Chapter 1594: on the way

Ganuo was furious, and the "brainworm alien" was calm.
Yunhai knows nothing about these.
In fact, this time he has made a serious estimation error.
In his opinion, even though Yunyue is impulsive and rebellious, she is still very sensible when it comes to major and important matters.
Ruling the entire Zerg Clan--they number ten times more than Alien, not to mention the responsibility of ruling Alien civilization after he leaves. Under such circumstances, how could Yun Hai think that Yun Yue dare Leave secretly.
However, no matter what he thinks, no matter what Yunyue will do, Yunhai feels that this time it is imperative.
The first is the alien ruler, and the second is a father.
Or maybe it's a father first, and the alien ruler second.
Is Alien Domination Important? Or is the father more important?
It has been difficult for Yunhai to define this for a long time.
From the perspective of Zerg or Alien, the issue of blood or offspring is simply irrelevant.
In order to protect herself, the Alien Queen can easily let more of her "children" charge into battle or even die, because from the interests of the entire race, its safety is more important than other aliens.
However, the sea of ​​clouds must not be a true alien, or alien dominator.
He has never forgotten that the "Tree God" gave up fighting for the continuation of its civilization and gave him the seeds.
He had never neglected that the "Void Beast" gave up his life for the flesh and blood in his belly.
Asking himself, Yunhai is not sure what he can do for the blood and flesh of Zhihan in the belly.
But one thing he can be sure of is that if he knows the whereabouts of Zhihan, he will definitely go and see no matter what the price is.
In fact, in some respects, Yunhai has been evading.
When Alien Civilization just entered the universe, Zhi Han and the first Alien Queen disappeared.
The attitude of the intelligent micro-civilization is ambiguous, and the strange beast Ying Sui and the Zerg Cyborg are staring at each other.
Under such circumstances, it is impossible for him to safely leave the star field with the alien army.
If he chooses to leave on his own, from the point of view of the "mastermind" of intelligent micro-civilization, the brutal alien civilization has lost a domineering rule with a human soul, and their fate can be imagined.
Therefore, Yunhai could only comfort himself at that time-the universe is so big, before there is no definite information, he just gave up the alien civilization and left, which is basically a headless fly.
In this way, the intelligent micro-civilization sent some detectors and spacecraft to try to help Yunhai find clues, and he chose to stay.
Everything is moving in the direction originally expected.
Because of an uncertain factor-the appearance of Ganuo, Yunhai led the alien civilization to the last laugh, becoming the biggest and only winner.
As if it was the favor of the creator of the universe, when all the troubles before him were solved, and when the alien civilization began to enter the golden evolutionary development period, the clue finally appeared.
Yunhai is more than ninety-nine percent sure that what appears at the edge of the river system is the alien that followed the first alien queen to leave.
Moreover, he felt that it was more than 80% possible that the first generation alien queen and Zhi Han had already left there.
The edge of the river system is the area where the intelligent micro-civilized warship finds problems, and there will never be too many alien shapes.
They are just clues left by the first generation alien queen.
Although the original Alien Queen was not sure how long it would take for the alien civilization led by Yunhai to develop or travel on the edge of the river system, it did so out of caution.
These are all Yunhai's premonitions.
And he believed his hunch.
"It's been more than a year, no matter if Zhihan has a human baby in his womb, or an alien, it should have been born long ago."
"Haha, the former is unlikely. Although Zhihan is a human being, except for the human soul, I have completely transformed into an alien."
"It's better if it's an alien. As a descendant of the alien ruler, what you will experience in the future will be magnificent and thrilling. After all, aliens are better able to adapt to this dark and dangerous universe than humans."
"It's just that I'm not around, I don't know Zhihan..."
Thinking that he already had a child in this cold and empty universe, and being touched by the softest part of his heart, Yun Hai's mood suddenly became better.
It's just that when he thought of that beautiful and gentle Zhihan, his mood suddenly deepened again.
In Alien's eyes, there are only the host and the queen, the same kind.
Or the little life in Zhihan's belly has always regarded her as a host, a host that can make it grow up.
If Zhihan had been by Yunhai's side, he would have 10,000 ways to give birth to the alien in her abdomen safely, and Zhihan might experience pain but would never die.
It's just that everything that should have happened has already happened. Yunhai is just an alien ruler and not a "master of the universe." He cannot change the fact that has happened.
Outside the observation window specially installed for him by the transport ship, there was a distorted and misty light and shadow.
After a while, accompanied by a sense of chaos in time and space, the transport ship experienced another spatial leap.
Ending his random thoughts, Yunhai retracted his gaze and began to turn his attention to the console in front of him.
Yunhai was also out of prudent consideration when he refused to install "sub-body" for the transport ship.
He was more than 90% sure that the spacecraft that took Zhihan away belonged to the Sarnagar.
As for the control of that spaceship, whether it was an intellectual brain like the extinct "Mastermind" or Gano, or a certain surviving Sarnagar, Yunhai could not be sure.
Regardless of the former or the latter, Yunhai cannot give the intelligent micro-civilization the opportunity to contact it or him.
The absence of sub-body does not mean that the transport ship is not smart enough.
With the help of Ganuo, the intelligent control program of Yunhai and the transport ship has been perfectly matched.
The biological brain itself is part of the Sarnagar biotechnology. If Yunhai is not familiar enough with this ability, Ganuo does not even need to pre-install the intelligent control program. It only needs some specific instruments, and Yunhai can rely on it. My own spirit and mind control this transport ship.
The warship on the edge of the river system not only sent back information about the existence of the alien, but also sent back the star map it constructed.
Taking different galaxies as references, Yunhai quickly determined the current position of the transport ship.
With two more long hours, one day passed.
The location of the transport ship marked on the star map is almost only the starting point of the journey.
With a sigh in his heart, Yunhai connected his mental power with the transport ship, including the connection of the intelligent control system.
After confirming that all the power engines and energy generators of the transport ship were working in a healthy manner, he immediately relaxed and threw himself into the battle drill.
"StarCraft" is based on the idea of ​​the sea of ​​clouds, and Garnuo has added many new things to it.
Rather than saying that this is a virtual game that uses relaxation, it is better to say that it is a battle drill platform tailored for Yunhai.
Whether it is fighting or fighting with some powerful alien beasts in the universe, or leading aliens in fierce battles with other races in different environments.
At last, Gano completed the development of this game before Yunhai set off, and finally Yunhai found some fresh and exciting things during the long boring trip.
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