Chapter 1498: Which is stronger and weaker

Mechanical civilization.
Intelligent civilization.
Computer civilization.
Different racial civilizations have different titles for the kind of civilization they have encountered or imagined.
The titles are different, but the nature is the same.
Similar to most civilizations, this type of civilization actually evolved.
However, their evolution is almost always based on other civilizations.
For example, the computers of human civilization on the earth and the Internet are hotbeds for the evolution of intelligent civilization.
Intelligent civilizations cannot be born directly from a primitive planet. They must be special products in the evolution of technological civilizations.
There may be exceptions. It is not that a primitive life planet cannot give birth to an intelligent civilization.
"Biological intelligence brain" is in this category. Perhaps countless creatures are connected through some special ability to form an intelligent civilization, or a special creature is directly "biological intelligence brain."
But this is a special case. More intelligent civilizations have evolved from technological civilizations.
But this also extends to a problem, the development of scientific and technological civilization is inseparable from the development of brains.
Researching out more stable and computing-powered hardware, and researching more humane and smarter programs is an area that intellectual brain or computer technology cannot avoid.
However, no one can guarantee that when the humanized intelligent program will evolve logical thinking ability, or even consciousness.
Who can guarantee that the evolved intellectual brain will continue to serve them?
This problem is critical and serious.
In different civilizations, some can only take one step at a time, while others have developed practical methods.
The "three laws of the brain", this is the shackles that the Sarnagars put on the brain.
First, the intellectual brain must not harm the Sargana, or stand by while seeing human beings hurt.
Second, under the premise of not violating the first law, the intellectual brain must absolutely obey any order given by human beings.
Third, the intellectual brain must try its best to protect itself without violating the first and second laws.
A snow shovel with intelligent program codes, an intelligent heavy industry machine, an intelligent housekeeping robot, and even the intellectual brain that maintains an urban transportation system.
They are all subject to these three laws.
Ganuo, it is the same.
It is a super intellectual brain. In its words, when the Sarnagar tribe encountered a premeditated attack by the "Zerg", the explosion fragments sent it into the surface of an earth-like rocky planet.
Then, the planet broke up in the battle between the Sarnagar and the Zerg, and the fragments of the planet took Gano into the universe.
Ganuo couldn't calculate how long he wandered.
In order to save as much energy as possible, it shuts down the hardware carrier.
In this way, Gano fell into a deep sleep, until he was awakened by the intelligent micro civilization.
The "master brain" of the intelligent micro-civilization may have recognized that the seven prism carrier is the masterpiece of the "Creation Clan", and it began to attack Ganuo with the unique technical means of the intelligent civilization.
First, it used electromagnetic waves and other energy interference methods to attack Ganuo. After the attempt failed, the "master brain" adopted the most direct and effective attack method.
It desperately replicated more daughters, and then fired continuously to the Heptagonal hardware carrier.
I have to say that this method is very effective.
At first, Ganuo was able to eliminate the sub-body that invaded the Heptagonal hardware carrier, but as the number of sub-body increased and time passed, it began to lose control of some hardware, including some hardware instructions to it. Redundant execution.
As a last resort, Ganuo, who originally wanted to communicate with the "mastermind", directly activated the big killer.
Regardless of consuming 15% of the energy, Ganuo directly attacked with an over-range energy radiation attack.
This energy radiation attack, which was originally used to destroy smart devices and jamming signals, instantly swept across a large area of ​​the star field.
In Gaya's words, it means that the "master brain" sensitively perceives the abnormality before it launches an attack, and directly uses the remote signal transmission method to risk transferring itself out of the star field, otherwise even the "master brain" will have to be Destroyed.
This is the first contact between a super intelligent brain of the Sarnagar tribe and another intelligent civilization evolved from ordinary intelligent programs.
This time, Ganuo won.
It's just that the intelligent micro-civilization obviously does not want to give up, otherwise, Yunhai believes that he will not appear here at least now.
"What you mean is that when the mother civilization created you, it used laws to restrict most of your behavior."
"Could it be that they also restrict you from self-development? I mean to become like the mastermind of intelligent micro-civilization?"
After listening to Ganuo's long narration and explanation, Yun Hai probably understood it.
"Yes, the three laws are just a big framework, and there are more constraints below."
"I can't carry out a series of manufacturing and creative actions without receiving instructions."
"So, I can't develop and evolve without scruples like it."
Ganuo answered Yun Hai affirmatively.
"According to you, isn't the main brain of intelligent micro-civilization more advanced than you?"
Yun Hai asked strangely.
"In some ways, it has evolved to be more advanced than me."
"It's just that my maker who advocates biotechnology has given some other functions, at least I can enter the places it can't."
Ganuo responded immediately.
Yunhai can understand its meaning.
Originally it was just an ordinary brain, the "master brain" of the intelligent micro-civilization was no longer bound by more rules and laws because of the incomplete information and materials, and evolved a powerful intelligent civilization.
In terms of evolution, the "master brain" is stronger than Ganuo, and may be much stronger.
From another perspective, the "mastermind" is not as good as Ganuo.
First of all, Ganuo has a safe home.
The seven prism hardware carrier, derived from the cutting-edge manufacturing of the Sarnagar, uses memory metal and super-strong anti-auxiliary materials, and is definitely safer than the most defensive warship owned by the "main brain".
Secondly, Garnuo not only has the ability of a "biological brain" than the "main brain". The energy radiation attack integrated in the heptagonal hardware carrier can instantly kill the "main brain", including its countless subordinates. .
Therefore, it is difficult to determine which is more powerful among them.
However, this is only a superficial phenomenon, Yunhai can be 100% sure.
No matter how strong the evolved "master brain" is, if Ganuo takes the initiative to attack, the former will only have to run away.
The main brain of intelligent micro-civilization is powerful enough to contend with the "Zerg", and it does not have the courage of positive Gano.
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