Chapter 1618: Behemoth

The endless universe, emptiness and desolation, darkness and coldness are its eternal themes.
However, there is no absolute thing in the universe.
In the eyes of most civilizations, even if they or they have more bases, it is impossible to make the universe no longer empty.
The frogs at the bottom of the well never know how big the sky is, and if they have not seen the civilization of the "Zerg", they will never understand what a real "worm tide" or "worm sea" is.
This "tide" and this "sea" are not described in an environment like the surface of a planet, but are aimed at the universe.
Planet of Allus.
In the star system where the "Zerg" mother nest star named by the Sarnagar family is located, the universe of the entire star system is full of "meteorites".
If there are other civilizations observing this place from a distance with some kind of scientific equipment, they would probably think that this star system that is almost filled with meteorites is absolutely abnormal.
However, if they are allowed to see these "meteorites" of varying sizes or even without a regular movement track, when they see what they are, it is estimated that more civilizations who do not know the real situation will find it difficult to believe what they see.
No one has counted the number of these insects, not even the "lord" of the "Zerg".
According to the orders of the "master", each "lord" controls more than a trillion bugs.
However, when you come and go frequently, they don't know how many "lords" there are in this star system.
Of course, the "master" must be clear, but it does not care about these.
The Alius star does not have much symbolic meaning to the "master".
Even if it was once born on this planet, with the help of the Sarnagars, the evolution that may take trillions of years and trillions of epochs will be completed in the shortest time.
Even if it was given special abilities by the Sarnagars, it eventually controlled the entire "Zerg" and crossed the sea, and a single attack would completely wipe out the race that created them.
Even though, the "Zerg" that now makes more civilizations frightened was born on this planet.
However, as far as the "master" is concerned, the Eros star still has no symbolic meaning in spirit.
From the perspective of "Master", the only significance of Alius Star lies in its effect on the "Zerg".
It can’t say that it occupies every inch of space, but in this star system, every bug that has fallen into a dormant state can see other bugs in all directions as long as you look up, and you can still see it clearly.
Such a density is already amazing for the empty universe.
The entire Alius star system is dark and silent.
Those bugs that do not know how many years have been sleeping, if there is no accident, they will continue to fall asleep until one day they are awakened by the "master" or "lord", or the invading "enemy".
Only these can wake them up.
As for the other insects, being familiar with the breath of the same kind is like being familiar with their own body, so they will not be awakened by other flying insects.
At this moment, on the edge of an empty and cold Allos star system, a certain space suddenly appeared ripples.
In an instant, the seemingly silent or undefended Alius star system suddenly changed.
Close to this area of ​​abnormal spatial fluctuations, some seemingly huge meatballs "bloom".
Originally, it was a worm that hugged in a single ball.
Compared with this star system, there are more worms that have entered a deep dormancy period. At least during this period, they served as patrol missions, and they responded immediately.
The huge body stretched out, and the seemingly plump body was dragged with black beards of various lengths.
The fat bodies of these worms began to swell rapidly, and at the same time the huge petal-like kiss closed tightly.
In the process, a distorted wormhole in the fluctuating space has appeared and spread quickly.
Wormholes are not very big.
A weird head came out of the wormhole.
Several huge compound eyes were turning, and it flew out of the wormhole like a struggle.
At this moment, the bugs that locked the wormhole with their giant kisses are still bulging
The huge body is about to catch up with the largest transport ship that the human federation can make.
Its head is covered with a large carapace, and it is surrounded by protruding appendages.
It has many eyes, the eyes on the front of the head are actually smaller, and in the cracks in the hard carapace that extends to the sides, more and bigger eyes are squeezed into a ball, which looks very strange.
Its mouth is very big, but its mouth is not for eating.
Flying freely in the universe, it has long been out of the backward way that requires traditional eating to replenish energy.
Now it only needs to obtain various gas substances on different planets, and then it can be broken down and refined into the energy it needs through more sophisticated organs than more scientific instruments.
One such extraction can allow it to travel through countless star systems in the universe without worrying about energy.
Its huge mouth is actually just the entrance to a "chamber".
Inside this "chamber", there is a huge space.
Inside this "chamber" comparable to a super transport ship, it is like a perfect masterpiece of a machine, and the arched internal space is evenly divided into countless independent small spaces.
In these independent smaller "chambers" are vesicle-like protrusions.
Among these things called "folded sacs" are loaded with "king insects".
They are all "king bugs", but they are not all the same.
When these "king insects" were born, they were given different abilities by the "Genetic Engineers" among the "Zerg".
Some "king worms" will become "lords" after breaking the vesicles, and they are the commanders of the "Zerg".
Some "king insects" will evolve into "mother insects", and their task is to breed more insects.
And this huge monster, the number of "king insects" it carried at one time reached tens of millions.
In other words, the "Zerg" only needs to send such giant worms to different river systems, and the "Zerg Master" can get the dominance of those target galaxies and even river systems.
"Where the Behemoth worm goes, destruction will arrive there."
This sentence was once widely circulated among the "Stars".
And "Behemoth" is the name for this giant insect.
Compared with its combat power, what makes the "Protoss" more headaches is its magical mobility and its terrifying transportation capabilities.
The "Protoss" can monitor the large-scale actions of the "Zerg", but they cannot capture the movement of a "Behemoth".
The appearance of a "Behimos giant insect" often means that an overwhelming worm tide will appear soon.
Flying out of the wormhole, this huge "Behemoth" did not stop, but flew towards the Alius star at a speed that seemed unhurried or slow.
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