Chapter 1438: The happiness i want

Rowan's words did not cause an uproar.
After all, these speakers are not those parliamentarians.
It's not that they are smarter than those legislators, but that their power and perspective are different, and their approach to problems is also different.
Things have developed to the current situation, and evasion cannot solve any problems. These speakers are very clear that compared with the heritage of civilization, everything can be discarded.
The body was infected with moss. When the virus did not spread, nothing could be removed except the head.
"How much time our ancestors spent, we still can't be sure, they haven't solved the secrets of the temple."
"What about us? Two epochs have passed without even a clue. How can it be possible to solve the secret in just a year!"
"Besides, who knows what the secret of the temple represents. In other words, even if we are lucky enough to unlock this secret, we may not be able to change the current situation."
"So, don't pin your hopes on the temple of nothingness."
After a while, another speaker of the Star Clan spoke up.
"You can say that this is an old man's paranoia. I have always firmly believed that if the secrets of the temple are unlocked, our sky star civilization will make great progress."
"Similarly, even if the Star Civilization reaches the key to life and death, as long as we can unlock the secrets of the temple, we will definitely turn defeat into victory."
"The proposal just passed in Parliament must be implemented."
"Let our affiliated civilizations go up first and let them attract the firepower of alien civilizations."
"The escape plan will be launched in full right away. We have already had a proposal very early on how to do it. We just need to implement it."
"I will take the group of nine to the Holy Star. Just as Rowan said, I hope we are lucky enough."
Patrick stood up tremblingly after speaking, and his light screen quickly went black.
This brief meeting ended.
The sixteen speakers were all staring at the darkened light screen and lost in thought.
They all know that everything has just begun.
"Picture" smug.
As a unique "worm general", "Tu" dreams of life is to stay away from the mother nest star and away from the mother emperor.
As long as the mother emperor is by his side, as the "picture" of the "worm general", it is no different from an ordinary reptile.
If it leaves the Mother Nest, it will be dominated by hundreds of millions of bugs or more.
"Enlightenment" gave the "worm general" more wisdom, but the desire for ambition and power also grew.
Of course, all "worms" are absolutely loyal to the mother emperor.
There is no doubt about this.
When "Thorn Ya" was still alive, he firmly suppressed all the "worm generals", almost the "spoke worm" of the mother emperor.
In other words, if it weren't for the "thorn" to die, this time the mission might not be its turn.
"This is the happiness I want."
Standing on the top of the towering building, the "Tu" looking forward to the sky has half of its white tender arm in its mouth. It feels comfortable and feels that it can float up even without using the energy in its body.
What else is happier than being able to eat fresh flesh and blood anytime, anytime!
What could be happier than destroying all life in a star system to your heart's content!
"Picture" is so refreshing and hard to say.
The whole city has become a ghost domain.
Regardless of the Celestial tribe or other races, whether they hide in the bottom of the earth, high mountains, or deep seas, wetlands or swamps, all pervasive spines can find them.
The smallest "phyllophyte" in this city, even if they are only the size of an adult's thumb, are swallowed up by "magnetic blasters" who are particularly interested in them.
It can be said that there are few living beings in the whole city.
There are not even a few insects—the energy field emitted by the spread of the mushroom blanket is absolutely deadly to all tiny living entities.
Of course, nothing is absolute.
On the roof of the huge building where the "picture" is located, all kinds of "food" are lying everywhere.
There are not many people in the Stars, after all, their population base in this city is originally small.
However, "Tu" is not picky. Compared to just getting nutrients from the blood pool and absorbing energy from the ore, it can eat delicious flesh and blood, even if the energy in it is minimal, which is a rare enjoyment for "Tu".
Several spiny worms are distributed on the roof of the building, their duty is to ensure that these "food" will not escape or commit suicide.
Because the "picture" has said, the "food" that is alive is the most delicious.
The small and sharp palatal teeth quickly swallowed half of the arm in the cutting mouth, and the "picture" flew up.
Passing through the undulating buildings, under the gaze of more thornworms on the streets and roofs, the "picture" quickly reached the central square of the city.
The huge blood pool has spread to several kilometers in diameter.
Just when the "picture" arrived, the riddled foundation eroded by the energy of the blood pool could no longer withstand the pressure, and a towering huge building collapsed.
The whole building was completely smashed into the blood pool.
It's just that the slightly swaying blood pool did not set off a monstrous spray, but it was like an invisible giant kiss directly engulfing the building under the surface.
A huge female worm poked her head out of the blood pool and nodded to the "Tu" in the air.
It was determined that it could continuously produce reptiles at a later time, and the "picture" flew around the sky above the blood pool, and then soared into the sky.
This beautiful planet has already formed nine blood pools.
Eight female worms, plus one worm, will turn this life planet into a dead star in the shortest possible time.
Thinking of where his sharp limbs were pointing, tens of billions and hundreds of billions of insects rushed up violently, and "Tu" shuddered with excitement.
However, at this moment, a message was like ice water poured on the head, making the "picture" cool from the inside out.
"A suspicious target was found."
"The energy radiation fluctuates, it should be them."
After occupying the Tej star system, the worms that have spread out have also established a communication network, and this information is transmitted back by the communication network.
It is also going to go to another "picture" of a planet of life. Suddenly closed his figure.
Who is this "they" refers to, the "picture" is naturally clear, and worms have a special definition of intelligent micro-civilization in communication.
"How many are there?"
"Picture" immediately sent a message.
After a while, the communication network responded: "Hundreds of units, big and different."
One unit in the cognition of insects is the ten thousand in the cognition of the human federation and the sea of ​​clouds.
"Millions, the battleship they dispatched this time is very big, different from the conventional battleships in the past!"
"Pictures" will soon complete the incomplete information.
At this time, it had calmed down and made a decision immediately.
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