Chapter 1390: contradiction

In the vast universe, for most alien creatures, the definition of time and space is very vague.
After staying boringly on the front line for a while, Yunhai finally began to sort these things.
During the flight in the interstellar medium region, the endless emptiness and emptiness made the sea of ​​clouds lose the definition of time.
Fortunately, there are intelligent micro-civilizations. They have extremely precise definitions of time and space. According to the requirements of the sea of ​​clouds, they use the earth time as the unit and the time when the first batch of aliens entered the universe as a benchmark. time.
Because of the difference in "entropy" in the small universe, from the time the earth enters the small universe through the wormhole to the time when the "spiritual brain aliens" leave the small universe and enter the large universe, the sea of ​​clouds defines a year.
In other words, when the alien enters the universe, it is the calendar year of the universe named by the sea of ​​clouds.
In order to grasp the time more accurately, at his request, the intelligent micro-civilization also specially made some timing instruments for him.
These instruments, which only need to be charged by the sun for many years, were distributed by Yunhai to different messenger aliens.
These messenger aliens are almost like Yunhai's "self-propelled storage containers", and some important things to Yunhai, including some commemorative things, are in them.
They won't fight unless they have a last resort.
Of course, in Yunhai's view, even if it is a last resort, even if these messenger aliens are in battle, it is meaningless.
In the seventh month of a year in the Universe Calendar, the remaining 250,000 "giant tree aliens" that have finally completed the evolution were sent to the front lines by intelligent micro-civilization.
All the aliens that followed the sea of ​​clouds and left the small universe at the same time were sent over by the intelligent micro-civilization.
In the two years and three months of the Big Universe, the Zerg Tribe has not launched any attacks for eight consecutive months, and has entered the intelligent micro-civilization of the era of great construction, and decided to take the initiative to launch a tentative attack.
"Every other sidereal day, we will contact those reconnaissance ships."
"As of now, according to your definition of time, nine months have passed, and we still haven't found that spacecraft."
"But we can be sure now that the spacecraft had already left the small universe."
"And within our detectable range, we couldn't find any clues."
"Alien Lords, according to our analysis and judgment, no matter which civilization the spaceship belongs to or what purpose it has, it is unlikely that they will harm your friend."
"So, in any case, you have to focus on the war before you."
"What's the point of finding your friend and losing this war."
Before the battle, facing Yunhai's question, the child of the intelligent micro-civilization responded in this way.
It is clear that the intelligent micro-civilization is right, and Yun Hai no longer struggles with this problem that he cannot solve.
"In addition, the strange beast Ying Sui will also cooperate with this attack. In view of the past between you, I hope you can be more rational."
"Of course, I will try my best to persuade the strange beasts to squint to avoid the intensification of the conflict between you."
The alien army has assembled and entered the transport ship, and the intelligent micro-civilization sub-body that has also been prepared sends another message.
"If Ying Sui has a conflict with us, do you sincerely stop it? Or do you not show up until the situation has developed to a certain extent?"
This sentence flashed in Yunhai's mind, but he didn't say it.
Intelligent micro civilization.
The strange beast should squint.
Alien civilization.
How is the relationship between these three parties now different from before?
Intelligent micro-civilization occupies a dominant position invisibly, and the strange beast Ying Sui and the Zerg Clan clash constantly.
Now, it's just that the Zerg Clan has been replaced by an alien civilization.
"It's coming."
After about half a long hour, the intelligent micro-civilization with no signs of departure finally sent a message.
At the same time, with a burst of intense spatial fluctuations, in the void not far from the fleet, the alien beast should jump out of the turbulent void with its huge body.
"It's not easy to go, just take their transport ship."
"It's just that you want to come back safely, it's not that easy."
While flying over, the strange beast Ying Sui sent out a message in contempt.
"Whether to go or not, we decide ourselves."
"Is it possible to come back? You don't need to worry about it."
Yun Hai responded indifferently.
"If all of their battleships and transport ships are destroyed by the Zergs, and there is no space jump ability, facing the insects with the wormhole ability, I am curious how do you come back?"
"Of course, I won't worry about it."
"Even if you beg me when the time comes, I may not take care of you."
The strange beast sneered a few times and said without fear.
Without paying attention to it, Yunhai didn't want to argue with it.
If the attitude of intelligent micro-civilization is clear, Yunhai will never hesitate.
With half a million "giant tree aliens" plus him and the alien beast aliens, Yunhai believes that the possibility of killing the alien beast Ying Sui is extremely high.
However, considering that even at a heavy price, the intelligent micro-civilization may take action to stop the alien at the critical moment of killing the alien beast Ying Sui, Yun Hai can only suppress his anger.
"Alien civilization needs reliable allies."
"So, up to now, alien civilization does not recognize that the alien beast Ying Sui is our ally."
The fleet of intelligent micro-civilization speeds up, and then disappears in the space shock. When the alien beast Ying Sui leaves in the same way, Yun Hai sends a message to the intelligent micro-civilization.
"We will find a way to solve this problem."
"This is the case with the alien beast Ying Sui. It is like more alien civilizations, but directly weighs everything with its strength."
"If your alien civilization is now as powerful as the Zerg Clan, no matter how arrogant it is, it still has some scruples."
"So, becoming stronger in the shortest time possible is the most critical issue for your alien civilization."
The intelligent micro-civilization was silent for a while before it responded to the sea of ​​clouds.
Without saying anything, Yun Hai turned and flew towards the distant planet.
"I still want to follow along."
Yunyue, who hadn't said a word for a long time, said depressedly.
"It's not the time yet. This is just a tentative attack. Even if the Zerg Assassins have any killers, they won't use it now."
"More importantly, although Alien Beast Ying Sui is arrogant, it is not wrong."
"If all the warships and transport ships that the intelligent micro-civilization fought this time were all destroyed by the Zerg Tribe, we might have gone and never returned."
"Send some aliens to participate in this tentative attack because I want to know my opponent as much as possible."
"But we can't know that the fire pit is ahead and we have to jump in. This is why I don't let you, the alien beasts, and the giant tree aliens fight."
Flying unhurriedly, Yun Hai responded to Yun Yue with a deep voice.
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