Chapter 1589: Mo Huangxing

Forty miniature bee-class battleships.
Four medium-sized beast-class battleships.
Forty-four battleships surrounded the huge "biological giant ship" from different positions in the center, and flew towards Mo Huangxing on the edge of the star system in another direction.
Everything seems very normal.
Remotely controlled a fairly complete "biological giant ship" to fly to the target area. Forty-four warships are enough to destroy the firepower of an intermediate civilization.
At least since the "Biological Giant Ship" entered the star system, everything was normal and calm.
However, a small transport ship recklessly broke in, causing the formation of warships to circumvent an instant chaos.
In this instant of chaos, an anomaly appeared.
From the "Biological Giant Ship", six aliens suddenly jumped out.
Three of them sturdily rushed to the nearest bee-shaped battleship, while the remaining three flew toward the nearest planet.
Three energy rays shot out from the three bee-shaped battleships, directly hitting the aliens trying to attack them.
At close range, the speed of light energy rays are completely inevitable attacks.
The three aliens were directly hit by the energy rays, and the energy arc that exploded immediately enveloped their bodies.
In the next second, when the energy arc disappeared, the three aliens also disappeared without a trace.
The other three fleeing aliens are the same. When the three bee-shaped warships teleported to the front in a short space jump and blocked them, the energy rays emitted by the three biaos simultaneously wiped them out.
At this time, the remaining aliens in the "Biological Giant Ship" who were about to attack shrank their necks, and then quickly spread out and hid them.
Aliens are not afraid of death, but they will not make unnecessary sacrifices.
The offensive power of these warships is far beyond what they can handle.
Rather than rushing out to find death now, it is better to hide and wait for an opportunity to move again.
Although ordinary aliens don't have much wisdom, they still have this consciousness or fighting instinct.
"Idiots, you idiots."
"Do you know how big the original life form and the copied life form are?"
"Do you know what creatures are loaded on this ancient transport ship?"
"Do you know what you just killed?"
However, at this moment, an angry voice rang in the fleet's public communication channel.
"This is a temporary combat communication channel. If there is nothing particularly important, please do not occupy this channel."
Where did the temporary battleship formation squad leader manage a lot, and responded unhappily in the communication channel.
"Who are you? Give your number?"
The angry voice became louder.
The team leader also caught fire. He stood up abruptly. He didn't know what he thought of, but he swallowed his breath and sat down without saying anything.
"I am Sisi, from now on, I will take over this mission."
"I solemnly declare that this is not a combat mission, but an and transportation mission."
"You don't have the authority to connect and touch the creatures in the giant creature ship."
"From now on, if they jump out of the giant biological ship, whoever dares to kill another one, I want you to pay for it."
The angry voice was no longer shouting, but the tension and firmness in his voice could be heard by anyone.
"Sage, you have seen it too, they are fast and responsive."
"If we try to catch them, it may only take a few seconds for them to jump to the nearest planet, and they will definitely cause losses by then."
The team leader felt fortunate. He finally didn't say anything bad to offend the other party, and then he explained in a low voice in the communication channel.
Almost all types of scientists of the Sarnagar ethnic group have more or less research involvement in biotechnology.
However, the most outstanding scientists among them are biologists.
Only the top among these biologists will be called the "sage".
The leader rules the Sarnagar, and the "sage" is the spiritual ruler of this civilization.
In this dense star system, only five of the Sarnagars, who have recovered some vitality after a long period of development, have gained the title of "sage".
Among the five "sages", Sixi has the strongest ability.
If anyone offends Xixi and is still in the way of his research field, if the matter is spread, the team leader estimates that the saliva of the tribe can drown him.
"What could be more costly than killing them?"
"Don't say that they jumped to nearby planets, but they escaped to the parliament building, you can just catch them, and I will bear no matter what loss it causes."
"Remember, from now on, I don't want to see you kill another one."
Xixi's response made the team leader swear in his heart, but he could only pinch his nose to respond.
"Don't talk about escaping to the parliament building, just escaping to other places on other planets, and any damage caused will only make me bear the blame."
"What the is in this biological transport ship? It can make the sage so excited!"
The squad leader thought wildly in his mind, and at the same time gave the command to all the warships "only catch, not fight".
Fortunately, everything else is normal.
No matter what creatures are hidden in the "creature ship", the team leader is sure they are smart.
At least they did not rush out to die like the previous six.
In this way, the fleet escorted the "Biological Giant Ship" all the way to Mo Huangxing.
Mo Huangxing, like the "hunting star", is a relatively special terrestrial and rocky life planet in this star system.
It's just that countless creatures die on the "Star Hunting", and new creatures are created and put on.
But Mo Huangxing was very desolate.
It is a planet of life, which is true.
But on this planet of life, apart from plants and some of the lowest-level bugs, the rest are the "animals" in the understanding of the earth.
Moreover, different regions of this planet are separately circled.
From energy shields to energy light nets, various defense measures prevent different creatures from entering the areas that are not allowed.
In other words, different areas of Mo Huangxing are different test grounds.
When various genes are fused together to create a new life form, they will be put here and then comprehensively evaluated.
The huge "biological giant ship" did not stop in the orbit of Mo Huangxing, but flew directly to the surface of the planet.
The moment it fell to the ground, it was determined that all measures had been activated. After handing over with the guards on Mo Huangxing, the forty-four warships fled the planet under the command of the captain.
What is in the "Biological Giant Ship"?
Why is the "sage" so nervous?
The captain or other crew members no longer think about these things. They still know it. Some things are better if they know less.
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