Chapter 1614: The youngest president of the Senate in history

"According to the Protoss, there are already more than seventy-six types or types of troops known to the Zerg."
"Of these seventy-six kinds of insects, 21 of them are common types of troops on the battlefield."
"From the huge Leviathan to the ferocious thunder beasts, from the overwhelming tyrannosaurus to the endless swift beasts, these 21 ferocious and violent combat Zerg arms, which have even exceeded the number of arms in active service in our Human Federation. ."
"In addition, these 21 kinds of insects are just the existing regular fighting insects of the Zerg tribe when the Protoss is leaving."
"When they were in official contact with the Zerg, the number was only eleven."
"In other words, other kinds of bugs, they are constantly evolving into bugs that are better at fighting."
"When the Protoss left, the Zerg had 21 powerful units. Whether this number has now become 31 or more, we are not sure yet."
"After all, in our several battles with the Zerg, we encountered only their advance team, only a small number of insects. This is like our reconnaissance fleet. It does not represent the combat effectiveness of our fleet. "
"So, there is no need to doubt the power of the Zerg."
"Basically, the Protoss is already very powerful in our opinion?"
"Let's not forget that they were occupied by the Zerg on their home planet and fled to this star field."
"From the several attacks of the Zerg advance team, we can already foresee it."
"Sooner or later, they will invade this star field aggressively."
"By then, if we can't find a way to defeat them, then we can imagine our fate."
"Please don't ignore the fact that our Morning Star Human Federation cannot be compared with the Protoss."
"It's not combat power. Our human federation is not as strong as we thought, but we are not as weak. I can't say such a thing as defeating the Zerg, but if our opponent is replaced by the Protoss, I will not say that I have absolute confidence. Victory, but it will never be defeated in the short term."
"What I'm talking about cannot be compared, it's still quantity."
"The formation of the Human Federation has only been around an era, but our Spirit Race has been developing for millions of years."
"Although, we have also experienced violent turbulence and too many changes, but the spirit race has survived and developed in the universe for millions of years."
"The Human Federation has a total population of 630 billion, and the Spirit Race accounts for 50% of the population."
"A population of 630 billion people lives in 271 different star systems and lives on 364 different life planets."
"The population of 630 billion corresponds to 600 fleets."
"If we convert all the warships of the 600 fleet into transport ships, we can't take one-thousandth of the population."
"Because every time we take away a person, we have to bring more supplies necessary for survival."
"So, we have no retreat."
"If we lose the battle, we will lose completely."
"We can't be like the Protoss who are all soldiers. Their population is small and the number of warships is large, so they can move all the people flexibly."
"Today, holding this secret meeting, I just want to tell you, in the coming war, what are we going to do? What are we going to do?"
In the huge conference room, it was bright.
On the seat of the Speaker, under the huge badge formed by countless silver stars and red background colors, Federal Senate President Du Haoyu stood upright.
It didn't take long for the human civilization in the small universe to change from "monarchy" to "federal parliamentary system."
However, the "Silver Dragon Human Federation" and the "Morning Star Human Federation" cannot be compared at all.
If you have to compare, then the current "Silver Dragon Human Federation" is like a tribe hiding in the deep mountains and old forests, and the "Morning Star Human Federation" is already a civilization that has stepped out of the planet toward the sea of ​​stars.
A population of 630 billion, more than 400 different civilizations and races.
Such a human federation can truly bear the word "federation".
Du Haoyu is the "Spirit Race", a member of the "Spirit Race" that occupies 50% of the entire Federation's population.
Different civilizations always have some things in common.
Just like the "Star Alliance United Nations", the "spirit race", which occupies an absolute population, also occupies an absolute number in the "Morning Star Human Federation" council.
The entire "Morning Star Human Federation" is divided into five regions according to different star regions.
Galaxy District.
Xing Yao District.
Xinghui District.
Starry night area.
Star shadow area.
Each of the five districts has a president of the Senate.
Among the five Senate chairpersons, three are occupied by "spiritual races".
Among the 110 chairpersons of the House, 51 "spirit races" occupy 51.
Among the 672 councillors, the "spirit tribe" accounted for a little more than half.
However, compared to the "Star Alliance United Nations", the "Morning Star Human Federation" is more enlightened.
The simplest example, the "Morning Star Human Federation" Senate President has a veto.
In other words, when a proposal requires five Senate Speakers to vote.
Even if the three senator presidents of the "spiritual" expressed affirmation at the same time, as long as one of the other two senator presidents expressed opposition, the proposal would not be passed.
In this way, the position of each president of the Senate is particularly important.
Du Haoyu is an alternative to the president of the Senate.
He is the youngest president of the Senate elected by the five districts in a referendum, and may be the youngest in history.
At his age, more people are still struggling, qualifying, and gaining fame in the parliament, but Du Haoyu has already reached the pinnacle of power-if he does not want to infer that the parliament is changed to a "monarchy", power will be on his way. There is nothing to fight for.
Of course, the biggest reason for this situation is the "Protoss".
After the emergence of the "Protoss", Du Haoyu, who was just a member of Parliament at the time, severely opposed the decision of the parliament, and tried his best to lobby a Senate president to veto the proposal at that time.
If the proposal were to be followed, when the "Protoss" approached the "Morning Star Human Federation", they would not be greeted with careful contact and negotiation, but endless artillery attacks.
If it really did that, the "Morning Star Human Federation" could fully imagine how the proud "Protoss" would react after receiving the attack.
In this way, Du Haoyu, who was able to promote and walked on the front line of negotiations with the "Star Spirits", became famous in the "Morning Star Human Federation".
Especially when the "Xinglings" appointed Du Haoyu to participate in several internal meetings of theirs, after the president of the Senate, who was persuaded by him at the time, clearly proposed to abdicate and nominate him, everything was a matter of course.
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