Chapter 1370: Battle plan

"We never planned to let your alien civilization directly intervene in this war."
The intelligent micro-civilized brain without emotions responded to the sea of ​​clouds with a calm tone.
After a brief silence, it continued: "Although I don't want to say it, the fact is that your alien civilization is still very weak, at least when facing alien civilizations such as high-tech civilizations and Zergs."
"For example, based on the information we investigated, we concluded that if alien tree civilizations had run into us, they would have no chance to approach the star field controlled by human civilization."
"If they were replaced by the Zerglings, they would use the sea of ​​worms to submerge the different tree tribes. Whether it is an ordinary soul or the tree itself, under the qualitative changes caused by quantitative changes, even the latter can't last long."
"So, in our combat plan, your alien civilization is just a backup."
"If we obtain an absolute advantage of suppression, you can decide whether to participate in the war according to your own wishes."
"If we choose to retreat strategically, we will definitely notify you in advance to ensure that you have enough time to evacuate."
"I said that, is it clear enough?"
Facing the emotions of the sea of ​​clouds, the intelligent micro-civilization responded with a calm tone in the mimicry spirit communication.
Yun Hai felt a little embarrassed when it said that.
But in an instant, this embarrassment disappeared and turned into nothingness.
Everything is for alien civilization.
Not to mention this embarrassment, Yun Hai will not hesitate even if it is a volatile existence.
In this dark cosmic jungle, civilization and civilization either use each other or you die.
Especially now, the alien civilization is very weak in front of the Zergs and the intelligent micro civilization, Yunhai has to be more cautious.
"Well, I want to keep abreast of changes in the war situation."
"At the right time, our alien civilization will intervene in the war."
"Of course, we will consider the overall situation, but we also have enough autonomy."
After thinking about it again and again, feeling that what should be said and discussed has been laid out, Yunhai made the final statement.
"These, there should be no problem."
"There are too many uncertain factors in the war, so we can only coordinate as much as possible when the time comes. We can't guarantee it now."
After "thinking" for a moment, the intelligent micro-civilization gave an answer.
"Okay, so can we go now?"
Having said that, Yunhai has nothing to say.
"A surprise attack is impossible."
"Even if we have been maintaining a microscopic state, the Zergs have countless ways to detect the approach of our fleet."
"So, we can only fight steadily and advance step by step until the final battle is launched in their mother's nest galaxy."
With that said, the light cluster formed by the intelligent micro-civilization fleet flickered twice, and then gradually accelerated towards the outside of the star system.
The spiritual order was issued instantly, and Yunhai chased the light group at the same time.
In the sea of ​​flames of the star, as well as on the planets in its close range, black spots quickly lifted into the sky.
As their speeds were getting faster and faster, the nearly tens of billions of alien troops showed their hideous bodies, but they had already caught up with the alien masters.
Flying in the forefront are the two hundred and fifty thousand "giant tree aliens". After they have evolved, they are full of anger without hiding their breath.
Behind the "giant tree alien" army, more messenger aliens are mixed between guard aliens and drone aliens.
The mighty tens of billions of aliens began to accelerate non-stop.
Looking back at the alien army behind him, Yun Hai suddenly felt a little emotional.
When he was on Earth before, he had imagined the scale of the alien development.
He once thought that as long as he had a tens of billions of alien army, he could cross the universe.
However, the truth is far too far from his imagination. The tens of billions of aliens may only be the force of a tentative attack by the Zerg Clan, or they may be just the intelligent micro-civilization that is developing all the time. The tip of the iceberg of the fleet.
"As we approach, what if the Zerg Tribe chooses to escape?"
At the moment of entering the speed of light, Yunhai sent another message.
"What they do in the mother nest galaxy, we can't observe."
"But if they want to leave, even a small part, including just the mother emperor, will not escape our monitoring."
"Also, plus what you have seen, we are advancing towards the mother nest star of the Zerg Thorn from six different directions at the same time."
"No matter which direction they choose to advance from, it is impossible to escape. We, with space transition technology, will complete their encirclement in the shortest time."
"In addition, based on what we know about the Zergs, they will not choose to escape."
"At least, if they are not at an absolute disadvantage, they won't do it."
The intelligent micro-civilization quickly responded.
Without saying anything, the Yunhai Spirit ordered the alien army to gather, and followed the fleet of intelligent micro-civilization, and soon left the star system and entered the dark and icy interstellar medium region.
On the planet that is constantly being scorched, on its cold shadow side, in its hot molten ocean, in different areas of the planet, four alien queens lifted their skulls and "looked" towards the disappearance of the alien army. direction.
Except for the Spider Alien Queen who followed the Alien Army to the Hive Star of the Zerg Clan, the other four Alien Queens stayed here.
Without massive alien devouring, the number of fire worms on this planet and stars will definitely increase sharply in a short time.
And all they need to do is to keep eating, keep laying eggs, and create more and more aliens in the shortest time.
Because the four alien queens are very clear, the tens of billion aliens who have left here now, after experiencing the war with the Zerg Clan, can return alive, and there may not be even one tenth left.
As far as individuals are concerned, aliens are stronger than spiny worms.
But the known number of Zerg Clan has reached one trillion, and the dominance of their mother emperor is bound to take tens of billions of aliens to intervene in this war.
Therefore, they must create more alien shapes in the shortest time possible.
The skull looking towards the disappearance of the alien army sank, and the huge crocodile gar alien queen's body trembled sharply.
Along with its grizzly neighing sound, its swollen abdomen kept shaking.
When the egg-laying organs under the tail vertebrae split, the tiny worms covered by the white mucosa spewed out violently like a flash flood or an erupting volcano.
The spectacular and even terrifying spews lasted for nearly two long hours.
So that in the huge area, the surface of the hot molten slurry was dyed white.
Tearing through the sticky flesh membranes, those spider-like face worms, ignoring the high temperature of the fiery lava, have already sensed the existence of the breath of life, and quickly dived into the molten ocean, swimming eagerly towards their host. go with.
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