Chapter 1386: Endless stream

"About how many?"
It was confirmed that the "Armored Blade Beast" could be parasitic, Yunhai was determined, and asked while looking around.
"Water is the basis of their reproduction and evolution."
"After selecting this planet, we established tens of thousands of water plants in different regions of the planet, and put hundreds of millions of cells at the same time."
"With sufficient water sources, it took only fifteen sidereal days for these cells to evolve into armored beasts."
"However, according to our research, as long as we provide enough water, they may reproduce once, and the number will increase to at least one billion."
"Now that it is determined that the aliens can parasitize them, we will start to act immediately."
The battleship sub-body immediately responded.
"Let's start, maybe we still have a lot of time, maybe we are running out."
Yun Hai said seriously.
The warship sub-body did not talk nonsense any more, but sent a radio wave message.
Soon, several transport ships appeared out of the planet's orbit, and quickly flew towards different areas of the planet.
At a distance of about fifty kilometers from the sea of ​​clouds, the huge transport ship dropped bombs from high in the slow flight.
The violent continuous explosion left a super huge crater on the surface of the planet.
Then, blocks of ice the size of houses were thrown into the potholes by the transport ship.
The high temperature generated by the explosion quickly melted countless ice cubes.
In just a few hours, a huge lake was formed.
"Did you do the same when you originally put the water source?"
In the mental senses, centered on the artificial lake, countless "blade beasts" inside the planet surging frantically, rushing towards the lake, and the Yunhai spirit ordered the "transport alien" to fly over from the planet's orbit, and asked at the same time .
"Almost, because of the cells, we not only set up water plants in different areas, but we threw down the cell storage equipment together."
"But in the process of cell growth, the water plant and equipment were destroyed by them."
"Now there is no need to consider the growth of cells, so it is simpler, just throw in water to them."
The battleship sub-body responded to him.
At this time, countless "Armored Blade Beasts" had rushed into the lake.
The originally calm water of the lake boiled violently.
Overlooking the sea of ​​clouds flying past, it is estimated that in this artificial lake, there are at least hundreds of thousands of "blade beasts".
And these were only the first to rush over. In the deeper and deeper gravel, there were more "Armor Blade Beasts" desperately rushing over.
"This is not enough water, but we will send transport ships to continuously drop ice cubes to ensure that they have enough water to thrive."
The battleship followed.
"How do they reproduce?"
Looking up at the "Transport Alien" flying overhead, Yun Hai asked curiously while lowering his head.
"There is 0.1% of the fluid in their bodies."
"After absorbing enough water, when the fluid in the body reaches about 50%, their reproduction organs will start to work."
"They reproduce parthenosexually, each will only lay about five to ten egg cells."
"When there is no water in the breeding environment, they will feed back a small amount of water to provide the necessary environment for the growth of egg cells."
"This problem does not exist now. With our continuous supply of water, they only need to lay eggs in the water."
The battleship sub-body immediately responded to Yunhai.
"How long does it take for an egg cell to grow into a complete individual, a complete life form that can parasitize the alien?"
Yun Hai thought for a while and asked again.
"In the case of insufficient water, it takes a long, long time. During our research, we ensure that the egg cell survives but does not give it enough water. It can take thousands of sidereal days to grow to a complete life form."
"With sufficient water, the growth of egg cells only takes about 30 sidereal days."
"Of course, you don't have to wait that long."
"The gene fluids we have developed for them can double their growth rate as long as they are put into water sources."
"That is to say, after fifteen sidereal days, plus the original hundreds of millions of armored blade beasts, your aliens can parasitize at least one billion hosts.
The battleship sub-body responded.
"A parasitic crop, can you have another crop?"
Yun Hai immediately asked again.
"Of course this is possible. After the first batch of egg cells have grown into a complete armor blade beast, you don't need to throw too many face worms at once."
"For example, if you put in 500 million face-holding bugs for a billion armored blade beasts, then after fifteen star days, you will have 5 billion hosts that can parasitize."
"We just need to keep adding water, plus gene fluid, it should be fine."
The battleship sub-body quickly responded to him.
"Can they reproduce like fire worms?"
"Yes. Most living things are like this. If the environment allows them, such as sufficient water, they will continue to multiply."
"Well, I need to trouble you one more time. Just send a giant transport ship. I need you to bring me a few alien queens."
"The reproductive speed of the armored blade beast is not as fast as that of the firefly, but I believe the aliens that are born will definitely be stronger. Now that you have already planned, we will naturally send a transport ship to cooperate with you."
In a straightforward exchange, Yunhai and the battleship sub-body quickly reached an agreement.
The intelligent micro-civilization will send a giant transport ship, considering that the alien may not cooperate with them, Yunyue will also follow it back.
The intelligent micro-civilization, which has always maintained efficient operation, quickly mobilized a transport ship.
"Can't you also give birth to the worm? Why do you want to pick up other alien queens?"
Yun Yue did not want to leave.
"If I enter the state of spawning, whether it is before or after spawning, I will be the same as other queens, weaker than usual."
"If the Zerg Clan suddenly kills at that time, it would be a bit dangerous."
"By the way, it's not about flying back to pick them up, it won't take long to have space to jump."
Yun Hai explained patiently.
Originally wanted to see what kind of alien Yunyue could be created by the "Armored Blade Beast", and realized that he was going to meet the alien queen. In fact, there were only a few long-time things going back and forth, and he quickly left on the transport ship.
Now that the decision to transfer the Alien Queen from the "Fire Worm Galaxy" has been made, the Yunhai Spirit ordered the Alien Transporter carrying the Alien Hug to leave.
Whenever there are more face-carrying bugs around, this has become a habit of Yunhai.
After the "transport alien" flew into outer space, Yunhai began to fly quickly along the surface of the planet after another transport ship dropped a large amount of ice.
Although he was sure that there was no need for intelligent micro-civilization to deceive himself, he still wanted to see with his own eyes how many artificial lakes like this were on the surface of the planet.
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