Chapter 1432: Desperate Battle of the Holy Gate

It's dark and bright.
It's big and small.
When Yunhai's spiritual senses shrouded that special existence, even his thoughts were chaotic.
In a daze, he felt that it was a supernova about to explode, but it looked like a zombie star that might die at any time.
The chaos in the dark and cold interstellar medium region is like countless star systems twisted into vortices under the gravitational pull of "black holes".
It is also like a space gate that is more complex and mysterious than the "wormhole", it just exists quietly and violently.
Darkness and light.
Huge and small.
Quiet and violent.
These originally paradoxical phenomena coexist chaotically and harmoniously in Yunhai's spiritual senses.
"what is this?"
Yunyue's surprised voice rang in Yunhai's mind.
Without responding to her, Yun Hai's attention had already diverted with difficulty.
The chaotic area of ​​interstellar medium is not empty.
Pieces of large and small meteorites have been transformed into battlestars, which seem to be chaotically arranged in front of the chaotic area.
The Battlestar equipped with various weapons has enough firepower to cover the entire area.
These are still secondary, and there are still a large number of battleships among these scattered battlestars.
The starry sky is endless, so from a distance it seems that the battleships and battleships are very densely distributed.
In fact, in this empty interstellar medium area, the distance between the battleship and the Battlestar is very large.
No one expected such an accident. The transport fleet disguised as aliens just plunged over, and each sub-body seemed to crash instantly.
The opposite was also dumbfounded.
The battleships that had been in the formation or were about to leave, suddenly stopped.
These are only instantaneous.
"This is the battleship of the Star Alliance uniting the nations. They have obviously discovered the invasion of the Zergs."
"We have to go to the other side of the space door, where the Zergs are there."
The sub-body of Yunhai's transport ship sent a message to him.
Without even waiting for him to respond, the huge transportation fleet speeded up, really like a giant predatory beast, rushing towards the "space gate" with teeth and claws.
At this moment, the other side also reacted.
The battleships that were originally facing the "Space Gate" quickly turned around while jetting turbulence, including battleships large and small.
While turning, no matter the Battlestar or the battleship, they opened fire violently.
Energy weapons dominate the mainstream. From beams, high-energy rays to antimatter rays, almost 90% of attacks are of one type.
There are also some special attacks, such as destructive weapons similar to the Earth's intercontinental missiles driven by a strong energy tail flame, including the slowest but fastest launching space weapon attacks.
Ignoring all these attacks, the huge transport fleet just moved straight ahead against the frenzy of attacks.
The energy shield blocked all attacks.
Including the seemingly inconspicuous black lightning, but compared to other attacks, when the black lightning from the space weapon slammed into the "bionic layer" camouflaged by the transport ship, the invisible energy shield pulled There was a shock in the void.
"Energy shield!"
"Don't think about anything, increase firepower output!"
"You can't let them get close to the holy gate, even if they blew up, stop them!"
Bloomer, who had just arrived at the "Holy Gate" on the 9th and had not even had time to complete the deployment of the fleet, widened his eyes, almost shouting in the communication channel.
There is no "Murphy's Law" in the "Star Clan" or even the Star Alliance United.
If you are worried about a certain situation, it is more likely to happen. This is the famous "Murphy's Law" on earth.
When he just arrived at the "Holy Gate" on No. 9, Bloomer was still thinking that if the monsters suddenly appeared in this area through the wormhole, with their fierceness and brutality, let alone their fleet now, even if Ten fleets are probably useless, and the "Holy Gate" will definitely fall.
In the universe, different civilizations have different histories and different languages, but principles are common at certain times.
For example, "Murphy's Law", Bloomer's most worried thing just now, it happened immediately.
Moreover, these monsters are still super giant, and the appearance alone is enough to make more people collapse.
The appearance of the "energy shield" made Bloomer almost desperate.
"Star Alliance United Nations" does not have such a powerful "energy shield", even if it is a main ship.
If there are more than a hundred space weapons, attack a main ship at the same time.
Under the dark lightning attack on the road, the main ship under attack had no way to go except for disorganization, explosion, and fragmentation.
However, right in front of him, millions of giant monsters suddenly appeared, and those at the forefront, after being attacked by hundreds of space weapons in succession, were actually resisted by the "energy shield". .
The monsters of the Tej star system are so fierce without the "energy shield".
Now these giant monsters that are bigger than their main ships, they have energy shields, how powerful they should be!
Bloomer, whose despair began to dominate his thoughts, turned his head to look aside with difficulty.
His confidential assistant has already passed these pictures out.
He had done everything he could, and Bloomer, who turned his head and looked through the observation window again, could only pray.
No longer consider the problem of energy overload, whether it is a Battlestar or a battleship, the firepower output is adjusted to the maximum in an instant, and it is poured out towards the target.
At the same time, various types of transport ships in the fleet speeded up and left the defensive area, flying straight to the front of the "Holy Gate".
Their purpose is very clear. If these huge monsters break through the blockade, they will speed up and crash into it without hesitation, trying to die with the target.
The level of civilization is not at the same level, and the gap in strength cannot be made up by quantity.
This time, with almost all the elite sea of ​​clouds, the intelligent micro-civilization had to pinch its nose to send out millions of giant transport ships.
Millions of giant transport ships are disguised as aliens, which means millions of giant aliens.
The defense in front of the "Holy Gate" is nothing more than a million-odd Battlestar and tens of thousands of warships.
If the numbers are reversed, millions of warships will concentrate their firepower on the transport ships of intelligent micro-civilization, and they may be able to explode one by one.
Only this little defensive force, after being scattered on different intelligent micro-civilized transport ships, with the strength of the current "Sky Stars", it is impossible to defeat intelligent micro-civilized transport ships.
In this way, millions of giant transport ships withstand the seemingly spectacular and terrifying attack frenzy and move forward with unstoppable momentum.
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