Chapter 1530: The real "tide"

The facts once again proved that Yunhai's deep worries were not groundless worries.
The first joint operation of the three civilizations had already deviated from expectations at the very beginning.
The 300 million warships and transport ships that crash into the insect tide at the speed of light, if they work, will be of great help to the breakthrough of alien civilization.
However, it turns out that this plan has no effect at all.
Faster than the oncoming worm tide is the bone spur frenzy. I have seen the sea of ​​bone spur frenzy several times. Only at this moment did I understand what the real bone spur frenzy is.
Compared with this time, the previous few times were like waves rising from the river, but this time the bone spur frenzy was the real huge wave.
The black bone spurs, densely twisted together, occupy almost the entire space.
Almost at the same time Yunhai "seeed" them, the violent bone spur frenzy had already flooded 300 million warships and transport ships.
The kinetic energy of these battleships and transport ships is indeed very strong, but compared to the bone spur ejection that can pierce metal battleships, it is not so strong.
In Yunhai’s mental senses, those battleships and transport ships were directly pierced by bone spurs, and then directly torn into pieces in more bone-spur-covered attacks.
If insects or alien tide-like attacks are described as huge waves, then such bone spur frenzy is completely horizontally draining meteors.
With an unstoppable aura and an unstoppable dominance, that spectacular and terrifying bone spur frenzy slammed into the alien army.
There is no need for the "Cerebral Worm Alien" to specifically remind them that the 30 billion "Armor Blade Alien" flying in the forefront have already shrunk their formation as much as possible before the Bone Spurs frenzy, and they are squeezed together.
There is obviously no sound transmission in the universe, but at the moment when it was covered by the bone spur frenzy, Yunhai seemed to hear the dense impact of heavy rain on the tile shed.
The next second, his alien body was also stabbed densely and continuously by violent bone spurs.
Without using the "Nether Energy Shield", it was not that Yun Hai Tuo ignored these bone spur attacks, but in order to meet the upcoming high-intensity combat, he must preserve as much power as possible.
Of course, this is also under the premise that Yun Hai has absolute confidence in his own defense.
The gene fragments extracted from the body of the "Armor Blade Alien" related to the defense of their bones, after the successful fusion of Yunhai, the attack power has not changed much, but his defense has almost doubled.
You know, when he was originally defensive, he was already very perverted.
Sure enough, after those bone spurs violently hit Yunhai's body, none of them could even leave a trace on his even stronger bone armor, let alone pierce it.
Without exception, bone spurs have terrifying kinetic energy, and when they hit a bone armor that is harder than metal, they are undoubtedly shattered.
Of course, this is limited to the sea of ​​clouds.
Regardless of "Ablade Alien", "Ablade Alien Queen" or "Alien Beast Alien", the ones flying in the front and blocking the front, all become hedgehogs in an instant.
When more dense bone spurs flew farther to the interstellar medium region, the 30 billion "jab blade aliens" damaged about 30 million.
Most of the people who died were "Armor Blade Alien", who flew at the forefront of the sharp knife formation.
Under the continuous and intensive and terrifying continuous blows of bone spurs, they were first stabbed into hedgehogs, then pierced, and then torn to pieces like those warships and transport ships.
Thirty million "Armor Blade Alien"!
When Yunhai was on the earth, he could traverse the apocalyptic China with hundreds of aliens.
Thirty million "Armor Blade Alien"!
When Yunhai first arrived in the small universe, it had hundreds of thousands of aliens.
The 30 million "Armor Blade Alien" was torn to pieces without even seeing the shadow of the Zergs.
This is the real war of different civilizations.
This is the war that determines the fate of a civilization.
There is no anger or heartache because of the 30 million alien deaths.
On the contrary, Yun Hai suddenly became excited.
It was like the blood all over his body was boiling, the combative bloodthirsty in his bones was completely awakened, Yun Hai wished to rush into the worm tide to kill as much as he wants, tearing up everything that stood in front of him.
This is not good. The reason left in Yunhai's heart tells him that excitement and impulse are not allowed to appear in such a war.
However, he can control himself, but he cannot completely suppress these impulses.
This may be the root of the contradiction, from the bones to the genes are now completely alien.
And the brain or soul of this body comes from human beings on a beautiful blue planet.
Human soul, alien body.
This complex of contradictions constitutes the sea of ​​clouds-the alien ruler.
"Speed ​​up, the impact of bone spurs made us slower."
Obviously, the "Cerebral Worm Alien" was not excited or impulsive, and its spiritual order was instantly issued.
At this time, finally, the worm tide appeared.
The alien army is like a flock of rushing birds.
And the worms in the distance are entirely locusts that are more terrifying and spectacular than a flock of birds.
The sides are almost invisible, and they are not densely packed insects, completely covering every inch of the cloud sea's advancement.
Without fear, or even impulse or excitement, Yun Hai could clearly feel that every alien around him remained absolutely calm, or indifferent.
This indifference stems from genes.
No matter how many insects there are in front of them, they are the same indifferent.
Regardless of whether they will die next second, they are equally indifferent.
To be precise, life that is precious to most creatures, without exception, maintains absolute disregard, which of course also includes their own lives.
"According to the plan, the intelligent micro-civilization should now launch an attack."
The ruler of the commander alien who is more like the sea of ​​clouds, the only "cerebrate alien" with wisdom among all the aliens, sent a message to the sea of ​​clouds when the worms in the distance clearly began to turmoil.
This time, there were no accidents.
With its information just reached the mind of Yunhai, behind the alien formation, in the void parallel to the staggered trajectory of the alien, along with the distortion of space, ships, groups, and pieces of warships appeared through spatial transitions. .
It fully embodies the characteristics of intelligent micro-civilization, or incomparable advantages.
Dozens of battleship clusters appeared at the same time, maintaining near-perfect accuracy regardless of attack angle and distance.
Subsequently, millions of warships opened fire.
Tangible or intangible, spectacular and terrifying or silent.
The firepower net, which originated from dozens of battleship clusters and millions of battleships, passed the violently advancing alien army from different directions, and poured into the worm tide.
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