Chapter 1327: Final preparation

The composition of the Zerg Clan is very distinctive.
The absolute master-the mother emperor, it can give birth to king insects.
After this king insect grows up, it becomes the queen.
After the worm, more female worms can be reproduced.
Mother worms will breed worms again.
Without the existence of the mother queen, the queen worm born from the king insect may evolve into the mother queen.
But female insects can't do it, they can only breed ordinary insects.
Of course, after the mother queen and queen all die, when certain information hidden in the gene is activated, it may evolve into an adult queen, but it will evolve into the final mother queen, hoping to be ethereal.
In this regard, they are very similar to alien civilizations.
Alien civilization, until now, only the first generation of queens have the ability to give birth to queens.
No other alien queen, at least until now, has not given birth to a queen-cuddling bug.
From this point, it can be clearly seen that the Zergs, who have survived and evolved in the real universe and evolved more than one era, are more "advanced" than the aliens.
Alien civilization, if it loses the original queen now, unless there is evolution or mutation, Yunhai will face the embarrassing dilemma of no new alien queen being born for a long time.
Of course, this is just the perception of Alien Domination.
He didn't know that the evolution of life was always full of miracles.
Otherwise, the former creation clan would not die in the hands of the bugs they created.
Countless "king insect eggs" are distributed on the fungus blanket that almost occupy the entire nest star.
The fleshy membrane dripping with mucus is covered with cobweb-like tendons and blood vessels, and the giant squirming eggs are like hills.
The number of these huge "king worm eggs" is actually not much, about a million.
It’s just that the more other worm eggs standing between the "king worm eggs" will give the illusion of a bird’s-eye view from above-the whole mother nest star is full of growing worm queens.
These other eggs are more numerous.
Moreover, its size does not look much smaller than the "king worm eggs".
These are the "killers" of the mother emperor of the Zerg Clan.
Intelligent micro-civilizations hide that they have found materials that can ignore the energy radiation attack of the Zergshorn tribe’s "magnetic blaster", although such materials are rare.
It's just that the intelligent micro-civilization is not clear, the mother emperor of the Zerg Clan has also prepared a great gift for them.
For this great gift, the mother emperor of the Zerg Clan, even how long she stayed in this desolate mother nest star, almost forgot.
The worm, headed by Thorn, replaced its responsibilities.
The mother emperor just built the mother nest star into the most suitable life experiment planet for "research" and "creation", failing again and again, but still persevering.
The intelligent micro-civilization does not know, nor does the alien beast Ying Sui know. In the interior of this planet, under the huge pool of blood, the insect emperor has spent an unknown amount of effort to build how many weird things.
Until, it finally succeeded in creating the most effective "weapon" for intelligent micro-civilization.
At this moment, the terrifying energy tide in the blood pool is rapidly weakening.
As the energy-laden green liquor in the blood pool decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye, the body of the Zerg Mother Queen that slowly revealed itself, at least the head exposed earlier, was obviously smaller than just now.
Squeeze yourself vigorously and produce millions of "king bugs" at a time, including the creation of tens of billions of secret weapons, even if supported by the high-energy spar formed by consuming countless planets, even if supported by blood pools containing terrifying energy , This is a serious overdraft of the mother emperor's body and energy.
Even at the last time, it was overdrawing its vitality to complete all this.
The skull full of barbed spines was fully exposed as the tragic green energy liquid in the blood pool dropped rapidly.
Until, the body of the insect emperor and the "building" that had been hidden in the green liquid were simultaneously revealed.
Roshans of different shapes and sizes are like buildings built by humans.
Gene nest.
Evolution pool.
Split room.
Cineng Lair...
The "biological buildings" with different shapes and sizes are themselves unique buildings of Zerg with life characteristics.
And it is not the mother emperor of the Zerg Clan in the complete sense. It knows very well that compared to the complete Zerg, it has exhausted all of its energy and effort, and it is nothing at all.
If you compare the "biological buildings" in the real Zerg base to the exquisite buildings created by human civilization.
Then the mother emperor of the Zerg Clan made these rough castles built by children on the beach.
However, if it is just to guard against intelligent micro-civilization, it is enough in the eyes of the Zerg Clan Mother Emperor.
What's more, there is no Zerzu's ability to dominate, and there is no Zerzu's background.
The mother emperor with the "primitive Zerg" gene, it believes that the future of the Zerg Clan will surely be a hundred worms, and it will completely become a real Zerg.
The water in the pool of blood gradually dried up.
I didn't care about these, the mother emperor who was a little smaller than the original, not only did not appear thin, but also had a little more subtle meaning.
When the blood pool was about to expose the deep riverbed, its body turned into a black lightning.
I don't know how much it is big or small, and the "biological buildings" that it has spent so much effort to build are violently crushed one by one.
The "bio-building complex" comparable to a city soon broke apart and finally melted into green liquid.
"Not enough, not enough!"
The peculiar "Nether Energy" connection allows the mother emperor to clearly feel the status of each growing worm queen, confirming that the remaining energy is not enough to allow millions of worm queens and tens of billions of "secret weapons" to grow and be born , The mother emperor raised a huge skull.
Farther away in the starry sky, there are more miners coming back with a small amount of high-energy spar.
It's just time, obviously too late.
But the mother emperor is not worried, these are already under its consideration.
In the outer space of Mother Nest star, hundreds of billions of spiny insects suddenly escaped from the boundless insect tide.
From different directions, they fell to the mother nest star like a meteorite.
Seeing that it was about to smash down hard, the hundreds of thorn insects that first approached the blood pool abruptly slowed the speed of the fall.
From two directions, tens of billions of spiny worms suddenly ejected bone spurs.
Their targets seem to be thornworms in the opposite direction.
The sharp bone spurs set off a storm among the insects.
One by one, the worms sprayed with blood, and the corpses fell into the blood pool like dumplings.
Under the control of the mother emperor's "Nether Energy", the green liquor that had almost dried up greedily wrapped the worms gushing with blood, devouring and melting every corpse.
With the rainstorm-like insect corpses falling into the blood pool, the green liquid of the high tide, the previously almost compacted fungus blanket became wet again, and the large and small insect eggs began to be sharp. Tremor.
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