.
It seems that only by doing this can it represent its current "mood".
The intelligent micro-civilization did not lie about the fluctuation of electronic signals.
And for such an important thing, it won't make a joke.
Although until now, the intelligent micro-civilization is not clear, the electronic signal fluctuations it has captured are the power devices that were suddenly excited by the super beasts discovered by the first group of difficult alien expeditions into the big universe.
The degree of similarity has reached more than 90%, and in this vast universe where life and civilization rarely exist, it is basically certain.
I don't understand this, but the intelligent micro-civilization can be certain that this electronic signal fluctuation has nothing to do with the mass appearance of alien civilizations in the universe.
Because an unintelligent micro-civilization can be sure that while creating a spatial optical bridge, it does not relax its monitoring of the small universe at all.
If they had the ability to sneak into the small universe without realizing it, they might have won that war long ago.
"It shouldn't matter, they rudely rejected us, a powerful intelligent civilization, and a Zerg thorn tribe with unlimited potential, and they don't even have the desire to communicate with the alien beast Ying Sui."
"Under such a situation, how could they possibly fall into an alien civilization that is still in its infancy."
Soon, the special smiley symbol on the light screen disappeared, and the "master brain" of the intelligent micro civilization slowly responded to the thorn.
"Then have you ever thought about how long they can hold on?"
The mother emperor's reply has not been received yet, and he didn't know what to say, so he changed the subject.
"It seems that it's not just me, even you are not optimistic about them, otherwise you won't ask like that."
The intelligent micro-civilization was silent for a long time before responding.
"Nonsense, how could they possibly win."
"A race that claims to be a god, I don't deny their strength, but their strength is more reflected in pride."
"How can an arrogant race defeat them."
Thorny responded without hesitation.
"Yes, in the face of them, any vigilance and caution are not excessive."
"If they are willing to unite us, there may be hope."
"But their rude refusal only showed me poor pride."
"Thorn, don't ask me, if they are defeated, and then they spread to this star field, what should we do."
"Because neither I nor your mother emperor knows that there is no choice at that time."
Don't want to reveal the simulated mood swings, otherwise, the response of the "master brain" of the intelligent micro-civilization at this time will definitely bring a frustrating tone.
A civilization that is extremely perfect and terrifying in every way, but at a critical period of development, it encounters a group of such enemies.
The intelligent micro-civilizations that have escaped several times are very clear that if they defeat the civilization race claiming to be gods once again, after they invade again, they can still escape as far as possible.
"It's okay to change the place."
"This star field is completely dead, not even a civilization that can be killed or swallowed."
Compared with the frustration of intelligent micro-civilization, Stingy still had some expectations, or excitement, in his heart.
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