Chapter 13: living hell

The size is not big, at least compared with the golden eagle. The body length of the monster is about 30 cm, the height is half a meter, and the number is about 50 or 60.
The body is completely keratinized bone plates, and the two pairs of periosteums under the slightly stretched bone plates are trembling. The head of this monster is triangular, and the four pairs of arthropods on the body are like sickles, especially the top is completely sharp spikes.
On both sides of the skull, two inner arc-shaped palatal limbs protruded from both sides of the head. Just like the claws of a crab, there are also a few unusually sharp and small palatal limbs growing inside, which look extremely hideous.
The wing membrane made a huge "buzz" while it quivered, and the flying speed of the strange insect was extremely fast.
It wasn't a fight at all, the golden eagle was completely fleeing, and the speed of those monsters was not much slower than it.
Although some weird worms were bitten to death by the sharp claws of the golden eagles, the number of the latter completely made up for the lack of strength.
The sharp arthropods of a large number of monsters pierced the golden eagle's abdomen one by one, and the palate, which was comparable to the length of the body, was sharper, either stabbed or clamped, and obviously found the weakness. They only attacked the golden eagle's abdomen .
Fleeing all the way, the golden eagle's abdomen was stabbed with many holes, and the scarlet blood was like raindrops, spreading across the sky.
The murmur was earth-shaking, and the golden eagle had obviously lost the confidence to fight, screaming and fleeing to the north.
The speed is not slow, but the flexibility of the golden eagle is still much worse than that of the mechanized monster.
Chasing all the way from Nanshan to Yangshan, those monsters might have played enough. In the horrified eyes of Yunhai and others, their speed increased a lot in an instant, and a large swarm of monsters crawled across the golden eagle’s abdomen. Some of them even went straight into its body following the wound.
Struggling to wave his wings, but the unimaginable pain in the body caused the golden eagle to lose its strength, and the murmur of tearing eardrums stopped abruptly. It flew only a few meters, and the huge body of the golden eagle fell towards him with a rain of blood. In the valley.
Seeing the cloud-like weird worm chasing into the valley, the hotel was deadly silent, and several people standing at the door still stared at the sky.
"Like aliens, are they monsters from outer space? Or some kind of insect infection virus evolved!"
Stormy waves appeared in Yun Hai's heart, and everyone else present was muddled. They couldn't understand what kind of monster it was, but he couldn't be sure in his heart.
After all, there are too many kinds of insects on the earth, who knows how many kinds of insects have not been discovered by humans.
"what is that?"
Cui Hao looked at the sea of ​​clouds with pale lips.
"do not know."
Yunhai spit out three words in a quiet voice. He suddenly turned around and rushed to the front desk, and quickly turned on the radio.
These days, the "A City People's Broadcasting Station" has been repeated over and over again. The old-fashioned voice of the host who made people love and hate disappeared, replaced by the harsh electric current.
I kept pressing my finger on the FM button for a long while, but it was the same as before, no one could listen to the radio.
"Is there a power outage?"
Because there is no more giant rat on the top of the mountain, the blankets that originally covered the doors and windows have also been taken off. The lobby is well lit, and everyone is still immersed in the horror brought by the mutant stag beetle, but some people still find the dark light on the top of the lobby. It went out.
Qi Xiangyu just woke up from the horror, tried to switch, all the lights did not respond, and ran to the distribution box behind to take a look, finally walked back, and shook his head sadly.
"It's over, it's all over." A tourist murmured nervously.
"What if they fly up?"
The big head appeared beside Yun Hai with a look of horror, and the joy brought by the newly evolved "ice ability" disappeared.
I dare not imagine that if I were targeted by a strange bug, the big head had no doubt about the consequences, the only difference was the way I would die.
Astonishing speed, brutal consciousness, sickle-like limbs, in the hearts of more people including the big head, these weird bugs are simply life-ending machines.
Even in Yunhai's mind, he believed that, integrating the mother of aliens to achieve dominance, he must have confidence in the alien race, but the appearance of this strange bug completely changed its perception.
"The golden eagles and the strange insects all came from the south, and the nearest city a is in that direction."
After a long silence, a tourist whispered.
"City A, which is the closest to Yangshan, has had no problems with the radio station in the past two days. I heard it once in the morning and it was good. Now suddenly there is no signal. What do you mean by that?"
After hearing Cui Hao’s words, Tian Yuanyuan began to swing again, her white teeth "chuckled" straight, and stammered: "You...what do you mean... these weird bugs...a lot of them. Already... attacked... attacked city a?"
Cui Hao didn't say a word, but his expression already answered everyone.
"That's just your guess, it's not the case."
Liu Ming spoke, his pale face flushed with excitement, and said anxiously: "You college students don't understand how powerful the army is? You don't know how powerful the army is? The army has artillery, bombs, missiles, tanks, planes, and even There are also nuclear bombs. How many of these weird bugs can have? Faced with modern weapons, they are just a bunch of bugs.
"Perhaps." Cui Hao showed a bitter smile on his face.
Hearing a numbing scalp flapping sound, Yun Hai's most worried thing still happened. He didn't even turn his head to look outside, and ran toward the passage quickly.
The toughened glass that the giant rat can't break is nothing to this kind of monster with sharp arthropods and palatal limbs. As long as they find some, the glass on the window or door is no different from the paper.
Most people hadn't reacted yet. When they subconsciously looked over, they saw a large number of strange bugs that had just fallen into the valley flying into the sky and flying directly towards the mountaintop hotel. The crowd immediately exploded.
Panic screams filled the lobby, and the men remained calm, rushing to the passage and ran back to their guest rooms. Some women were completely desperate, and the screams became a mess.
"Boom boom..."
The violent impact sounded one after another, and a large number of strange insects flew over and hit the glass doors and windows, making the scalp numb and staring at the human in the lobby.
Unlike the mutant bamboo rat, which only used the body to hit it mechanically, after several attempts to hit it to no avail, the strange insects waved their metal-hard palates, and the sharp tips of them stung on the glass door.
There was a series of crisp impacts, several strange insects lined up, and the place where the palatal limbs stabbed was not even the slightest deviation. After dozens of consecutive violent stabbings, the corner of the tempered glass door finally appeared as a cobweb. Rift.
Finally, the tempered glass door on the left shattered, and on the ground and even in the air, including more weird bugs on the window glass of the guest room, swarmed in from the door.
"The door is broken! They are coming in!"
Tian Yuanyuan and two female classmates ran into the guest room not far from the lobby. The sound of the broken glass door instantly drove them into hell. Then they heard the overwhelming buzzing sound quickly approaching, and the three female college students completely collapsed.
"Dad...Dad, I'm so scared... Come and save me."
Tian Yuanyuan cried loudly, her nose and tears running down.
The other two female college students hugged each other and hid in the corner of the guest room. Like an ostrich encountered a danger, they buried their heads in their knees and trembled.
A pair of sharp palates pierced the wooden door, and a large hole was opened while closing. The head of the strange worm poked in, staring at Tian Yuanyuan with its scarlet abdomen, and then forced in.
"Go to die, go to die!"
I didn't know where I was born with a bit of courage, Tian Yuanyuan cried and screamed, rushed to raise his foot and kicked at the monster.
I just felt that I had just kicked an iron plate, and saw another weird worm digging in through the hole in the door. With a flap of her wings, she moved towards her. Tian Yuanyuan couldn’t react to it. The monster in front of her The worm had already pinched her leg off.
The huge palatal limbs sent Tian Yuanyuan's broken leg to the front, and more small palatal limbs picked up a piece of flesh and sent it into the hideous mouth. In Tian Yuanyuan's screaming screams, he liked blood more The meaty weird worm was struggling to shake her palate, and her head was completely pressed into the hole in her face.
More monsters flew in, flooding Tian Yuanyuan, who was rolling desperately on the ground, and flooding her two classmates.
Heart-piercing screams sounded from all over the hotel, with overwhelming monsters flooding every corner, swinging huge palate forceps under pieces of flesh and blood, and enjoying the gluttonous feast excitedly.
The Rising Sun Hotel, which sheltered the survivors for two days, has completely turned into a on earth.
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