Chapter 1388: Good progress

The "Ablade Beasts" are not big, so the "Ablade Alien" that was born with them is also divided into the messenger alien by the sea of ​​clouds, which is accustomed to distinguishing categories by body type.
When it comes to the weird body shape, the "jab blade alien" is at least second to none among the messenger aliens.
The evolution of life is uncontrolled.
Life, or genes, will choose the most appropriate and advanced way to evolve. This is the case with the "Armor Blade Alien".
Their body is smaller than the "Armored Blade Beast".
As if being run over by a road rolling machine, the thickest chance of an oval "jab-blade alien" body is the thickness of the palm of an adult.
Its body is entirely a round blade with extremely sharp edges.
However, this does not mean that it has absorbed the host's excellent genes, and has given up the genetic characteristics of the alien itself.
Under normal circumstances, it is like a crustacean.
The smooth skull, sharp forelimbs and slightly sturdy hind limbs, including the long and narrow tail blade, can all protrude from the carapace.
Of course, no matter its skull or limbs, including the tail bones and tail blades that are not changed by any host-born aliens, they are exceptionally thin.
When entering combat mode, its skull, limbs and tailbone will retract into the hard carapace.
Then, it rotated at high speed, enough to cut everything in front of it.
Facts have proved that this is not an exaggeration.
In the test just now, the intelligent micro-civilized conventional warship without an energy shield was easily cut into two halves during the "jab blade alien" flying at close range.
Moreover, the extremely keen "Armor Blade Alien" of combat senses even used the tail blade to destroy the sub-body "hardware" located in the middle of the battleship, or the hardware equipment that they "dwell" in, while cutting the battleship.
Just an alien messenger can do this, which is an absolute surprise for the current sea of ​​clouds.
He just thought about the scene of hundreds of millions, billions of aliens rushing into the swarm of the Zerg Spurs, and it was so dark.
It is like ejecting hundreds of millions or billions of metal blade wheels into the worm tide. There is no need to fight or fight. The "Armor Blade Alien" only needs to maintain the speed and fly back and forth, and it is enough to cut in the worm tide. There are passages.
In addition, they are definitely the best killers who have obtained the ability to change color from the "Armored Blade Beast".
It perfectly hides the breath of their own life, thin body, if they are hidden in the meteorite belt, Yunhai guesses that not to mention the Zergs, even the intelligent micro-civilization will find it difficult to find their existence, or escape their ambush.
"They are not the strongest existence in the Alien, but if their number reaches a certain level, I believe that they will not be inferior to the Zerg."
Compared with the aliens that parasite the "fire worms", Yunhai is too satisfied with the "jab blade aliens".
"Alien Master, you think too much."
"Never underestimate the Zergs. The Zergs we knew about half an era ago, let alone the high-level insects among them, or the regular army of flying dragons, are enough to kill them accurately and efficiently when such aliens approach."
The mechanical monster stopped beside Yunhai and immediately responded after receiving his message.
"Can't you give me some hope?"
The joy and satisfaction brought to Yunhai by the "Jailblade Alien" made him even feel like joking with his son.
"We can only help you, we can't give you hope."
"Whether the fire bug or the armored blade beast, including the more hosts we will provide you in the future, may make you stronger now, but compared to the Zerg, these are far from enough."
"Genes and evolution are the key to your possible rise in the future."
I don't know what euphemism is, and I don't have a child who is accustomed to joking, and seriously responded to Yunhai.
"The next time you take the initiative to initiate a local war, can we dispatch some aliens to follow?"
Without continuing the topic, Yun Hai changed his question.
"I can't decide this, I have to ask the mastermind."
The child immediately responded.
"I'm waiting for your news."
Yun Hai nodded, and then He Yunyue flew to the distant planet with two "jab blade aliens".
I have become accustomed to the almost endless boring flight of the interstellar medium region. The distance between different stars in a star system is almost a blink of an eye for the sea of ​​clouds.
It didn't take long for the sea of ​​clouds to slow down after reaching the planet.
Looking down on the surface of the planet, a smile appeared on his face.
In the hemisphere of the planet he could see, the artificial lakes created by hundreds of intelligent micro-civilizations were like gems.
Non-stop, transport ships shuttle back and forth from the space base closest to the planet.
This is the result of Yunhai and the mastermind reaching an agreement. The intelligent micro-civilization will completely turn this planet into a "mercury", a paradise for the "blade beast" and the alien-shaped beast.
At the same time, the main brain also began to create "fire worms" in the stars.
It's just that this time the "fire worm" was not used to parasitize the alien, but to swallow the alien queen.
The spider alien queen.
Alligator Gar Alien Queen.
Queen ant alien queen.
Blue Star Alien Queen.
Key Alien Queen.
The five alien queens were all picked up by the intelligent microscopic transport ship. All they have to do is to wait for the "fire worms" on the stars to multiply to a certain number, swallow them as much as they want, and then breed more face worms in the shortest time. come out.
In view of the characteristics of "fire worms" splitting and multiplying, it is estimated that at most one star month later, the "fire worms" on the stars will be enough for five alien queens to devour them.
According to the past speed, as long as there is enough food, five alien queens can give birth to tens of billions of worms in a period of half a month to a month.
Therefore, the intelligent micro-civilization has also begun to expand and catalyze the "Blade Beast". However, if you want to satisfy the "Blade Beast" parasitized by the face-carrying insects born by five alien queens, it is obviously not a short time.
With the selfless help of the intelligent micro-civilization, the sea of ​​clouds reciprocates, naturally, it also meets the requirements of the mastermind.
Following him, he reached the alien form of the galaxy in the Zergs, and was transported to different star systems under the arrangement of the sea of ​​clouds.
Their task is to interrupt their attacking rhythm as much as possible when the Zerglings suddenly attack the intelligent micro-civilization through the wormhole.
After all, the magnetic bombardment that popped out through the wormhole can instantly paralyze the intelligent micro-civilized space base and the defensive fleet, but it cannot paralyze the alien.
As long as the aliens can interrupt the attacking rhythm of the Zergs, and buy a critical time for the recovery of the space base and battleship of the intelligent micro-civilization, their losses can also be reduced a lot.
"This batch of billions of aliens should already be brought over by the transport ship."
"The remaining two hundred and fifty thousand giant trees aliens, it is estimated that the evolution is completed within these few days."
"What's more gratifying is that the birth of the armor-blade alien queen, judging from the armor-blade alien's attack power, the fertility of the armor-blade alien queen may not be exaggerated, but its attack power is absolutely powerful."
Floating outside the orbit of the planet, the number of "Armor Blade Beasts" in the artificial lakes in the mental senses is obviously much larger than when he left. The sea of ​​clouds is flying to the area where the "Armor Blade Alien Queen" born by the queen face bug is located. , Thinking in my heart is a look of hard work.
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